View Full Version : Tire mounting w/o sensor damage

09-08-2018, 11:53 AM
My 91 has functional tire sensors. I searched stickies and my owners manual but could not find instructions for tire mounting. I remember seeing somewhere a post that included a GM sheet about tire mounting and avoiding damage. Please share what I have missed.

Keeping a Quasar Blue legend alive in Ocala FL

TX '90 ZR1
09-08-2018, 12:30 PM
My 91 has functional tire sensors. I searched stickies and my owners manual but could not find instructions for tire mounting. I remember seeing somewhere a post that included a GM sheet about tire mounting and avoiding damage. Please share what I have missed.

Keeping a Quasar Blue legend alive in Ocala FL

My '90 FSM has the tire removal and installation instructions. I would think your '91 FSM would as well.

09-08-2018, 12:34 PM
I do not have a factory service manual. Only the owners manual.

09-08-2018, 12:35 PM
My 91 has functional tire sensors. I searched stickies and my owners manual but could not find instructions for tire mounting. I remember seeing somewhere a post that included a GM sheet about tire mounting and avoiding damage. Please share what I have missed.

Keeping a Quasar Blue legend alive in Ocala FL

Here's what I gave the shop last time I had tires put on.
Fortunately the guy I spoke to said he was familiar with them and said he would be careful. I took a look at them once the tires were off. There were some recent posts about these coming apart over time.


TX '90 ZR1
09-08-2018, 12:37 PM
I do not have a factory service manual. Only the owners manual.

Not to preach to you, but you need to get one.
I will be to where I can scan the instructions from my '90 book afterwhile. I am assuming they are the same as your '91. I'll post it up as soon as I get it done.

09-08-2018, 12:48 PM
Thank you gentlemen. I have printed it and shall use it well.

TX '90 ZR1
09-08-2018, 01:59 PM
Looks like Roger beat me to it. That is the same info I have.
The mention of removing them may not be a bad idea. I removed mine just to prevent the possibility of one coming apart. 25-30 year old plastic spinning really fast does sound like a disaster waiting to happen.

09-11-2018, 12:12 PM
I had a sensor come apart inside a front wheel at highway speeds, not pretty. I had them pull all the sensors at that point when they took the pieces out of the damaged wheel. Just something you may wish to consider.

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