View Full Version : Working on the Z in winter

01-17-2019, 08:22 PM
I’m blessed to have a 30x50 shop/garage which I love to work in 6 months out of the year. The other 6 months are called winter here in Wisconsin and it gets cold. The shop isn’t insulated and it’s really too big and expensive to heat normally. (Yup, first world problem to be sure)

I decided I would try this experiment. I purchased a 10x20' “tent” for 60 bucks and set it up inside the garage. The ZR-1 is inside the tent. I can now heat inside the tent without heating the rest of the shop. Yeah, I know the tent isn’t very efficient at holding in the heat, but it’s much better than nothing. I just set it up today and I won’t really have a chance to use it for a couple weeks due to some other issues, but my preliminary test seems to indicate this should work. I plan to run my torpedo heater for 15 minutes inside the tent, and then switch to one of my electric heaters. In the small space, the torpedo heater will really warm things up, but it’s so darn loud. I’m hoping the quiet electric heater will be able to sustain the warmth over a few hours.

I’ll report the results in a month or so.

In the meantime, I’ll don my nomex suit and you can flame away regarding my idea.


01-17-2019, 08:54 PM
Looks like a creative solution to work in a heated space! Let us know how it goes!

01-17-2019, 11:20 PM
Sounds like a great idea.

01-17-2019, 11:51 PM
I think that will make a big difference for you. Another idea for ya, I park my Z on a over sized rubber car storage mat it helps keep the cold cement away from the Z and my feet when working on it.... I hope you pulled the correct permit for that structure Lol [emoji23] ... The tent police are harsh.

Sent from my Gt-p7510 using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

George Maz
01-18-2019, 01:32 AM
Consider using a CO Detector inside the tent while torpedo heating, or running engine. Carbon monoxide is a silent killer.
A large ABC type extinguisher nearby in case tent material catches fire. Halon type for the cars makes no powdery mess.
I heat a 20x20 peaked roof garage with wood burning stove, gets warm enough for just a tee shirt.

01-18-2019, 05:31 AM
Ain’t nothin wrong with that,lookin good!

01-18-2019, 06:19 AM
I agree with the CO detector.

Paul Workman
01-18-2019, 07:07 AM
Fantastic idea! I recon heat will be from and electric heater - (CO, CO2 = XXX)

However, being a WI "cheese-head", I recon you could heat it by keeping a couple dairy cows in there with ya. And you could periodically burn the methane they generate too! :p;)

I do place cardboard on top of 8x10 carpet remnants to 'kill the chill' on the ol body when working under the car, and reduce condensation (!).

Anyway...sometimes "simple and elegant" solutions trump the "complex and wonderful". Your idea is great!:worship: (Why didn't I think of that!?)

01-18-2019, 10:30 AM
I use to use kerosene floor torch heaters. They would always burn out and fail.

Was thinking about an electric heater but never got around to buying one.

01-18-2019, 11:07 AM
While this won't help Gary, if you have a two car garage and would like to heat it, here's what I did in 2007. Prices higher now I am sure. First I got an insulation company to blow in insulation in the attic and in the walls. About $900 as I recall. I really don't think they put much in the walls but the ceiling seems to be sufficiently done. My garage walls were already drwalled; otherwise I would have put batts in and dry walled it. Second, I put an electric heater in an upper corner of the garage. I got the 220v kind as it is a bit more efficient that the 115v one.I think it is a Fahrenheat model FUH54 240 volt 2500-5000 watt heater that sells for about $300 on Amazon. Had an electrician run a 220 line from the basement box to the heater (about 25'-30' total) and install the heater. As I recall the heater and line installation was about $1,000 total. (Some people use gas heaters; my son the residential architect just installed gas garage heaters in a spec house he is building. I guess they are OK but I feel more comfortable having an electric one). I keep the thermostat set at 50 degrees so on a cold day in the winter the garage near the kitchen door is about that temp; near the garage door is is probably 10 degrees colder. I later installed a steel insulated door and I think that improved the situation. It works great to keep the cars moderately warm and I can store chemicals and things in the garage that would otherwise not be able to stand a freeze.-Bob

01-18-2019, 06:47 PM
Hey Gary
Where did you get the tent?


