View Full Version : Piecing Together a Tech 1 Scan Tool Kit

10-07-2017, 12:22 PM
Several years ago I picked up this Tech 1 scan tool. All it came with is the 14 pin cable you see. Looking for advice from members here more knowledgeable about Tech 1s concerning the other components I will need to use it on my 94 ZR-1.



10-07-2017, 12:41 PM
This would do only a Tech1 not an (a) with the cable in Phil's snapshots

Phil - If you have the proper MASS STORAGE CARTRIDGE have GC send you the adapter that I borrowed from him to confirm operation for your '94. With the MASS STORAGE and that adapter I believe that you can do ECM/CCM etc for the '94 & '95. I doubt you can do mileage and VIN for CCM but diagnostics. Your current cable would need the 12 pin ALDL connector to use the adapter.

What software do you have? Which cartridge? For your car I believe the MASS STORAGE is required. There's various MSC - GM only and also a MSC that does most other domestics and also imports.

This is the adapter 3000053

The end of your cable has the conventional OBD 1 12 pin to ALDL? If it doesn't then you'll need the 14 - 16 and maybe not the adapter that I mentioned.

10-07-2017, 12:52 PM
Thanks Dave,
All I have is what’s in the photos. No MASS STORAGE UNIT cartridge or other software and no way to plug it into the 16 pin DLC connector.

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10-07-2017, 01:10 PM
Thanks Dave,
All I have is what’s in the photos. No MASS STORAGE UNIT cartridge or other software and no way to plug it into the 16 pin DLC connector.

Sounds like you only have the Tech1(a) and the actual DLC cable, there's a DLC to 16 pin OBD2 cable that would plug in to it or a different cable in it's entirety. I'm sending you a complete Tech1, 1(a) and MT3100 user manual to sort through. The .pdf is (secured) so I'll unlock it before sending. Once it's "unlocked" I may post an image.

The file is sent and when I unlock more I'll send them also. The manual I sent is Vetronix and I don't know that I can convert the Vetronix #'s to those of the GM Tech1(a) when supplied by GM. I'll try.

It looks like your cable has the provision for the 12V either cigar lighter or battery clip adapter that's required. I have the alligator battery clip style I believe still NEW.

See the GETTING STARTED section page 131 of the manual for various configurations. There's Tech1, Tech1(a) and also MT3100 in that manual. I have BODY and CHASSIS manuals for through 2004 also I'm sure.

10-07-2017, 02:01 PM
Does the scanner have a lot more options than the aldldroid Bluetooth scanner?

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10-07-2017, 02:51 PM
The images in the manual seem to be "way wrong"! The information correct but images wrong.

JIM (QB93Z) should have this adapter - 02001575. Have him check that for you and maybe a 02001384 if he has that. Those numbers are in the manual but don't seem to transfer to the configuration images.

The adapter that I mentioned in post#2 seems to be the GM equivalent of the 02001575 so with the 02001384 adapter it would work for the Tech1a, I used the adapter with my Tech1 which is a bit different. My DLC cable is dedicated to the early 12 pin ALDL. The 02001575 should ave a toggle on one side of it if it's the same as the 3000053 I mentioned.

10-07-2017, 02:51 PM
Does the scanner have a lot more options than the aldldroid Bluetooth scanner?

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ALDLdroid is a datalogger. The TECH1 has many more functions as far as actually controlling operation of components on the motor, as in shutting off injectors etc. However, the TECH1 doesn't do much as a datalogger other than snapshots IIRC.

10-07-2017, 02:52 PM
Roger that! Thanks

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10-07-2017, 06:25 PM
The real value is that much of the diagnostic logic in the GM service manuals is written with the Tech 1 as the sole diagnostic tool for many of the systems. Really makes trouble shooting much easier.

In addition to the mass storage cartidge and proper connector you will also need a power cord. It plugs into the side of the tester and then to the cigarette lighter.

10-07-2017, 11:31 PM
Hello Phil.....
this is my Tech 1 with all of the connectors that you would need for your 94......

