View Full Version : Radar Detector

03-06-2019, 04:00 PM
Wonder how much of the range is reduced on radar detector if not mounted at the cutout on the stock solar coated windshield. I know the toll booth will not detect my Toll Tag some of the time. I want to keep the stock windshied, but would rather have detector mounted at roof line.

03-06-2019, 04:36 PM
Wonder how much of the range is reduced on radar detector if not mounted at the cutout on the stock solar coated windshield. I know the toll booth will not detect my Toll Tag some of the time. I want to keep the stock windshied, but would rather have detector mounted at roof line.

Probably substantial reduction of range. I was thinking of remote mounting Valentine V1 under the hood within a waterproof box. This will solve range issue but result in loss of rear detection.

03-06-2019, 04:45 PM
Probably substantial reduction of range. I was thinking of remote mounting Valentine V1 under the hood within a waterproof box. This will solve range issue but result in loss of rear detection.

I believe Escort offers a built unit that you can add rear detection (pricey) I've had a Valentine, but my favorite is the Escort 9500 with the GPS detection.

03-06-2019, 06:42 PM
Ross, where are you mounting the radar detector and how is it wired? I just hate the idea of cables laying across the dash with a plug dangling in the AC plug.

03-06-2019, 06:48 PM
Actually not using a radar detector because I am same way....dont want wires laying across dash. On my other cars, I had a stereo shop run a hardwire kit and moubt the detector just left of rear view mirror. Think I would need to replace windshield for that setup to work in the ZR-1.

03-06-2019, 07:03 PM
Early 90s I ran hard wire for Escort to underside of dash vent. Only about 2-3” of exposed wire pretty much hidden behind the unit. Being a 91 with wide port, worked out fine.

03-06-2019, 09:50 PM
Dunno I use a Radenso mounted in the Cut out. I need every advantage. But I don't drive like I use to. For what its worth I have in the past, on a different car run front and rear remote mounted K40 detectors with laser jammers. The jammers were effective, the K40 was ok but when we did a high speed run from New Orleans to Houston using the K40 and a V1 simultaneoulsy the V1 kicked its *** in filtering false alarms. The jammers worked well though. during the day a spotter riding shotgun with binoculars is very effective. Don't ask how I know, please. 3:15 from Downtown NO to west side of Houston, including a quick pee stop.

03-07-2019, 08:49 AM
Ross, where are you mounting the radar detector and how is it wired? I just hate the idea of cables laying across the dash with a plug dangling in the AC plug.

They have battery based ones, but time out after 2 hours if nothing is detected. Got s ticket right after is powered off.🤬

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03-07-2019, 10:04 AM
Wonder how much of the range is reduced on radar detector if not mounted at the cutout on the stock solar coated windshield. I know the toll booth will not detect my Toll Tag some of the time. I want to keep the stock windshied, but would rather have detector mounted at roof line.

I don't know about range reduction, as I always mounted mine in the cutout along with my I Pass/EZ Pass transponder. Both always worked fine. When I had the '95 first in for service I had Marc Haibeck run the V1 wire under the dash from a fuse tap in the passenger side fuse block on the right side of the dash (his normal approach). He ran the wire up under the dash and out through the radio speaker bezel, cutting a very small notch in the bezel edge to allow the wire to come out with the bezel fully closed. I mounted the V1 such that it was pressed against the I Pass transponder firmly enough to hold it against the glass. Here's a picture of it. you can just see the V1, suction cups and the I Pass in the left corner. --Bob

03-07-2019, 12:51 PM
My V1 is in the cutout. That is why it is there by design. The solar laminate blocks normal operation. Same for EZpass and even my burglar alarm remote for the house.

My wires are hidden under a dash mat and the unit is hardwired into the assessory tap behind the console.

I have a V1 hidden display in the DIC.

Here is how that looks....


03-07-2019, 03:06 PM
I live in a gated community and I have to hold the gate opener in the cut out or out the window for it to work.... My V-1 is always in the cut out.... cord is run the normal way over the dash to the cigar lighter..... meh... no biggie...

03-07-2019, 04:23 PM
I live in a gated community and I have to hold the gate opener in the cut out or out the window for it to work.... My V-1 is always in the cut out.... cord is run the normal way over the dash to the cigar lighter..... meh... no biggie...

I have to hold my alarm remote for the house outside or it won’t set. That cutout is there for a reason

03-14-2019, 02:26 PM
Some years ago I did a test, I pulled off to the side of the road about two hundred yards from a static radar trailer. I moved my V1 around to different locations in the windshield, pretty much anywhere besides the cut-out resulted in about a 50% reduction in lit bars (signal strength).

03-14-2019, 02:28 PM
Thanks Bob. That is about what I was thinking.