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View Full Version : FBI PIZZA night this FRIDAY 9-14

Paul Workman
09-12-2018, 07:52 AM
Hello everybody!

This is short notice, but Charlie Sununu (sp?) (aka DREDGEGUY) is bringing his car to Marc tomorrow and will stay until the w/e before flying back.

Anyway, Charlie would like to meet at least a few of the "FBI GANG". So, I've made reservations at "Shoeless Joes" for this Friday evening (our usual meeting spot on Lake street in Addison).

Shoeless Joe's
Friday gather at the bar, between 5:30 and ~ 6:15-20(ish) and then be seated at our reserved table.

The table will be reserved at the receptionists desk under "the FBI Corvette Group"

The weather is supposed to be 'perfect'. So, take advantage of it and bring your Zs and we'll try to put on an impromptu display of our very unique Corvettes.

See ya there!

Paul Workman
09-15-2018, 06:38 AM
Was a smaller group that usual - short notice n all. But! Those that did make it (Dan, Charlie, Bob Banks, Ken W, Marc, myself) would agree, it was a good time, and the weather was perfect for a chance to let the BEASTS stretch their legs a bit!

We'll do it again soon before the holidays "fer sher". Hope to see everyone then!


09-15-2018, 12:25 PM
Remember, size doesn't matter. It was a fun gathering and nice to finally meet Charlie the Dredge Guy. Also good to see Ken and Dan again. But I see Haibeck too much. :cheers: Thanks for setting it up Paul. --Bob

09-18-2018, 08:50 PM
Thanks so much for the FBI group that came out last Friday night. Dinner and drinks were great and I appreciate all the hospitality. Looking forward to doing the same for you if you come over to Wazoo land. Hope to see you again in about a month.