View Full Version : I'm Boycotting NFL Games

USAF Retired
09-25-2017, 05:48 PM
I'm truly sick and tired of all the Million Dollars Cry Babies disrespecting our heritage, flag and country. My family, friends and I have decided to boycott the NFL permanently. I ask you all to think about this and do the same.

May God Bless the United States of America :flag:


09-25-2017, 06:51 PM
These guys have the right to protest. It's what this country is all about.
Wanna stop it. Boycott the NFL. Don't watch, don't go. When the stadiums are empty, it will stop pretty quick.
I don't do sports, and I suspect few will abandon the game. Thank you, and I hope you can continue. It's like quitting anything, it ain't easy.

09-25-2017, 07:52 PM
People peacfully protesting injustice are "sons of bitches" but neo-nazi's are "very fine people" I give up.

09-25-2017, 07:58 PM
If a player feels compelled to protest, then all they need to do to in order to avoid all of this conflict, is to do it before or after, BUT, NOT DURING our National Anthem.
Too many real heroes (unlike these bozos) fought and died (and more will) for that Flag, Anthem, and our great country for these clowns to disrespect it as they do.






09-25-2017, 08:05 PM
People peacfully protesting injustice are "sons of bitches" but neo-nazi's are "very fine people" I give up.

Don't buy in to the liberal spin of what "they" say he said.
He was not referring to the neo-nazis as very fine people, but rather to the local townspeople that were there who simply wanted THEIR park to remain as is.


09-25-2017, 08:12 PM
Don't buy in to the liberal spin of what "they" say he said.
He was not referring to the neo-nazis as very fine people, but rather to the local townspeople that were there who simply wanted THEIR park to remain as is.


I don't have to buy into anything. I heard what he said and made my own decision. having lived in charlottesville no one ever talked about that statue or park.

09-25-2017, 08:21 PM
I don't have to buy into anything. I heard what he said and made my own decision. having lived in charlottesville no one ever talked about that statue or park.

Very well, have your own spin.

However, spin does not change what was said.

09-25-2017, 08:38 PM
This is my second year not following or watching pro football!

randy ransome
09-25-2017, 08:54 PM
People peacfully protesting injustice are "sons of bitches" but neo-nazi's are "very fine people" I give up.

Man are you confused.


09-25-2017, 08:58 PM
This is my second year not following or watching pro football!
What was the catalyst Big John?

09-25-2017, 08:58 PM
Very well, have your own spin.

However, spin does not change what was said.

Q: You said there was hatred and violence on both sides?

Trump: I think there is blame on both sides. You look at both sides. I think there is blame object both on both sides. I have no doubt about it. You don't have doubt about it either. If you reported it accurately, you would say that the neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville. Excuse me. They didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis. You had some very bad people in that group. You also had some very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group -- excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.

No spin needed there. Those are his words, neo-nazi's are very fine people

09-25-2017, 09:01 PM
I don't see that he lumped all neo nazis as fine people.

09-25-2017, 09:38 PM
Questions for folks who are against Take a Knee:

Do you think the problem they are protesting is real?

09-25-2017, 09:46 PM
I have no idea what they are protesting. During the national anthem is not the time to do it.
Of course the fans can also protest the players.

09-25-2017, 10:06 PM
I have no idea what they are protesting. During the national anthem is not the time to do it.That's pretty interesting. Colin Kaepernick has been doing this for about a year. Do you really not know?

What would be the best way for them to protest and have you understand why they're protesting?

09-25-2017, 10:41 PM
Gentlemen please be civil on this Nationally devisive topic. I'm a combat veteran with 30 years of service and I have an opinion as well. However I still believe folks can protest whenever they please. Its a right I fought for along with many other veterans.

However not paying respect to the flag is a disgrace and has no part of the NFL, NASCAR the NBA or any sports for that matter. If you as a player to want to make a statement simply walk off the field en mass if you chose to do so.