here is the Tech 1 with the OBD 1 connector and the power cord to the cig lighter.....
http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p138/SSROADSTER/94%20ZR-1/20171007_230933.jpg (http://s127.photobucket.com/user/SSROADSTER/media/94%20ZR-1/20171007_230933.jpg.html)
this is my Mass Storage Cartridge.....
http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p138/SSROADSTER/94%20ZR-1/20171007_230742_1.jpg (http://s127.photobucket.com/user/SSROADSTER/media/94%20ZR-1/20171007_230742_1.jpg.html)
which you can see has been updated throughout the years.....
http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p138/SSROADSTER/94%20ZR-1/20171007_230754_1.jpg (http://s127.photobucket.com/user/SSROADSTER/media/94%20ZR-1/20171007_230754_1.jpg.html)
this is the interface that you need to use in our 94 OBD II connector....and you also need that adapter on the left of the interface, which I did not take a close up pic....you will need all 3 separate pieces shown here to connect to the OBD II.......
http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p138/SSROADSTER/94%20ZR-1/20171007_231023.jpg (http://s127.photobucket.com/user/SSROADSTER/media/94%20ZR-1/20171007_231023.jpg.html)
close up of the interface part#.....and the right side adapter part#.....
http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p138/SSROADSTER/94%20ZR-1/20171007_231031.jpg (http://s127.photobucket.com/user/SSROADSTER/media/94%20ZR-1/20171007_231031.jpg.html)
http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p138/SSROADSTER/94%20ZR-1/20171007_231045.jpg (http://s127.photobucket.com/user/SSROADSTER/media/94%20ZR-1/20171007_231045.jpg.html)
the unit as a whole for our 94 OBD II connector.....ready to go.....
http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p138/SSROADSTER/94%20ZR-1/20171007_231218.jpg (http://s127.photobucket.com/user/SSROADSTER/media/94%20ZR-1/20171007_231218.jpg.html)

10-08-2017, 09:17 AM
Hello Phil.....
this is my Tech 1 with all of the connectors that you would need for your 94......

here is the Tech 1 with the OBD 1 connector and the power cord to the cig lighter.....


Yours is a Tech1 and Phil has a Tech1(a) - they require very different cords, adapters etc.

The MSC will work with either. For your Tech1 to do '94 & '95 cars I believe all you need is the 02001575 I mentioned which is the same as the 3000053. You don't seem to have that or you didn't include a snapshot.

NOTE on the one adapter combination (snapshot #4) the one component is actually molded (DO NOT USE WITH TECH1A)

Perhaps Jim or GC will post a snapshot of the 02001575/3000053 which you would need for '94 & '95. With a Tech1 I've used that adapter to do Buick '95 which share the same 1.5 or BETA OBD.

Jim can maybe post a snapshot of the other I mentioned I believe Phil needs for the Tech1(a). That's the 02001384 which I believe in an earlier thread years ago he mentioned having.

The manual I have from Vetronix/Bosch has some very good images of configurations but they've erred in adapter ID in a couple. Once ID'd I might edit the .pdf with part#'s. I took down a couple images I had posted because the mention PIN-E in the images and it's NOT PIN-E.

I've always thought YOUR 3 piece combination(snapshot #4) is meant to be used for true OBD2 in '96 or newer using the Tech1. Have you actually used it on your '94? I have the same package for my Tech1. Mine ain't as pretty as yours though - well used or abused maybe fits.

Here's a 6 year old thread where Jim mentions having the adapters that I mentioned:


10-08-2017, 10:26 AM

I was under the impression that it would have Tech 1a imprinted on the front of the device as I have seen many times.....
I didn't know that series (a) on the back of the device refers to it as being a Tech 1a.....if that is the case, I imagine it was for the very early Tech 1a scanners..
Again, all of the Tech 1a's I have seen were always labeled on the front..
My interface and adapters work fine on mine for the 94. We also used the scanner on Charlie's 92 at Carlisle without the adapter to make an adjustment...😁

And yes mine is in good shape.....got lucky on the purchase.....

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10-08-2017, 10:36 AM

I was under the impression that it would have Tech 1a imprinted on the front of the device as I have seen many times.....
I didn't know that series (a) on the back of the device refers to it as being a Tech 1a.....if that is the case, I imagine it was for the very early Tech 1a scanners..
Again, all of the Tech 1a's I have seen were always labeled on the front..
My interface and adapters work fine on mine for the 94. We also used the scanner on Charlie's 92 at Carlisle without the adapter to make an adjustment...😁

And yes mine is in good shape.....got lucky on the purchase.....

If Jim has the 02001575 still you might try just using that single adapter and check your '94. The combination that you and I have is very bulky, mine when connected is maybe 8' long. Were you able to access the CCM using yours to verify VIN and ODOMETER? If you were able to access it then it's likely that your MSC and Tech1 could program VIN and ODOMETER into a rebuilt CCM. You can't ALTER but likely enter them.

Phil's snapshot #2 is confirmation of the Tech1(a) - Tech1 has no additional ports on the side, only Tech1(a).

10-08-2017, 11:31 AM
Thanks guys, excellent advice.
Did some searching around and apparently PN 3000003 mass storage cartridges are hard to come by. Nothing on eBay. Are there any other places I should be checking?

