View Full Version : July 6/7/8

06-16-2018, 07:48 PM
Jul. 4 Fabulous Phoenix 4th
Event Host - City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department
Event Location - Steele Indian School Park, Central Ave & Farrington Drive Park entrance, Phoenix
Contact Name - Tammy 602-534-8659
Event Hours - 6pm-10pm
Entry Fee - free
Celebrate Independence Day at the annual Fabulous Phoenix Fourth coming to Steele Indian School Park on Wednesday, July 4, 2018! This free family evening event features live music, fun children’s activities, food and beverage vendors, an antique and classic vehicle exhibit including military vehicles, fantastic fireworks and more! Expected attendance 100,000+ festival goers!
If you have an antique or classic vehicle, including military vehicles, you would like to exhibit from the early 1900s through mid-1980s please contact us ASAP for a registration application and or any event questions.
No cost to exhibit a vehicle, but by free pre-registration and approval only.
Do keep in mind when submitting an exhibit registration application and if your vehicle is chosen, for event logistics and visitor safety, all approved exhibit vehicles will need to arrive by 4:30pm and stay in their assigned space until the event's conclusion after 10pm.
Non-approved exhibit vehicles will not be allowed event day entry.
We look forward to hearing from you and happy motoring!

Jul. 7 Beaver Valley Estates 2nd Annual Car and Bike Show
Event Host - Beaver Valley Estates Fire Dept.
Event Location - Beaver Valley Estates Fire Dept., 911 W. Beaver Flat Road, Payson
Contact Name - Tommy 928-468-6624
Event Hours - 8:00am to 2:00pm
Entry Fee - $25.00
Enjoy a ride to Payson and enjoy the COOL Pines in a beautiful setting! All vehicles, Rods, Customs, Muscle, Classic and bikes Welcome. Entry fee includes a meal ticket for either breakfast or lunch with beverage for driver, all others $5.00, 50/50, Raffle and prizess.
For more information call Tommy 928-468-6624.

WEEKLY, PHX AZ Area Cruise In's, Last Edit: 5/27/18
Call Ahead to re confirm

Big Earl's Greasy Eats in Cave Creek
Beginning Friday August 24, 2007 and running every Friday night thereafter: Please join us beginning August 24, 2007 between 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. for a car show at Big Earl's Greasy Eats located at 6141 E. Cave Creek Road, Cave Creek, Arizona (480) 575-7889. Show Special: Hamburger, fries and drink $7.95
6141 E. Cave Creek Road
Big Earl's Greasy Eats, 480/575/7889
Cave Creek, AZ 85331

Cruise In
Dobson and Elliot
Every Friday at 5:30PM
Chandler, AZ 85224

East Valley Car Show, FRI
Enjoy the lively music and check out the wheels, from classic oldies to smoking 'vettes and everything in between, or bring your cool car and put it on display.
Every Friday night, 6-9pm.
• Free Event
• Music by Eagle Entertainment
• No Registration Required
Fulton Ranch Towne Center located at 4040 S. Arizona Ave., Chandler on SWC of Arizona Avenue & Ocotillo Rd. Meet in the parking lot near Big 5 Sporting Goods. It's FREE. No registration is required. 480/397/1900

Mixteca Cruise In
FRI and SAT Nights
6731 W. Bell Road
Glendale AZ, 85308
623 776 3511
67th and Bell K Mart 5PM
Every Friday and Saturday come join us at Mixteca for our Car & Bike show. Receive specials from Mixteca plus weekly winners receive a Plaque with your Car/Truck/Bike on it.
Nancy, 602-809-1766

Venues Cafe, 34 Easy Street Carefree AZ every SAT AM
Join the Arizona 'Good-Guys' every Saturday morning; bring your favorite toy and enter to win a $100 Gift certificate donated by Venues Café for 'Saturday's Choice' awarded each and every month. Plenty of Parking/Good Coffee/BIG LIES & GREAT Breakfasts...
34 Easy Street
Carefree, AZ 85377 5884
480 488 5555

Scottsdale Pavilions Shopping Center @ Talking Stick
Celebrating over 25 years! The longest consistently run car show!
Every Saturday at 2:00PM to 9PM, 52 weeks
9140 E. Indian Bend Rd.
Rock & Roll McDonald's
Scottsdale, AZ
(480) 443-0080 for info
The Pavilions car show is free to both the public and car owners alike. Whether you come to see the classic cars and bikes, talk to the owners, or you are just looking for tips and ideas for your classic, this is the show for you.
Great family fun with music, food and great shopping in the Pavilions shopping center!
McDonald's Rock 'n' Roll Classic Car Show in and around McDonald's, every Saturday, 52 weeks of the year.
This "Rock 'n' Roll McDonald's" in Scottsdale is the perfect destination to see classic cars and motorcycles in a free open air event complete with 50's era music provided by "Party Time DJ's. An average night showcases anywhere from 250 to 500 cars and up to 150 motorcycles.

Mesa Pavillions, Every SAT
Power & Hampton Rds., Mesa, by K Mart. Sponsored by AZ Veteran Rodders. All welcome. 50/50 and prizes. info: 1445 S Power Rd. Phil, 480/985/2531

Sundays, "CRUZ'N@PHIL'S" in downtown Fountain Hills.
"CRUZ'N @ PHIL'S" is an informal gathering of Auto Enthusiasts every Sunday (12:00N to 3:00pm) from the First Sunday in October thru the Third Sunday in May (except when Major Holidays and Infrequent Major Town Events fall on Sunday).
The Location and Host Sponsor is Phil's Filling Station Grill 16852 East Parkview Avenue, Fountain Hills, AZ. Cruisers gather in this Friendly Environment with their Classic, Muscle, Sports, Antique, Truck, Motorcycle and Special Interest Vehicles for Engaging Conversation, Listening to 50's, 60's & 70's Top Hit Tunes, Free Raffle Drawings and Delightful Food and Beverages. There is No Club, No Officers, No Dues and No Politics, "just Nice People with Magnificent Rides". For information, Contact Darrel Hampton 480-209-5700 or hampton61@cox.net
16852 East Parkview Avenue
PHIL'S Filling Station Grill