View Full Version : Need help with bad whine at start up

01-18-2019, 01:33 AM
I hate to have my first post be a call for help but I'm new to the ZR1, I just replaced my fuel injectors and all went well until I tried to start it. As soon as it starts it jumps up to 3000 rpm and promptly dies, all the while it has a whining sound (serpentine belt?) it will keep running if I give it gas but something sounds like its rubbing and it does have a smell like hot rubber/plastic. Its most likely something stupid that I missed but any advice would be great.

Video of start up.

01-18-2019, 07:23 AM

Did you routed the belt the proper way?
Please show/ give us some more information, can you make a video from serpetine belt when starting.
Jumping to 3000 rpm straight possible big vacuum leak, check throttle position/ did you removed the cable and installed it proper back...
How about the fuel pressure....

How more information you give how better the answer back.

Regards, Jitse

01-18-2019, 06:35 PM
Well, I have confirmed that the serpentine belt is not the problem, and I checked the throttle sensor and cables and they are good. I checked all of the vacuum lines and fittings when I reinstalled the plenum and they seemed in good condition, but I could still have a leak somewhere, but I cant check because I don't like the loud whine noise while its running. I guess it must be something wrong with the install of the injectors. What would cause them to make that noise?

01-18-2019, 06:42 PM
Take the accordian off the throttle body and try starting it.
That is not injector sound.
Where is the sound coming from? front, rear,left,right,trans, etc,
If you had a big vacuum leak the motor would stay running at higher idle.


01-18-2019, 06:43 PM
What air duct do you have? Post photo?

01-18-2019, 08:35 PM
I have the stock air duct and I have tried starting it with the accordion off the throttle body and it still has the problems. The sound is coming from the motor but I cant tell what side because it dies before I can get out and I really don't want to run the engine while its making that noise.

01-18-2019, 08:36 PM
Remove the serpentine belt and fire it up for a few seconds.

Then pull the plenum and check everything one more time.

That is not injector sound.
Where is the sound coming from? front, rear,left,right,trans, etc,
If you had a big vacuum leak the motor would stay running at higher idle.


I concur with Pete....I have no idea what would cause that sound except one of the pulleys on the front.

I just replaced my fuel injectors and all went well until I tried to start it. As soon as it starts it jumps up to 3000 rpm and promptly dies, all the while it has a whining sound.

Exactly how did you replace the fuel injectors? and what fuel injectors did you use (but like we said...…..the whine sound seems like metal contact and not air whistle).

01-18-2019, 09:25 PM
The fuel injectors are from SouthBay Fuel Injectors (I know they are not the best), and I followed plenum removal instructions from zr1netregistry and then removed the fuel rails pulled the old injectors replaced with new injectors reattached the fuel rails and replaced the plenum again using the instructions.

01-18-2019, 09:43 PM
Pull the belt off and check for frozen or locked up pulley.
Start motor without the belt.


01-18-2019, 10:28 PM
Last time I heard a sound like that it was the alternator. I’ve also heard the the AC clutch make a high pitched screech. Is the AC off when you start it? I concur with taking the belt off and running it briefly without the belt. That will eliminate any of the belt driven accessories. I doubt the noise and the inability to run are related. But you never know.

01-18-2019, 10:47 PM
I have pulled the belt, however nothing has changed, it looks like I just have to pull the plenum tomorrow and triple check everything again.

01-18-2019, 11:10 PM
I have pulled the belt, however nothing has changed, it looks like I just have to pull the plenum tomorrow and triple check everything again.

but......the whine sound seems like metal contact and not air whistle.
but since you pulled the belt....……..it has to be air whistle which must be a Injector Housing Gasket leak or similar.

Unless there is a wrench stuck under the Harmonic Balancer :p

01-18-2019, 11:30 PM
I have pulled the belt, however nothing has changed, it looks like I just have to pull the plenum tomorrow and triple check everything again.

Measure twice, cut once.

01-19-2019, 12:22 AM
My guess is going to be starter drive not pulling back off the flywheel gear.

01-19-2019, 01:52 AM
My guess is going to be starter drive not pulling back off the flywheel gear.

That would do it :thumbsup:

And since he prolly has vacuum leak or MAP unplugged a Plenum Pull should include a check of the starter :cheers:

Except the "promptly dies".

Reconditioning of Top End includes New Injectors, New Vacuum system (lines and connectors) and Reconditioned/new starter....oh.....and Phil's Improved Fuel Pressure Regulator and for some.....TB Coolant blocked at injector housing.

01-19-2019, 03:32 AM
Thank you all for the advice, I redid the plenum install and its still screaming at me. I guess that I need to look at the starter, a bit of coolant did leak out when I removed the plenum, would that cause the starter problem?

01-19-2019, 10:31 AM
When you check the starter as 1991ZR1 suggests.....also make sure the valley drain is clear.

01-19-2019, 12:13 PM
Thank you all for the advice, I redid the plenum install and its still screaming at me. I guess that I need to look at the starter, a bit of coolant did leak out when I removed the plenum, would that cause the starter problem?

Good work, now we’re getting somewhere. More than likely the engine valley drain is clogged. Very common. When coolant went down there it flooded the starter and is causing the starter drive gear to stick in the ring gear. The noise is probably the starter being driven by the ring gear. You’ll have to pull the starter, clear the drain, disassemble the solenoid/plunger portion of the starter and clean everything up. Probably a good idea to at least rebuild that part of the starter while your in there. Given its location if your not comfortable rebuilding the starter you might want to just exchange it for a rebuilt one. No sense in putting it all back together only to find out the starter is ruined. That should solve the starting noise problem. The not running part is likely something else. As was mentioned make sure both MAP sensors are plugged in and have their vacuum lines attached.

01-20-2019, 07:38 AM
Coincidentally could his primary fuel pump have just gone bad? Isn't starting, running a short while then dying a symptom of that?

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

Hib Halverson
01-20-2019, 11:58 AM
The OP stated the engine starts and goes up to 3000 then promptly dies.

With a dead primary fuel pump...since the engine starts on both pumps and runs that way a while until the ECT comes up to a certain value, it won't die until the ECM cuts off the secondary pump and that does not happen immediately after start.

01-20-2019, 12:09 PM
As for the no start, while your in there check the pins for the ignition module connectors. It’s possible one got bent over when it was reconnected. It’s easy to do.

Paul Workman
01-20-2019, 12:43 PM
Far as trouble shooting the fuel pumps goes, checking the current draw at the diagnostic lead (red wire jutting out of the big wire loom near the windshield wiper motor).

Each pump draws 4-5 amperes each for a total of 8-10A with both pumps working..

With the ignition switch OFF you can configure your VOM for measuring current and connect the meter between the positive terminal of the battery and that diagnostic test point.

If the reading is only 4-5 amperes, then you have part of your answer.