View Full Version : ZR-1 NetRegistry Membership
03-23-2018, 09:34 AM
I thought I would provide everyone with an update on the status of our 2018 Memberships.
We have a number of new memberships for 2018 (Welcome Aboard!) and a large percentage of renewals of 2017 and prior year members. Our membership numbers are the highest they have been in 9 years with more than 560 members.
I want to thank all of you for joining and renewing.
I also want to encourage those of you who are 2017 Members and/or Prior Year Members to please consider renewing as soon as possible. We now have limited quantities of 2018 T-Shirts left so it will become first come - first served :)
Have a great day!
03-23-2018, 04:34 PM
Thanks for the update and all your hard work to keep the dream alive.
Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (
03-23-2018, 07:22 PM
Now let's all continue to make the content of this site so valuable that all who own one of these true Super-cars, simply cannot imagine failing to join our ranks.
We offer a minimization of the fear that some have when they think of owning one.
The LT-5 engine is what makes these cars special. We know that special engine is the most bullet-proof part of the car, but the general Corvette public is not as sure of that as we are.
This organization and each member helps to put that myth to rest.
The better we become at that, the more this group will grow.
Kudos to those that have worked so hard to get it to it's current level.
I love these cars!!!
TX '90 ZR1
03-23-2018, 08:37 PM
In my opinion, if you own one of these spetacular cars, are contemplating owning one, or just have an interest in them, you are "Missing the boat" if you are not a member of the "Registry".
There is a wealth of information available that will make your ownership a pleasurable experience.
The knowledge from members is astounding! Always get intelligent and helpful feedback on any question, and try to add my 2 cents worth if I can.
Not sure how many ZR-1's are still out there, but I would surmise it is considerably more than the 560 or so current members. (I know some of you guys have more than 1!)
Worth every penny, and you get a T-shirt !!! :fahne:
03-25-2018, 08:08 PM
Thank you John for all the great work. I have been really enjoying wearing the shirt with your great design on it I have gotten alot of complements
04-10-2018, 08:30 AM
Update on Membership. We continue to receive new Memberships and are at 569 Members as of today. Thank you for all of you who have joined and renewed in 2018. If you still have not renewed please consider doing so as our t-shirt inventory is dwindling and I want to make sure we have a shirt in your size :)
Also, for those of you who enjoy the Forum but are not Members, please consider joining. There are many reasons to join but most of all you will belong to a group of car owners who LOVE ZR-1s and are here to support you with help and assistance!! A bargain for $45.00 the first year not to mention the t-shirt, badge, zr1net registry decal as well! Your renewal cost will be $10.00 less after the first year.
04-10-2018, 10:06 PM
Worth every penny! Glad to support the cause/group 👍
Bob Eyres
04-11-2018, 01:01 PM
I just ordered a 2018 membership, but when checking out, it wouldn't calculate the shipping. Please use the info on my order to calculate the fee and tack it on to the total, if possible. If not I'll pay it separately if you show me how.
I see that you don't offer the current T-shirts for purchase separately.
It's probably the best design ever. Would you consider another run of them (to sell at the gathering, maybe?). I'd buy a couple. I have a number of the old ones from the last century.
04-11-2018, 02:43 PM
I joined back in 08 or 09 maybe.... I still have my badge... Ill be renewing when I get back home from a business meeting Im at currently... I leave tonight! Save me an XL T shirt!!! :dancing
04-11-2018, 08:52 PM
Hello Bob,
I received you membership notification today and will process it tomorrow. You are actually a returning member so we consider you a renewal. You will receive a small refund for the difference between New Membership and Renewal Membership.
Welcome Back ! :)
John Glyder
Membership Chair
04-11-2018, 09:44 PM
Thank you John for all your great work! Very appreciated...
04-13-2018, 08:38 AM
joined this morning! :usa:
04-13-2018, 02:36 PM
John, your Membership Package is on it's way! Thank you!
04-13-2018, 04:49 PM
John, your Membership Package is on it's way! Thank you!
Thank you Sir. :cheers:
04-14-2018, 10:45 PM
I thought I would provide everyone with an update on the status of our 2018 Memberships.
We have a number of new memberships for 2018 (Welcome Aboard!) and a large percentage of renewals of 2017 and prior year members. Our membership numbers are the highest they have been in 9 years with more than 560 members.
I want to thank all of you for joining and renewing
I also want to encourage those of you who are 2017 Members and/or Prior Year Members to please consider renewing as soon as possible. We now have limited quantities of 2018 T-Shirts left so it will become first come - first served :)
Have a great day!
Have tried to join now probably 15 times. Every time I get it in my cart and I click pay it wants me to login...but then when I do it says password incorrect...? Am I missing something? Obviously I have no issue logging in to register and post here...
04-15-2018, 12:35 PM
Have tried to join now probably 15 times. Every time I get it in my cart and I click pay it wants me to login...but then when I do it says password incorrect...? Am I missing something? Obviously I have no issue logging in to register and post here...
Blackbelt - please email me your contact information at or call me at 925-899-3546. I will assist you in your membership registration. Thank you,
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