View Full Version : Titatium Exhaust

09-13-2018, 09:41 PM
Just wondering if there would be any interest for full 3" Titanium exhaust.
Would be half the weight and last forever.

I have a chance to get good price if we can do 10 @ $1750 each
Compare to some of the stainless exhausts $1750 is a bargain for Ti-Exhaust.

Any thoughts and ideas appreciated.

09-13-2018, 10:04 PM
Sounds interesting Pete.
We talking a complete exhaust system with resonator, mufflers, tips? Photos or drawings would help.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

09-14-2018, 07:55 AM

What would u say the weight of an SS exhaust system like urs or mine is?

09-14-2018, 09:20 AM
Phil this is from collectors to mufflers (2) dual tips w/45 degree cut.
No resonator, X-pipe if someone wants quieter can install CATS.


Sounds interesting Pete.
We talking a complete exhaust system with resonator, mufflers, tips? Photos or drawings would help.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

09-14-2018, 09:31 AM
I never really weighed them i have lifted a few stainless steel exhaust's and they are heavy i'd say about 75 lbs +-

If you sell your exhaust it will counter the cost for the Ti exhaust.:)


What would u say the weight of an SS exhaust system like urs or mine is?

09-14-2018, 11:04 AM
I'd be interested.

09-14-2018, 11:12 AM
I'd be interested. If you had one available now, you could use my car to test fit since you already have it in the shop. :)

09-14-2018, 11:33 AM
FYI, I posted this back in 2014 on exhaust system weights:

I went back and looked up an old article I wrote on exhaust systems for the original Registry newsletter in the late '90s. As part of my research I had weighed the stock (from a '93), Borla and Corsa cat back systems. All three systems weighed an identical 64 pounds.

A little Googling indicates that a Titanium exhaust system is approximately 40% lighter than a comparable Stainless one, so such a system would logically weigh about 38-40 pounds--Bob

09-15-2018, 07:59 PM
I am def intrigued. I have had two titanium exhausts on my last two cars. I had a amuser1t on my 08 350z which i believed weighed somewhere around 20 lbs for mid pipe back system. Also had a tomei titanium exhaust on my 06 subaru sti. That thing weighed like 12 lbs. I love the sound of titanium. 1750 is a good price. my one for the z was over 3g's new. Tomei was like 1g so big price difference. I didnt necessarily notice a weight difference in the car itself. The sound though is something wonderful. I would say prob look up the ericcson e92 m3 on youtube and it might sound same for zr? Are you going to have them just do raw titauium or do some burnt ti? The mufflers and tips would look good with burnt (gradiations)? I think that is what they call them.

09-16-2018, 09:39 PM
Im interested but will depend on the look. As much as I want the Ti and the weight resduction aesthetics is most important for me. Any info on how many pieces or just 1 piece piping? Tip type/sizes etc.

09-18-2018, 09:08 PM
Very cool! I like the idea of it but not sure how I could make that work with my current cut-out system and the modified supertrapp tips I run to appease the noise police.

09-18-2018, 09:23 PM
Probably close in size SL600 Mercedes in titanium 18lbs

https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=Sl600%20titanium%20exhaust&ref=eyJzaWQiOiIwLjczMjM3MTUwMzUxOTUxNTUiLCJxcyI6Ik pUVkNKVEl5VTJ3Mk1EQWxNakIwYVhSaGJtbDFiU1V5TUdWNGFH RjFjM1FsTWpJbE5VUSIsImd2IjoiYmVlMDlmOTNmYTczMmNmYT U5YTFjYjZkOWY0NTBkMzg5MjQyNGU0OSIsImVudF9pZHMiOltd LCJic2lkIjoiMTgxODFkZTlmMzdjNGIwYTVhNjk4MjVhOGY0Zm QzYzUiLCJwcmVsb2FkZWRfZW50aXR5X2lkcyI6bnVsbCwicHJl bG9hZGVkX2VudGl0eV90eXBlIjpudWxsLCJyZWYiOiJicl90Zi IsImNzaWQiOm51bGwsImhpZ2hfY29uZmlkZW5jZV9hcmd1bWVu dCI6bnVsbH0

09-19-2018, 12:03 AM
Thanks Lee for the pictures.