Anybody want to boycott anything go right ahead. It's your right to do so. Want political change? work for it. However disrespect for our nations flag and our national anthem is a complete disgrace. No matter who you are or where you stand in the argument.

09-25-2017, 11:18 PM
Q: You said there was hatred and violence on both sides?

Trump: I think there is blame on both sides. You look at both sides. I think there is blame object both on both sides. I have no doubt about it. You don't have doubt about it either. If you reported it accurately, you would say that the neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville. Excuse me. They didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis. You had some very bad people in that group. You also had some very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group -- excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down, of to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.

No spin needed there. Those are his words, neo-nazi's are very fine people

You might want to read the words more carefully.

What you said is quite a bit different from what he said.
This is not a debating team joust.
Believe whatever you wish, but yes, to conclude as you say, that's spin.

09-25-2017, 11:18 PM
Disgracing it by say, paying organizations to include it before the start of say professional sports? Or by holding the flag horizontally?

09-25-2017, 11:35 PM
No Kevin by taking a knee or siting down during the national anthem or the pledge of allegiance means it's disrespectful

If they want to hold each others hands that's fine as well as teammates from peewee ball on up do that. But not during the national anthem.

As to holding the flag horizontally its so the stadium can see it much like a flag is displayed and folded over a Veterans coffin in respect of the ultimate sacrifice to his/her country. It's horizontal as well Kevin.


09-26-2017, 12:58 AM
I guess its not just about black players.
Puerto Ricans will have no power for possibly 6months, the US Virgin Islands have been obliterated, North Korea has threatened to shoot down our jets if we get too close, Houston and most of Florida are under water, and u decide to die on the hill for who stands during the national anthem at a football game?!! Seriously, this is your priority Mr. President??!!

09-26-2017, 01:33 AM
Over 4800 troops are on the ground in Puerto Rico including hundreds of my fellow federal civilians from the US Army Corps of Engineers. More deployments to follow. There is a heavy prime power Brigade there and has been on the ground for over a week Dom. The infrastructure is/was totally destroyed. Chainsaws are being used simply to get to access for sites. The ports and airports are the priority and now up to 15 flights can now get in and out of PR while the military ports are open the civilian ones side took heavy damage. I won't go into the work already being done by FEMA and federal volunteers in Texas etc. You don't hear about all this effort on TV but you will hear about players who won't respect the national anthem.

Why is nobody hearing about this? This is all national response emergency framework in action. Is anybody aware of the logistics and manpower and funding it takes to respond to three hurricanes? It will take YEARS for the VI, PR and Parts of Texas and Florida to fully recover. Who controls all of this? The president. I don't agree with everything coming out of the administration and sometimes don't understand the logic or lack their of sometimes coming out of Washington these days.

Dont believe everything you hear or read that the media only cherry picks what to report. Even Clinton weighed in on sending the Hospital ship Mercy today. Well no **** lady it's going to the VIs first. I'm not sure we're the ships hope and comfort are going but they maybe in theater to support Afghanistan and Iraq .

09-26-2017, 07:25 AM
I see it as the president having a problem with those that disrespect the country.
Isn't that part of the job description?

09-26-2017, 09:24 AM
Over 4800 troops are on the ground in Puerto Rico including hundreds of my fellow federal civilians from the US Army Corps of Engineers. More deployments to follow. There is a heavy prime power Brigade there and has been on the ground for over a week Dom. The infrastructure is/was totally destroyed. Chainsaws are being used simply to get to access for sites. The ports and airports are the priority and now up to 15 flights can now get in and out of PR while the military ports are open the civilian ones side took heavy damage. I won't go into the work already being done by FEMA and federal volunteers in Texas etc. You don't hear about all this effort on TV but you will hear about players who won't respect the national anthem.

Why is nobody hearing about this?

Because there's nothing to criticize & it won't spin. Doesn't meet the criteria for the media these days.

09-26-2017, 09:37 AM
Because there's nothing to criticize & it won't spin. Doesn't meet the criteria for the media these days.

Exactly! I also understand the frustration on both sides.


