View Full Version : Introduction

02-22-2018, 11:06 PM
Hi! I bought one of these beasts this week - 1990, #2288 - and I'm waiting anxiously for delivery Saturday afternoon. I'm new to the world of 'vettes in general, and the ZR-1 I've only really discovered in last few weeks. I fell in love, started shopping, and found this one in amazing condition, with low miles but cared for properly with monthly "exercise" drives to keep the fluids and seals in shape. I don't plan on letting it sit around like it has been all these years, though - it will be daily driven like God intended.

A tiny bit about me - I live in Round Rock, a suburb of Austin, TX .. my kids are excited about this new car, while my wife is merely tolerating my enthusiasm. I work in the video game business and brew beer for fun.

I posted a couple of days ago on this forum with some questions about replacing the tires, and got a lot of quick replies that were very helpful - I can tell already this is a great community!

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02-22-2018, 11:39 PM
Congrats on your "new" ZR-1 which looks great.......enjoy it to the fullest....they are definitely a fun ride......
You'll also enjoy the forum as you already mentioned.....a lot of very enthusiastic ZR-1 owners here with a wealth of info at your fingertips.....I'm still learning everyday......:)

02-22-2018, 11:49 PM
A fine looking beast indeed. Looks right at home in that showroom. :)

02-23-2018, 12:38 AM
Congrats and welcome !!:cheers: Car looks like its new ! Former wow addict here :-D

02-23-2018, 02:26 AM
video games and beer? you're my new best friend

02-23-2018, 06:21 AM
Good for you! You need to watch for our Texas gatherings and join us.. combatdoc is close to you so you two can hook up for the next trip. Nice ride for sure!

Sent from my QTAIR7 using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

02-23-2018, 07:02 AM
Welcome aboard the Z-train! Beautiful machine. What a way to break into Vettes.

Buy your lady a really nice purse and take her on a (mild) scenic driving date in the Z.

All the best,

02-23-2018, 08:16 AM
Congratulations and Welcome!!

Looks like a GREAT ZR-1!!!

You need to be warned however that like most Corvettes your Z is prone to making an unintentional and abrupt turn without warning.........................

This typically occurs while your wife is in the car with you and you happen to come into the range of a jewelry store.

Best not to fight it, simply go with it and keep everyone as happy as you are with your new toy!

Again, very nice find!

02-23-2018, 08:37 AM
Congrats, welcome and nice looking 90..

I can also say I have been to Round Rock TX, I ate at Salt Lick BBQ.

02-23-2018, 10:34 AM
Welcome to the addiction. Texas is really racking them up lately. You’ll be in good hands with the Texas crowd....and of course everyone here. Looks like a great find. Good to see so many new members!

randy ransome
02-23-2018, 10:38 AM
Wow a ZR-1 for your First Corvette, can't beat that. What a great looking example of a ZR-1 you've found. I think it's great that you're going to daily drive it. I bought a 95 ZR-1 back several years ago and DD it for the last few years before retiring. Driving it to work gave me something exciting to look forward to each day.

Welcome to our family.

Great looking car, Enjoy it each and every day.


02-23-2018, 10:50 AM
Wow , what a lovely Z and congrats . You also have another new friend here. I can't stop playing LFD2 lol and Flightsim X, rFactor2 , Asseta Corso , Forza 6 .
The prez of this club lives in Texas also with the most Z ownership also in your beautiful State ... You will have plenty of company to play with . Hope to meet you at BG this year . Amazing event coming in May . Track fun too ...
Enjoy . Man does that engine sound amazing or what !!!


02-23-2018, 09:25 PM
Thanks for all of the warm welcomes! My dad is driving the car down from Dallas tomorrow morning bright and early. As long as I've been alive he's never purchased a new car, or a car in this kind of condition, which meant growing up I spent many hours in the garage with him wrenching on cars. I'm grateful for those lessons now, of course. Suffice to say I'm really happy he's going to get the first ~150 miles or so in it. He's pretty excited too, as you can imagine.

02-23-2018, 10:54 PM
Congrats! Welcome to the family! I have had Vettes since I was 17. The ZR-1 is a different experience and the community around it only make it better!

We Gone
02-24-2018, 12:01 AM
Welcome, can't wait to hear how the first drive goes.

Paul Workman
02-24-2018, 07:02 AM
Welcome to the Brotherhood of the Beast!

And, you know (of course) the RED ones are the fastest too!;)

The C4 gathering is in Bowling Green, Ky May 17(16th) thru the19. But, as an added bonus, the extremely popular (6th annual) Mountain Run begins the Saturday (MAY 12th) prior and arriving in Bowling Green, KY on the 16th, in time for the C4 Gathering in Bowling Green on the 17th!

Welcome aboard!=D>

And...if thinking about attending the Mountain Run (aka MR6) in Fontana, NC, you'll want to act quickly! (See the MR6 post for details!)

02-24-2018, 07:09 AM
My Z is my first Corvette too. Get some fresh tires but be sure to tell the store manager about the air sensor bands. Check out threads here. Once those are mounted you can begin to "exercise" the secondaries. O what a feeling it is!

Paul Workman
02-24-2018, 07:49 AM
My Z is my first Corvette too. Get some fresh tires but be sure to tell the store manager about the air sensor bands. Check out threads here. Once those are mounted you can begin to "exercise" the secondaries. O what a feeling it is!

My daughter's wedding is taking my wife and me through Ocala in mid April on our way to Tampa. Mebby we could "do lunch"??


02-24-2018, 09:49 AM
Hey Paul - It is also the SISTERHOOD OF THE BEAST - Right Ami - LOL

02-24-2018, 09:50 AM
Not being "politically correct" just being accurate.

02-24-2018, 06:26 PM
video games and beer? you're my new best friendHahahahaha!!!! Made my Pepsi come out my nose......

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

02-24-2018, 06:28 PM
Welcome to the sister / brotherhood! This is an amazing site for all things Z.....that is a beautiful lil red Beast!

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

02-24-2018, 09:07 PM
Welcome to the family!
You’ll love the beast, congrats on the new love! Love your Red 90!

Video games and beer? You will make a lot of friends here!

What platform do you work on? Any titles we might Recognize? (Big xboxer here!)

Definitely try to make it to the gathering, it’s beyond worth the effort and great to put faces to names!


02-24-2018, 11:22 PM
Congratulations, and welcome to the addiction.

it will be daily driven like God intended.

Amen ... a ZR-1 should be driven and not stored.

02-25-2018, 12:20 AM
Congratulations on the new car, this is a great community. Anytime you're in the Great Lakes State of Michigan, give us a shout. :cheers:

02-26-2018, 08:34 AM
Welcome to the family!
You’ll love the beast, congrats on the new love! Love your Red 90!

Video games and beer? You will make a lot of friends here!

What platform do you work on? Any titles we might Recognize? (Big xboxer here!)

Definitely try to make it to the gathering, it’s beyond worth the effort and great to put faces to names!


I worked on a bunch of stuff for the previous console generation, most notably Borderlands (1) and some expansion content for Call of Duty Ghosts.

These days, I work at Unity, building the engine and tools for other game developers. "During a gold rush, sell shovels"