10-25-2017, 05:14 PM
Discovered the vacuum pump in Mary Jane's '91 is laying loose in the right front corner under the headlight. Appears that it should be mounted using a bolt at one end and a tab at the other, but cannot determine the location within the reach of the attached vacuum line and wiring.
Would appreciate any clues available as to how it mounts; a photo if possible. Cannot use my '91 as a go-by as its vacuum pump is long gone. The Helm Manual Electrical Section 8A-22-12 gives a vague written location, but does not provide a diagram. !#$%^
S. Lee Sikes, '91 Dark Red / Saddle (pumpless)
Mary Jane Sikes, '91 Polo Green / Saddle (loose pump)
Discovered the vacuum pump in Mary Jane's '91 is laying loose in the right front corner under the headlight. Appears that it should be mounted using a bolt at one end and a tab at the other, but cannot determine the location within the reach of the attached vacuum line and wiring.
Would appreciate any clues available as to how it mounts; a photo if possible. Cannot use my '91 as a go-by as its vacuum pump is long gone. The Helm Manual Electrical Section 8A-22-12 gives a vague written location, but does not provide a diagram. !#$%^
S. Lee Sikes, '91 Dark Red / Saddle (pumpless)
Mary Jane Sikes, '91 Polo Green / Saddle (loose pump)