View Full Version : priming the oil system

03-05-2019, 08:54 AM
How can you prime the oil system on an lt5? I have an engine that has sat for years and would like to prime the engine before even trying to crank it over.

03-05-2019, 11:17 AM

03-05-2019, 06:42 PM
Here is the primer rig I put together using a new clean 1.5 gallon hand pump bug sprayer from Home Depot and my cylinder leak down tester.
First plug off the oil cooler fittings on the filter housing.
Then connected the feed line it to the 1/8" pipe plug on top of the filter housing.
Fill the sprayer tank with oil.
Adjust the air pressure regulator to 15 PSI.
Stand back and drink some coffee.



03-05-2019, 07:04 PM
If the engine has been laid up for an extended period I would first drain any oil left in the pan. Then flush a quart or two of clean mineral spirits through the dipstick tube. Blow compressed air through the dipstick tube to clear out any remaining mineral spirits. Then flush again with four quarts of engine oil using the primer rig. Let it set over night so the cam housings thoroughly drain. Install new oil filter and fill to the the dipstick full mark using the primer rig.

03-05-2019, 09:28 PM
I remembered that you engineered a solution to the priming problem, but wasn't able to find it easily. Glad you dropped in. I think I'm going to make me one of those.:dancing

03-07-2019, 01:39 PM
I was thinking of doing something similar to that. I will be pulling the pan off just to take a look at everything so the pan will be completely clean before it goes back on.

03-07-2019, 03:08 PM
I was thinking of doing something similar to that. I will be pulling the pan off just to take a look at everything so the pan will be completely clean before it goes back on.

Removing and cleaning the pan is even a better plan.
Probably wouldn’t hurt to pull, clean, and reset the cam tensioners while you’re at it. Could also pull the oil pressure regulator valve assembly for inspection and cleaning. Speaking from personal experience you’ll never know what corrosion and gunk buildup you can run into with an engine that has been laid up for a long time. Better to discover and correct it before lighting wick again.

03-08-2019, 01:56 PM
I have been contemplating on removing the front cover but wasn't sure that it was all that necessary.

03-08-2019, 03:19 PM
Really not necessary unless you find pieces of cam chain guide in the oil pan or have obvious signs of a leaking front seal.

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