10-08-2017, 11:40 AM
There is one Mass Storage cartridge on eBay. It’s part of a grouping.
Auction #232512025290
Good luck

10-08-2017, 11:48 AM
Thanks guys, excellent advice.
Did some searching around and apparently PN 3000003 mass storage cartridges are hard to come by. Nothing on eBay. Are there any other places I should be checking?

The ....003 is a GM "only" configuration as a rule BUT not necessarily. It would be dependent upon who did the updates. I have a MSC VETRONIX 02002663 that has GM, CMC, FoMoCo and most imports OBD1 & 2. I also have a VETRONIX 02001718 which is "power-train" GM '81 - '94, FoMoCo '81 - '93 and CMC '83 - '93. I've never tried the 02001718 - it might be interesting to try it. I have the GM ...003 also, not sure of the SW version.

The eBay offering is interesting but the MSC would depend upon the SW/version "update" that's on it.

I have a power cable, the MSC and others so if Jim had the 2 adapters I think there's enough to actually confirm the "functionality" of your Tech1(a) before you bought a thing. You're of course welcome to them to check.


10-08-2017, 01:45 PM
I just checked the one I have and the manual refers to a Tech 1a. It has an Ethernet port on the side. I only have the carts for GM 81-92 ECM/Brakes/Body but no MSC. Also, no 94-95 ALDL adapter.

10-08-2017, 04:25 PM
If Jim has the 02001575 still you might try just using that single adapter and check your '94. The combination that you and I have is very bulky, mine when connected is maybe 8' long. Were you able to access the CCM using yours to verify VIN and ODOMETER? If you were able to access it then it's likely that your MSC and Tech1 could program VIN and ODOMETER into a rebuilt CCM. You can't ALTER but likely enter them.

Phil's snapshot #2 is confirmation of the Tech1(a) - Tech1 has no additional ports on the side, only Tech1(a).

I did not try that feature as of yet......I want to learn more about it before I do something else.....like erase something that I shouldn't have!!! :dontknow: I have just been using the function that FO allows you to do and that is just reading data....lol I'll get brave somewhere down the road and look into the other capabilities that this scanner has......

10-09-2017, 09:41 AM
It appears that on the MEMBERS ACCESS there's Tech1 & 1a user guides for Chassis and Body (2 files) that have images and configurations in "GETTING STARTED" section. I don't know if there's a POWER TRAIN user guide there or not.

10-09-2017, 10:43 AM
A question - what is the ideal scanner, cartridges and connector combo to service 94 model?
I've been thinking about looking for a Tech 1 but too daunting not knowing what I need.

10-09-2017, 11:25 AM
A question - what is the ideal scanner, cartridges and connector combo to service 94 model?
I've been thinking about looking for a Tech 1 but too daunting not knowing what I need.

Look at the Chassis and Body Tech1(a) manuals in the MEMBERS ACCESS and there's configuration guides for various years with links to images of adapters required for various SIR, ABS etc.

It appears that Jim might have the ideal package already so you use his to determine what you're most interested in. If Jim has a combination that does SIR, ABS and has access to the CCM for programming (if replaced/rebuilt) I'd try to duplicate that. The Tech1 cable configuration that I and Tom have is quite cumbersome I think. I'd prefer a Tech1(a). Ask Tom if he can access the body systems using his Tech1 configuration. I've no idea if his configuration will do SIR and ABS. The manual will answer I'd think also what Tom's configuration will do.

10-09-2017, 03:40 PM
Dave.......question....does the Mass Storage unit contain everything that is needed for full operation of the unit, or are the additional cartridges such as the ABS, chassis, etc., also need in conjunction with the MSC to be completely functional ??? Thx....

04-28-2018, 05:23 PM
Finally peased together a Tech 1A scan tool kit. Turn out to be quite an Ebay scavenger hunt.


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04-28-2018, 05:27 PM

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04-28-2018, 07:49 PM
Happy for you!
Can you put a list together for me? I don't even know where to start.

04-28-2018, 09:14 PM
Mine croaked:(

04-29-2018, 01:03 PM
The easy button these days is a Tech 2. Licensed ones don’t change hands much but you can find alternatives pretty easy. That’s all I want to say in a forum post though. Just an option; the Tech 1 bits are harder and harder to come by any more.

04-29-2018, 02:43 PM
Beware of Tech2 clones:

A couple ways to spot a clone:

If the Tech 2 your looking at has no production date on the inside cover for the software card on the top of the scan tool, its a clone. If there is no date, your looking at a clone!

If the "VOID" warranty sticker is opaque in appearance and difficult to read, its a clone.

If the Tech 2 has little white stickers over the case half's on each side with the word "VETRONIX" and Chinese symbols denoting a date, its a clone.

