View Full Version : Suggestions for Fiske FM5 refinish/paint

01-12-2019, 04:14 PM
I purchased a used set of 17" FM5's this summer and while they were a little rough looking, thought they would clean up OK. Took them to Ye Old Wheel Shop and they did a great job polishing the lip and painting the inside barrels grey but the centers did not clean up very well. Wheels were sitting outside for a few years and well.....you know what can happen.
I am thinking of painting the centers, maybe a bright silver.

Any suggestions or thoughts?


01-12-2019, 05:04 PM
I purchased a used set of 17" FM5's this summer and while they were a little rough looking, thought they would clean up OK. Took them to Ye Old Wheel Shop and they did a great job polishing the lip and painting the inside barrels grey but the centers did not clean up very well. Wheels were sitting outside for a few years and well.....you know what can happen.
I am thinking of painting the centers, maybe a bright silver.

Any suggestions or thoughts?


Ye Old wheel couldn’t do diamond cutting?

01-12-2019, 07:47 PM
They said to polish the centers would be very labor intensive....$$$$. Will go back next week and speak to John as he was not there today and see what options he suggests.

01-12-2019, 08:40 PM
What finish do the centers have now?

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01-12-2019, 08:56 PM
Hi Phil, these are the before photos from this summer when I purchased them. Will get some more next week showing the polished lip and painted barrel.

01-13-2019, 12:07 AM
Hi Phil, these are the before photos from this summer when I purchased them. Will get some more next week showing the polished lip and painted barrel.

Any thoughts on blackening the centers..... I may do that to my set on my red 90.... GC

01-13-2019, 10:34 AM
That is certainly an option and think it would look good on a red car but right now am leaning towards a bright metallic silver

01-13-2019, 11:30 AM
From what I can see with a little elbow grease should be able to polish up just fine. Surely a lot easier than the Fikse Profil 10s I polished awhile back that first required removal of anodized surface treatment.

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01-13-2019, 09:25 PM
I had the centers of my Profil 5’s painted a silver color that I found in the ADV-1 site. In all honesty, I like them better now than I did the machined finish. Ye Ole Wheel shop should be able to paint them any color of your choice.

01-17-2019, 08:59 AM
I was able to catch up with John at Ye Old Wheel Shop and we had a great discussion on options. The decision has been made, I am going to have the centers polished and not painted. Attached photos are how they are now with the barrels painted and the lip polished and centers.....well, not up to snuff. We thought the centers would clean up but the years of sitting outside took a toll on the finish and they need work. I considered painting between the spokes which would have saved a total of $250 but at this point, go big or go home. I am sure I will be happy when they are completed. Ye Old Wheel Shop does outstanding work. Just ask the wheel guru Robert DeMarco

01-17-2019, 02:38 PM
Are you going to coat them? I have uncoated polished aluminum wheels on my car and they are a pain.

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01-17-2019, 03:28 PM
Are you going to coat them? I have uncoated polished aluminum wheels on my car and they are a pain.

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Hi Dennis, yes they will be coated. Modesta just came out with a coating specific for wheels which should provide 3-5 years of protection.