View Full Version : Experience with Mickey Thompsons or Toyos?

12-29-2018, 10:58 AM
I am hoping to refinish my a-molds and grt new tires for my 90. My stock wheels have Goodyears and they are wider than my buddies Nittos which is another tire I really like.

Does anyone know how the MTs and Toyos are as far as width when compared to other 315s?


https://www.ebay.com/itm/2-315-35R17-TOYO-EXTENSA-HP-II-102W-BSW-PASSENGER-Tire-3153517-315-35-17/223081655143?fits=Aspect+Ratio%3A35%7CSection+Widt h%3A315%7CRim+Diameter%3A17&epid=2281404467&hash=item33f0b3eb67:g:4A0AAOSwZqZaIdQq

I have the same Toyos on my wifes Cascada but was not able to compare widths to the stock tires.
Thanks and Happy New Year!

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12-29-2018, 04:44 PM
I had Toyo R888s on my Z. I bought them because at the time, Goodyear was not producing the 315 GS-D3s and everything else was too narrow for me. They are Goodyear wide and they gripped like glue. I was very happy with them. Attached is a pic of my car with them...not really a great angle to see the rear tires but I think you'll be happy if you go with them, as they are definitely true 315s. Good luck.

12-29-2018, 04:47 PM
I am hoping to refinish my a-molds and grt new tires for my 90. My stock wheels have Goodyears and they are wider than my buddies Nittos which is another tire I really like.

Does anyone know how the MTs and Toyos are as far as width when compared to other 315s?


https://www.ebay.com/itm/2-315-35R17-TOYO-EXTENSA-HP-II-102W-BSW-PASSENGER-Tire-3153517-315-35-17/223081655143?fits=Aspect+Ratio%3A35%7CSection+Widt h%3A315%7CRim+Diameter%3A17&epid=2281404467&hash=item33f0b3eb67:g:4A0AAOSwZqZaIdQq

I have the same Toyos on my wifes Cascada but was not able to compare widths to the stock tires.
Thanks and Happy New Year!

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Sorry, just saw the links in your post. I have no experience with the Toyo Extensa, only the R888. Also, I did research the Mickey Thompson Street Comp at the time. If I remember correctly, it is actually just a re-labeled Cooper Zeon and it is no wider than Sumis and Nittos.

12-29-2018, 08:08 PM
I have several local buddies that run the R888 (and R888R) on C5s and C6s and all are very happy with them. I wouldn't bother with that M/T as it's just someone else's tire that's been rebranded.

12-29-2018, 09:19 PM
Thanks guys. The Toyos are $505 to my door which is very tempting for an extra set of wheels.

I appreciate the MT info. They are $160 higher than the Toyos.

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