View Full Version : Clutch slave/Master cylinder question

TX '90 ZR1
02-27-2018, 08:29 PM
I've got '90 #442.
I was crawling around under it today putting a wrench on every bolt or nut I can get to. Still have a very small oil drip sometimes, but it is getting close to dry after tightening stuff when I have a chance.
While doing this, I noticed the paint on the clutch slave cylinder was bubbling some around the mounting flange so I am guessing I have a leak developing. The slave cylinder, tube/hose & master cylinder look like originals.
I am thinking I might as well change it all while I am there. Seems like the consensus here is to go to '91-'95 parts. Is this correct? (I will keep the originals). If so, are there any Registry supporters that sell these parts? I would prefer to support them if possible.
As an aside, I have known I needed to repair my reverse lights. Might as well get the sender out & replaced while I have the slave cylinder out. Seems like I remember someone here mentioning to just clean the sender?? If not, where is the best place to get a replacement? Again, from a Registry supporter if possible.
Thanks in advance for the help !

02-27-2018, 08:52 PM
HOTB issue #48 has an extensive article on exactly what you are asking. Answers all your questions. Excellently written by our friend Paul.

TX '90 ZR1
02-28-2018, 10:54 PM
HOTB issue #48 has an extensive article on exactly what you are asking. Answers all your questions. Excellently written by our friend Paul.

Thanks for pointing me in that direction. Knew I had seen it somewhere but couldn't for the life of me remember where.
Any suggestions on where to get the back up light switch?