View Full Version : Lt5 ecm chip

01-30-2018, 04:43 PM
Hello all .
Has anyone seen one of these chips pictured ? Ive googled round the net and am unable to find any info on it . Would like to find out a bit about its programming.
Its in an unfinished hot rod and I havnt started the engine since aquiring it .

01-30-2018, 05:10 PM
Back in '99 - '01 or so this would have been contact information. Today I've no idea. Some might have maintained contact or maybe be more familiar.

Ron Zimmer at Z-Industries in California. Ph: 714-779-6680

Hib Halverson a regular here would be the most likely to maybe be able to pass on information or put you in contact with.

If you have the VIN of the car the engine was from or maybe the VIN derivative from the engine it could be identified.

Reach out to this fellow:


01-30-2018, 06:36 PM
I have one too. Z-Industries and Zimmer are no longer around. He was one of the early tuners. Apparently changes they made were conservative, but could have been customized for the the hot rod your engine was intended for.

The only way to really know is to get it to someone who can read the tune. Dominic (xfireZ51) here on the forum can help you out with that.