View Full Version : EZ Pass transponder

12-12-2017, 08:05 AM
Living in Northern VA (suburb of DC), with so many toll roads, and a new job in Bethesda, MD, now I am forced to drive through toll booths. Last time I realized that I had no cash on me, it cost me $35 dollars when the toll was only $1. Rather than relying on my alert mind to make sure I had cash in my pocket every day, I broke down and decided to join the mass and get me an EZ Pass transponder. Of course, typical windshield mount transponder will not work with our heat-reflecting film laminated windshield on our Zs and I did not want to stick it behind the detector port.

Upon research, I found out that there are other cars with special windshields and EZ Pass offers front license plate mount transponders. Since my Z is still registered in Florida, I have been free from front license plate and always had front license plate filler panel. I deduced the filler panel being non-metal piece (poly urethane, I think) would not impede operation of the transponder. And as you can see in the picture, OEM filler panel has an upturned lip behind the panel with perfect dimension to fit the transponder. What do you know...
I droped the transponder between the back face of the filler and upturned lip with a little strips of 3M double sided tape and remounted the filler panel.

Moment of truth. I pulled up to the full service toll booth just in case and the green light lit up!

No more worries over empty pocket!


12-12-2017, 09:04 AM
Yeah I have heard the same for SXM Antenna, under the fiberglass will work fine..

As for transponders, I have one in each of my cars for IL..

12-12-2017, 09:20 AM
Where else has one "successfully" mounted one.
Under hood has been mentioned, but there are not many places to put the external transponder ( the plate mounted one ), and not certain the internal windshield version can survive the under hood environment.
Share your thoughts ( and pictures) please!

Thank you Secondchance for your solution!!!


Paul Workman
12-12-2017, 09:31 AM
I'm not surprised. A year ago on the trip to Carlisle, forgetting I had the transponder in the console (sp?), I was puzzled by the green light coming on and the gate lifting several times before I had my money out for the attendant.

Curious, I went looking and found it in the storage compartment. Danged thing was happy as a lark - pinging away at every booth in spite of being deep inside of the cabin.

Go figger!

12-12-2017, 10:07 AM
I always mounted my Valentine 1 in the "garage door opener" cutout and simply put the I-Pass (Illinois) unit in front of it and held tight by pushing the V1 up against it. Marc had run a hard wired lead up through the grille on top of the dash from the fuse box so it was quite convenient. Worked fine for many years. You can see it (somewhat dimly) in the picture below. Illinois later change the I-Pass shape but it still worked fine there.--Bob

12-13-2017, 06:25 AM
I'm just thankful that the nearest toll road to me is 5 hours away....
Hate those things..

12-13-2017, 11:46 AM
Funny story to me at least.....About 6 years ago, I went to visit a friend in Florida. I used to live in Florida, so knew about the toll roads I would have to use to get to Kissimmee. I get into Florida about 11 p.m. and notice that the roads are clear, no traffic. It wasn't till about 20-30 miles in did I notice the people pulled over paying tolls!! I had been cruising along in the Epass lane, oblivious that I had to stop every 10 miles to pay a toll!!!! So I just blew off all the tolls, never got pulled over, or never got any tickets in the mail once I get back home. When I saw your Epass reader of whatever they call those, it reminded me of how lucky I got! I'm so glad we don't have any toll roads in Southern Illinois