01-18-2019, 08:58 PM
Thanks Guys

Looks like a creative solution to work in a heated space! Let us know how it goes!

Thanks. I won't have a chance to really try it out for a few weeks, but I'll let you know.

Sounds like a great idea.

Thanks. I want to try something so I don't freeze out there.

I think that will make a big difference for you. Another idea for ya, I park my Z on a over sized rubber car storage mat it helps keep the cold cement away from the Z and my feet when working on it.... I hope you pulled the correct permit for that structure Lol [emoji23] ... The tent police are harsh.

Sent from my Gt-p7510 using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

Good idea about the mat. I do have an outdoor carpet down under the Z, and I think that helps. If I lived in the "big city" I would probably need a permit ;)

Consider using a CO Detector inside the tent while torpedo heating, or running engine. Carbon monoxide is a silent killer.
A large ABC type extinguisher nearby in case tent material catches fire. Halon type for the cars makes no powdery mess.

Good idea about the CO detector. I have one on the ceiling, but I might just put it inside the tent. And, good idea about extinguishers. I do have a couple in the garage, and I think I'll place one in the tent.

Ain’t nothin wrong with that,lookin good!

Thanks, I think the "windows" add class :o

I agree with the CO detector.

You guys convinced me :)

01-18-2019, 09:03 PM
I use to use kerosene floor torch heaters. They would always burn out and fail.

Was thinking about an electric heater but never got around to buying one.

Kerosene is expensive, but I don't like the smell of diesel. I hope the torpedo will heat it up and then the electric can "keep up"

Fantastic idea! I recon heat will be from and electric heater - (CO, CO2 = XXX)

However, being a WI "cheese-head", I recon you could heat it by keeping a couple dairy cows in there with ya. And you could periodically burn the methane they generate too! :p;)

I do place cardboard on top of 8x10 carpet remnants to 'kill the chill' on the ol body when working under the car, and reduce condensation (!).

Anyway...sometimes "simple and elegant" solutions trump the "complex and wonderful". Your idea is great!:worship: (Why didn't I think of that!?)

Thanks Paul. Yeah, a cow or two inside would keep it warm :p

While this won't help Gary, if you have a two car garage and would like to heat it, here's what I did in 2007. Prices higher now I am sure.

Very nice setup Bob. "Someday" I'd like to do something like this.

01-18-2019, 09:06 PM
Hey Gary
Where did you get the tent?

Hey Pete, it was this one here
https://www.amazon.com/Smartxchoices-Outdoor-Waterproof-Removable-Sidewalls/dp/B07GGTWG4H/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1547863491&sr=8-1&keywords=Smartxchoices+10%27+x+20%27+Outdoor+White +Waterproof+Gazebo+Canopy+Tent

I see the price has gone up a little, but still a bargain :p

Top Toy
01-19-2019, 05:25 AM
Be very, very careful using a torpedo heater inside the tent. For two reasons. They're designed to be used outdoors or twell ventilated spaces due to the CO factor. Second, the heat is so intense, there will be a very high risk of fire and/or damage to your Z. Suggest you use electric only and just give it more time to warm up. If you can run two 110V heaters off separate circuits, they should keep it very toasty in there. Or one larger 220V if you have the power available.

Sent from my HTC U11 using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

01-19-2019, 06:24 AM
Good point about the "after burner" affect of the torpedo heater. It's either pointed at the Z, or at the tent. Neither of which is good.

01-19-2019, 01:17 PM
Be very, very careful using a torpedo heater inside the tent. For two reasons. They're designed to be used outdoors or twell ventilated spaces due to the CO factor. Second, the heat is so intense, there will be a very high risk of fire and/or damage to your Z. Suggest you use electric only and just give it more time to warm up. If you can run two 110V heaters off separate circuits, they should keep it very toasty in there. Or one larger 220V if you have the power available.

Sent from my HTC U11 using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

I agree. I think that a couple of good sized electric room heaters would keep a 10x20 space more than toasty for the amount of time you will be using it. There is a bunch of different ones including with or without a fan, baseboard type, etc. and they are not very expensive. Stay warm Gary, but safe!--Bob

01-19-2019, 09:55 PM
Thanks guys, I appreciate the concern and comments.

I'll ensure I can heat this safely, and if it means using electric heaters, I'll do that.