View Full Version : Power/Valet Key Questions

01-20-2018, 04:50 PM
I have a 90 ZR-1 and 5 power keys, all with D blanks. 4 are cut the same and one is totally different. So my question is what blanks are used for 91, 92, 93 and 94 as I know 95 is H. I assume all keys are the same for each year? Does anyone know what blank an 89 used as the odd cut key I have is the yellow bowtie (early key). That had changed to the red bowtie with black background by my #277. Any information would be appreciated. After I figure out how to post pictures I will of the keys I have.


01-20-2018, 05:41 PM
I have a 90 ZR-1 and 5 power keys, all with D blanks. 4 are cut the same and one is totally different. So my question is what blanks are used for 91, 92, 93 and 94 as I know 95 is H. I assume all keys are the same for each year? Does anyone know what blank an 89 used as the odd cut key I have is the yellow bowtie (early key). That had changed to the red bowtie with black background by my #277. Any information would be appreciated. After I figure out how to post pictures I will of the keys I have.


For production cars there should be only D for '90 and H for '91+.

The key that is 'ODD' - is the knock-out still in it with the key code or has the knock-out been removed?

D knock-out should be 91C9 - H knock-out should be 73L0

I have a 4/90 GM SPO catalog that doesn't have the '90 D GM # 12505009 key even in it. It does though have the 14104646 in it for the switch.

I believe that initially the key was only serviced with the switch.

01-21-2018, 10:24 PM
So my regular key as expected is D Blank with Knock out Code of 91 C9
Again I have both the yellow bowtie and red outline bowtie this way.

Strange key is:
Yellow Bowtie
D Blank
Knock out Code (key cut) 01 C1 So apparently this would be a key for an 89 if the 90 and 91 are the same. Additionally if the Yellow bowtie was for only the earliest of cars then that is all I can guess. Does anyone out here know of someone that bought one of the GM Heritage cars that I could ask?


01-21-2018, 10:35 PM
So my regular key as expected is D Blank with Knock out Code of 91 C9
Again I have both the yellow bowtie and red outline bowtie this way.

Strange key is:
Yellow Bowtie
D Blank
Knock out Code (key cut) 01 C1 So apparently this would be a key for an 89 if the 90 and 91 are the same. Additionally if the Yellow bowtie was for only the earliest of cars then that is all I can guess. Does anyone out here know of someone that bought one of the GM Heritage cars that I could ask?


'90 & '91 ain't the same!

The Valet Key is intentioned to match the hood/fuel door emblems. Gold/Black outline 'Bow Tie' on the '90 and Black/Red outline 'Bow Tie' on the '91+. There's been mention through the years of various mixes of emblem configurations on the service keys. That I always though very likely why there were no service keys for the '91+ available for many years. All stock was maybe incorrect and scrapped!!