View Full Version : Exhaust Question

03-06-2007, 08:54 PM
Would a 3" LT1 B&B exhaust system fit on a 91' ZR1? Is there a difference in the resonator/back pressure or just the pipe length?

Also, would the B&B mufflers from an LT1 exhaust fit on a zr1 flowmaster system?


03-06-2007, 11:38 PM
Would a 3" LT1 B&B exhaust system fit on a 91' ZR1? Is there a difference in the resonator/back pressure or just the pipe length?

Also, would the B&B mufflers from an LT1 exhaust fit on a zr1 flowmaster system?


Although I can't speak for the B&B's from a LT1 fitting a ZR1, I can provide a little insight to mixing and matching mufflers/pipes/resonators.
I bought a set of ZR1 Flowmatster mufflers from a fellow forum member and decided to install them on the back of my stock exhaust. It seemed like a simple cut and paste job...
7 hours later the mufflers were on and sounding *GREAT*.
Was it easy?
Was it fun?
I discovered that the each side of the stock system is custom fitted to the car and the Flowmaster mufflers had different bends than the stock units. :icon_scra
Lots of head scratching and grunting and groaning later, they were in and adjusted almost correctly. Still need a little "Fine Tuning".

If you intend to cut and paste components from different systems be prepared to spend a *LOT* of time fussing around to get it to work. It will *NOT* be a 15 minute job. You will need arc welding equipment as well as a torch with a rosebud to heat the pipe to bend stuff around.
Would I do it again?
Sure! :mrgreen:
I'd take the car to the muffler shop and pay them to make it right. Doing it myself with the neighbor's help took all freaking day and I'm still need to get under there and move things around a little to get the tips positioned exactly right One side is just a smidge off and it's driving me nuts... :censored:

'90ZR1 #792

03-06-2007, 11:47 PM
Thanks for the reply. I just saw some stuff on the auction site and another guy had a flowmaster system for sale like super cheap...$175. I really like the B&B...but I heard the Flowmaster is great too. Half the fun is looking around for stuff to do to the car!