Most clones are being sold from Asian or European countries. Why would anyone be selling an item that was built here, shipped over there, and than put up for sale over there, to ship back here?

Finally, there are PLENTY of people here in the United States selling clones! They buy a few hundred of them, and un-load them on unsuspecting people calling them "slightly used" or surplus. If they have very little feedback, or the feedback looks like it was written by a a foreigner, your likely looking at a clone.

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04-29-2018, 03:31 PM
I have everything but the thermal printer. I will pull it to get some pics of the adapters everybody wants to see. I picked mine up when GM closed the proving grounds out here in AZ. A guy bought pallets of stuff and posted it on Craigslist. I took a big risk by buying a box stuffed full of cables and units without being allowed to go through it. Turned to be almost three complete units with all the goodies. I Sold one complete unit with the case to flying Ryan and gave the other loose unit to a friend of mine. This was ten years ago. I kept a TECH 1A for myself. What adapters cables etc are you looking for pics of Phil?

04-29-2018, 04:25 PM
What adapters cables etc are you looking for pics of Phil?

Thanks Daryll
I’ve got everything I need now for connecting to both 12 and 16 pin ALDL plugs

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04-29-2018, 04:53 PM
Thanks Daryll
I’ve got everything I need now for connecting to both 12 and 16 pin ALDL plugs

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Ok Phil I did not see your post until today. GC

12-29-2018, 04:22 PM
Does anyone have a pin-out of the Tech 1 main cable?

I'm attempting to piece together a Tech 1. I have a Tech1 and the cartridges and adapters I need for my application but I don't have the main diag and power cable.

From the pictures I can find, in a cursory Google search, and looking at the hardware I have right now.
It looks like the cable needs to be a Female 15 pin two row D-SUB to a Female 14 pin Amphenol 57 series "Centronics" connector with a cigarette lighter plug on the end of a power cable and binding screws on the Amphenol plug end...

The Tech 1A would have a Male 26pin three row D-Sub to 14 pin Amphenol 57 and I can find those cables. Or I could last time I looked. They're in tough shape but I can find em... I'd buy one and just ring it out but I don't have a Tech 1A.

12-29-2018, 05:13 PM
Does anyone have a pin-out of the Tech 1 main cable?

I'm attempting to piece together a Tech 1. I have a Tech1 and the cartridges and adapters I need for my application but I don't have the main diag and power cable.

From the pictures I can find, in a cursory Google search, and looking at the hardware I have right now.
It looks like the cable needs to be a Female 15 pin two row D-SUB to a Female 14 pin Amphenol 57 series "Centronics" connector with a cigarette lighter plug on the end of a power cable and binding screws on the Amphenol plug end...

The Tech 1A would have a Male 26pin three row D-Sub to 14 pin Amphenol 57 and I can find those cables. Or I could last time I looked. They're in tough shape but I can find em... I'd buy one and just ring it out but I don't have a Tech 1A.

The most popular cable for a Tech1 is a TA01139B - that is the the GM ALDL and a cigar lighter input. There are others but that is the more popular. I have a couple Tech1 (not 1A) here. There was a Techline cable when first released to GM that had the correct pinning, the cigar lighter supply and also an 'out' female connection. The Techline I believe is a TA00011A. I have both styles.

Do you know that the Tech1 is functional? If you were closer I'd lend one for a trial. New Hampshire doesn't work.

12-29-2018, 07:15 PM
Unfortunately I'm not positive that it works. I can't easily power it up without the DLC cable. If it doesn't power up I can probably fix it as long as the fault isn't an obsolete part. Just time on the bench.

I take it the 14 pin Amphenol 57 ended cables were a Tech 1A only item.

Soooo. If I'm not incorrect.
The TA01139B is a two row Female 15 pin D-Sub to a molded 12 pin Male Metripak 280 ALDL plug with power in via a cigarette lighter pigtail on the back of the molded ALDL plug.
The TA00011A is the same as the above except power in is a jack?? and it also has power out for the adapters that need it.

The Tech 2 DLC cable has a power input at the diagnostic connector end. I own a complete Tech 2 that came with a 12 pin male Metripak 280 ALDL connector.
I bought the Tech 1 to use on my 1988 R2500.

If I had the pinout of the TA00011A cable, including the power in and out, I could build a converter to mate the 15 pin two row D-Sub on the Tech 1 with the 26 pin triple row D-Sub Tech 2 cable that I already use with my Tech 2... that's likely the route I would take.
The adapter would essentially be slightly more complicated than a gender changer.

I'd share my success or failure and details on the adapter pinout with this group for the trouble.
Once it's proven to work on the Tech 1 making an adapter for the Tech 1A would be a cakewalk.