I'm trying to keep it simple and cost effective.
Basicly make it fit stock exhaust manifolds just like most/all the after market SS exhausts.

Full 3" inch, X-pipe, 2 Titanium mufflers with dual round 3" or 2 1/2" outlets cut at a 45 degree angle, since the only part of our exhaust that shows is the tips for those that want chrome tips can always use slip on chrome tips.
This set up keeps cost down.

This price is for 10 sets i will need full payment once we start the process you are stuck with a titanium exhaust :-D
I can do PayPal @ $1800

You can also email me: PeteZR1@gmail.com

09-19-2018, 12:39 AM
Can you set it up for cut-outs Petey? :D

09-19-2018, 05:00 AM

Look at the Z06 NPP tips for noise reduction.

Paul Workman
09-19-2018, 10:53 AM

Look at the Z06 NPP tips for noise reduction.

I've been leaning more to Bob Banks' set-up, of late. Bob (Marc Haibeck) installed 'lectric cutouts just aft of the differential. I don't know what he had for mufflers tho. More for availability (NPPs are getting hard to find. Seems the word got out).

That said, YOUR setup with the Dynamax (17288s) and NPPs is friggin awesome, IMO. And, "Mike 100" went with an electric controller for his NPPs, due to the fact riding in the mountains would result in low plenum pressure causing the NPPs to trigger whenever climbing (IIRC). (Are yours electric too??)

Loco: And, I came across what sounded like an NPP-like setup advertised by B&B; their "FUSION" exhaust, IIRC. I also recall it was on the pricey side for the setup - but I haven't looked again for a while. Coupled with titanium plumbing, might be a consideration. (I haven't see the mufflers to know if the NPP approach would work. Maybe Pete would know?)


09-19-2018, 11:26 AM

My setup isn’t as elaborate as Mike’s. I have s manual switch in the console that gives me full open or full closed. I usually drive closed. Mellow sound.

09-19-2018, 12:57 PM
I've been leaning more to Bob Banks' set-up, of late. Bob (Marc Haibeck) installed 'lectric cutouts just aft of the differential. I don't know what he had for mufflers tho. More for availability (NPPs are getting hard to find. Seems the word got out).....

Paul, I removed my Corsa and put my entire stock '95 exhaust system (including stock mufflers) back on and Marc installed the cutouts. He originally installed them where you said, just aft of the differential, his normal position. But that eliminated the spare tire carrier, and I finally decided that I wanted to keep my spare tire carrier so we worked out a position just ahead of the mufflers that had enough space for the cutout motors (Tony Davila had done this with manual cutouts). I also crafted my own switch, a rocker switch hidden under the carpet on the passenger side of the console. It was a perfect system for me.--Bob

09-19-2018, 02:59 PM
I'm currently running electric cut-outs through Warlock bypass mufflers, which works and sounds great... but they are heavy bitches, about 15lbs each so I'd love to lighten her up a bit. The cut-outs open is worth about 10rwhp.

09-20-2018, 12:59 AM
Rob,anything could be done, trying to keep cost down.


Can you set it up for cut-outs Petey? :D

Paul Workman
09-20-2018, 03:26 PM
Rob,anything could be done, trying to keep cost down.


Pete, are the titanium mufflers along the line of the Dynamax 17288s, i.e., 3" in splitting into two 2"(?) outlets? And, one other thing: how are the mufflers secured to the stock hanger? (the outer shell of the Dynamax mufflers have had a problem tearing apart where the stock (type) hanger is welded onto the shell.

(Being titanium, for one thing, I don't know that the stock (steel) hanger could even be welded to the titanium muffler. That being the case, some other arrangement/hanger would be needed, yes?)

09-21-2018, 08:17 PM
Paul yes the muffler would be basicly a copy of the Dynomax mufflers.

I would think they can make a reinforcement to weld a Titanium screw at the back of the Ti mufflers.


Pete, are the titanium mufflers along the line of the Dynamax 17288s, i.e., 3" in splitting into two 2"(?) outlets? And, one other thing: how are the mufflers secured to the stock hanger? (the outer shell of the Dynamax mufflers have had a problem tearing apart where the stock (type) hanger is welded onto the shell.

(Being titanium, for one thing, I don't know that the stock (steel) hanger could even be welded to the titanium muffler. That being the case, some other arrangement/hanger would be needed, yes?)