View Full Version : More SW Florida Events

11-13-2018, 11:43 AM
Hi all,

Posting some upcoming events in my area in the hope that we can get some Z's together. Let me know if you're planning on attending any of these and I'll do my best to attend!

Sunday, November 25, Noon - 4pm, Downtown Cruise-in Fort Myers https://www.fortmyersriverdistrictalliance.com/events/car-cruise-in/

Saturday, December 1, 9-11 am, Cars & Coffee at Periwinkle Pl Sanibel Island https://flacarshows.com/events/event/sanibel-cars-coffee/

Saturday, February 9, 10am - 4pm, Cars on 5th, Naples http://www.carsonfifth.com

Our own member, Bob Lambe, aka "ZR1North" will be at this show!

Other upcoming events in November, various locations: https://nebula.wsimg.com/4c2c314beec2326b69d06c1bc59b7252?AccessKeyId=0FAE5 5BDCF44921B5AE0&disposition=0&alloworigin=1