View Full Version : Advise (Opinions) on Parts Source

TX '90 ZR1
07-12-2018, 10:40 PM
Looking for some advise or opinions on the best place to source new hood and fuel door emblems.
My original emblems (1990) are starting to lose some of the red under the bowtie. I would like to replace them, but want to get quality replacements. If it is an option, I would prefer to purchase from a forum member or at least a supporter.
Would also appreciate any input on removing the original emblems in one piece as they appear to be not only held on with the nuts, but adhesive as well.
I value everyones opinion here, so let me know what you think.

07-13-2018, 07:42 AM
You could try to find OEM NOS online Ebay or otherwise, but if you’re not NCRS or need that, I can recommend Keen Parts.

This company has high quality emblems and specializing in trying repro what we need. They are a supporting vendor of some forums.

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07-13-2018, 09:00 AM
I agree; try Keen first.
However, experience has proven time and again, that most Corvette Suppliers all carry the same part.
It almost looks like once one vendor makes a part, others simply don't bother.
Emblems in particular are licensed by GM, so perhaps that is a barrier to entry for others contemplating the same part.
So, you find essentially the same emblem sold by all of the parts suppliers, with prices that may very well be different.

As for the how to:
Make sure any speed nuts are removed from the back. Emblems typically don't use nuts, as the pins are for placement and alignment, however I have found some overzealous owners put fasteners in the pins.
VERY CAREFULLY, STARTING FAR AWAY AND WITH LOW HEAT, use a heat gun to warm up the emblem, which will loosen the adhesive's grip.
Then GENTLY, using a plastic or nylon flat pry tool, one made for trim pieces is best, to get beneath the warmed adhesive and break the bond.

If you are careful and take your time, you can rather easily remove the whole emblem without breaking it.

We happen to be replacing a trunk emblem on a C-5 convertible this morning, and the list price of the GM licensed emblem is $87.00!
So they are not inexpensive!

Install by removing the adhesive protector, line up the locator pins, then place and press.
We gently warm the new emblem to help the adhesive set better.
Hope that helps!

TX '90 ZR1
07-13-2018, 09:42 AM
As usual, you guys are great.
Thanks for the lead on the parts and the removal technique.
Have a GREAT weekend! :-D

07-13-2018, 10:18 AM
Ditto (now there’s a word you don’t here anymore)... on Keen.

Paul Workman
07-13-2018, 10:40 AM
I got my new hood and fuel door emblems from Eklers, 10 years ago, and they still look like new.

I would modify Marty's procedure for removing the old emblems by saying to use a combination of 3M Adhesive remover in conjunction with a HAIR DRYER instead of a heat gun (which may be too hot...just saying.

Instead of a metal putty knife (or the like), I used a piece of mono filament fishing line stretched between my thumbs to "saw" my way through the adhesive (after the 3M and the hair dryer had done their work)

Also, I found by stretching a piece of masking tape over the speed nuts - especially the ones in the hood - and forcing the hex nut driver onto them, tape and all, the nuts would stay with the nut driver and not be so likely to fall off and get lost down inside the recesses of the hood.:-x

TX '90 ZR1
07-13-2018, 02:27 PM
Thanks for the input Paul.
Appreciate all the ideas I can get.