View Full Version : Is this an event our group attends?

04-19-2018, 11:35 PM
I got this in the mail today and I was wondering if our group attends this event as a "group"?



04-20-2018, 09:51 AM
Last time I was there was 2003 I think.. Life has gotten in the way..

This year it is on my Son's 16th birthday

04-20-2018, 10:00 AM
Last time I was there was 2003 I think.. Life has gotten in the way..

This year it is on my Son's 16th birthday

I see your in Illinois where it's at, I'm over in Missouri, it's about 5-6hr drive. I might just go. Does the zr1net have a booth or anything there?

04-20-2018, 10:01 AM
Dunno, I haven't been in so long, last time I was there I had my 89

Paul Workman
04-21-2018, 01:23 PM
I see your in Illinois where it's at, I'm over in Missouri, it's about 5-6hr drive. I might just go. Does the zr1net have a booth or anything there?

No. But, maybe we should??

04-21-2018, 06:17 PM
No. But, maybe we should??

That would be awesome! Count me in

04-23-2018, 08:06 PM
Yes, already have reservations.

Look for the VBP Corvette group. I will be cooking like usual.
Have no clue what I will be driving.