View Full Version : Chroming wheels

05-02-2018, 02:09 PM
Hi all,
I need a little help from the membership. I have a set of polished CCW 505A's that
I want to get chromed. So, I'm looking for a good chrome shop and I need a little
help finding one.
I live in East Peoria Il. Since I don't have boxes I would like to find a place within
3 to 4 hours from home.
I have friends that have used places in Quincy and Moline Il. but when I contacted
them they said they don't chrome wheels.
Does anyone know of a good chrome shop within 3 to 4 hours of me they would
recommend? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Roger

05-02-2018, 02:18 PM
Hi all,
I need a little help from the membership. I have a set of polished CCW 505A's that
I want to get chromed. So, I'm looking for a good chrome shop and I need a little
help finding one.
I live in East Peoria Il. Since I don't have boxes I would like to find a place within
3 to 4 hours from home.
I have friends that have used places in Quincy and Moline Il. but when I contacted
them they said they don't chrome wheels.
Does anyone know of a good chrome shop within 3 to 4 hours of me they would
recommend? Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Roger

Mirror Finish Polishing
18216 Downing Road
Kearney, MO 64060
(816) 529-6089
(sales@mirrorfinishpolishing.com)Sales@Mirrorfinis hpolishing.com
Monday - Friday 8AM - 5PM CST

05-02-2018, 02:23 PM
Just checked the map, my bad. Might be better off getting them to Ye Old Wheel Shop in Elkridge, MD

05-07-2018, 03:14 AM
I have a set of chromed '98 "wagon wheels" that were chromed. I do not know where or when they were done, but now the chrome is flaking on both the outside and inside, and the beads on three will no longer hold air.

So, think twice before having your wheels chromed.

For anyone interested, I have a free set of 4 wagon wheels for you, two 8 1/2 x18 front & two 11 x 18 rear. Pick up near Burton, Texas.

S. Lee Sikes

05-07-2018, 06:31 AM
I have a set of chromed '98 "wagon wheels" that were chromed. I do not know where or when they were done, but now the chrome is flaking on both the outside and inside, and the beads on three will no longer hold air.

So, think twice before having your wheels chromed.

For anyone interested, I have a free set of 4 wagon wheels for you, two 8 1/2 x18 front & two 11 x 18 rear. Pick up near Burton, Texas.

S. Lee Sikes

Very good advice!

Instead of chrome, have them polished to the max, then clear-coat if you do not want to have maintain them.

I replace chromed wheels on a regular basis for customers. Just popping the bead often tears the chrome.
One curb incident and they become trash.

Heed Lee's advice.

05-07-2018, 07:23 AM
I was going to mention 'FORGET IT' several days ago and thought I'd see what feedback the OP might get.

Polished by a professional polisher is certainly the preferred. Not everyone wants to do wheels. They charge appropriately to discourage you. I had Weld wheels on my 'dually' and I returned mine to them once. I was very happy with their service. I've no recollection of the charges.

Ye Ole Wheel Shop I'm quite sure doesn't offer chrome OR if they do it's not 'in house'.

Polished CCW will always sell - 'chromed' CCW would be a very hard sell and I'm sure at a tremendous $$$ loss.

I wouldn't clear a 'polished' wheel either!

05-07-2018, 02:00 PM
Thanks for the replies guys. I'm still on the fence about this.

I have the CCW's looking close to chrome but, what a PITA. And I can still see the difference. The chrome would really make the paint on my car pop. I've had a lot of chrome wheels over the years and always had good luck.

LOL See, I'm trying to convince myself I need chrome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do any of the FBI guys know anyplace in the Chicago area?
I would still like to take to a couple more chrome shops.
