View Full Version : Operator Manual

03-01-2007, 09:36 AM
I recieved two 'manuals' with my ZR-1, one is a kind of glossy coffeetabel type brochure, the other is a smaller one discussing the engine, gearbox operation etc.

What I don't seem to have is the ubiquitous 'operator manual' - you know the one, insert key here, move this to activate your turn signals etc. I just wondered if there was one and I'm missing it or if GM just left you with that as a 'journey of discovery' on the ZR-1 :)

I also have a 1991 service manual (big red thing) is it worth getting any other ones? I've heard people mention Helms manuals (I also have a Haynes C4 manual that I picked up a few years ago in a momentary fit of mad anticipation!)

03-01-2007, 10:04 AM
The big red thing is the Helms manual. Helms prints and sells the factory service manuals for GM.

03-01-2007, 10:06 AM
Ahhhh that's a nice suprise, don't have to buy one then :)

03-01-2007, 11:00 AM
OK Dave, I'll bite......what does you avator mean??

03-01-2007, 11:47 AM
Hi Bob. It's a Chinese pictogram that translates to 'Wolf' - I 'adopted' one at a Wolf Sanctuary several years ago. Had the chance to go and meet Duma, as you can see here:


Beautiful animals and sorely misunderstood by most people.

I also have a 'junior wolf' of my own.



I like 'beasts' of all forms :D

Z Factor
03-01-2007, 03:21 PM
Beautiful animals and sorely misunderstood by most people.

I have always had a special interest in wolves since my childhood. My parents bought a record of wolf sounds that recorded a packs howls/communications and played it for me. Besides playing it every Halloween for approaching trick or treaters:mrgreen: , I listened to their song and tried to imagine what it was like out in the wild where they were recorded. When my Father took me out camping/hunting I was lucky enough to hear the real thing and remembered feeling calm and peaceful. I imagine most people would have felt much differently with the howl of a wild wolf. :wink:

Nice looking pup.


03-01-2007, 03:35 PM
hey Z factor. I'm the same way, always drawn by them. When we went to the wolf sanctuary to visit after we'd walked with them it was getting towards sunset and they all started to howl together in the dusk, a really magical moment. The whole visit was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had.

There are some more pics of our visit here (http://www.davidmkelly.net/gallery/v/2002/Wolves/).

Maybe we should have a group howl at the Gathering ;)

03-03-2007, 10:52 PM
I think that G M was a little lax when putting the contents in the box. I didn't get a drivers manual, and a rear lug nut socket extension with the 90 that I bought in December. The lady that I bought mine from said that she didn't get them, and she also didn't get the leather briefcase that was sent out later. She gave me all the paperwork, including all of the service records, so I am sure that she didn't get them. Dave, I have a 91 drivers manual that I received in error when I ordered a 90 drivers manual. I just bought it instead of sending it back. If you can't find one I will sell it to you for my cost. The manual has some great information in it.

03-04-2007, 11:29 AM
Thanks for the offer on the manual. What's in the driver's manual? If it isn't one of the ones I've got I'll happily buy it from you.

I got the briefcase with mine and the two manuals I mentioned earlier. Didn't get a keyring though, but luckily my girlfriend bought one for me as a present a few years back that has been waiting ever since to get attached to a set of keys :)

03-04-2007, 04:06 PM
The book fits exactly in the right cutout in the owners box. The cover has ZR1 on it. The first page has "1991 Chervolet Corvette ZR1 Drivers Manual" on it. It has 51 pages in it. You may have this book. The book that you want is probably the owners manual.

03-04-2007, 09:17 PM
Thanks for clarifying that, you're right I have that one.