View Full Version : Leak Down Testing

04-25-2018, 07:41 PM
Good article about just compression
vrs. leak down testing:


Paul Workman
04-26-2018, 08:40 AM
Thanks 4 posting, Ted. Good general info for DIY'ers to tuck away!

I don't have a leak-down rig, but that's an idea for the HOTB!

If someone wants to grab the bull by the horns and conduct a test, document the heck out of it with pictures, etc., AND maybe couple that with a source for a LEAK-DOWN TEST RIG...that would make a dandy article!!=D>

Any takers??

04-27-2018, 09:26 AM
Good article. Leak down testing is a great next step after compression testing. I've done it on one of my "Brand P" time trials cars and recently worked with the Houston guys who were at the South TX BBQ to leak down a C5. I've used expensive and less expensive leak down rigs and hate to admit that the Harbor Freight rig does just as good a job as the Snap On rig. Be cautious of the threads on the HF rig. I recommend chasing those with a die first. When we couldn't get the HF fitting to screw into the spark plug hose, we swapped out the fitting from a compression tester we knew easily screwed in.

BTW, wish I was with you guys this weekend at ACS.

Tony - Tnova