All these protests and movements first against police officers and the stats don't lie. Sports players protesting about what they hear vs what is confirmed by a Harvard professor.

Are there issues? You bet. In the era of social media everybody is now a victim. I and I'm sure a lot of Americans are just sick and tired of it.

09-26-2017, 09:59 AM
So GC, rather than heralding the great work FEMA and the military are doing, rather than working to lower the temperature in Asia, we have a reality game show host fanning the flames of divisiveness among his own citizenry as if he's looking for ratings.That is not a leader.

09-26-2017, 10:21 AM
So GC, rather than heralding the great work FEMA and the military are doing, rather than working to lower the temperature in Asia, we have a reality game show host fanning the flames of divisiveness among his own citizenry as if he's looking for ratings.That is not a leader.

Just like an equally qualified community planner last time. Sorry No

I have not identified with a president since Ronald Reagan.

This time was the lessor of the only two evils presented sad and true.

I agree with where the priorities should be and I am baffled by all this BS.

09-26-2017, 10:29 AM
So GC, rather than heralding the great work FEMA and the military are doing, rather than working to lower the temperature in Asia, we have a reality game show host fanning the flames of divisiveness among his own citizenry as if he's looking for ratings.That is not a leader.

Well, guess that explains where you stand.

Perhaps OUR President ( who by your words above you fail to give respect to, but complain about his lack of it to their cause) was taking a break from trying to figure a solution to 30 years or more of appeasement to North Korea, that created the monster with bombs, which he now must deal with.

How to resolve giving plane loads of cash, our tax dollars to the Iranians, who are helping Kim build his bombs while his people starve.

Fixing a health care boondoggle that is soon to go bankrupt and take the insurers with it, stupidest plan ever conceived.

Taliban tearing down history, oh no, our citizenry tearing down history

Floods, Hurricanes, neighbors with earthquakes needing help.

ETC. (times 1,000)

So he turns on a football game, and sees a bunch of highly compensated athletes being disrespectful to our Flag, Anthem, and Country, and gets justifiably pissed about it.

AND rather than speak up for our country, the liberal left, and others turn it into the work of the devil.

Where is the outrage about the things written above?

Why not spend some time on that.

No, this is what some folks think is more important, getting down on a knee during our anthem.

At least last night I hear they did it BEFORE the Anthem.
They exercised their right to be silly, but at least they did not trample on the rights of others.

If 1% of the outrage would turn towards our elected officials to get off their butts and fix stuff, then the country would be far better for all of us.
But no, they waste time on people who show no respect to their country and those that have served it.

Some citizenry.


09-26-2017, 10:43 AM
I'm afraid what we got this last presidential election was the "evil of two lessors".
Lets hope next time around the political parties can come up with better candidates truly capable of leading our great nation through these challenging times.

09-26-2017, 10:53 AM
I'm afraid what we got this last presidential election was the "evil of two lessors".
Lets hope next time around the political parties can come up with better candidates truly capable of leading our great nation through these challenging times.

Completely agree Phil

09-26-2017, 12:35 PM
Well, guess that explains where you stand.

Perhaps OUR President ( who by your words above you fail to give respect to, but complain about his lack of it to their cause) was taking a break from trying to figure a solution to 30 years or more of appeasement to North Korea, that created the monster with bombs, which he now must deal with.

How to resolve giving plane loads of cash, our tax dollars to the Iranians, who are helping Kim build his bombs while his people starve.

Fixing a health care boondoggle that is soon to go bankrupt and take the insurers with it, stupidest plan ever conceived.

Taliban tearing down history, oh no, our citizenry tearing down history

Floods, Hurricanes, neighbors with earthquakes needing help.

ETC. (times 1,000)

So he turns on a football game, and sees a bunch of highly compensated athletes being disrespectful to our Flag, Anthem, and Country, and gets justifiably pissed about it.

AND rather than speak up for our country, the liberal left, and others turn it into the work of the devil.

Where is the outrage about the things written above?

Why not spend some time on that.

No, this is what some folks think is more important, getting down on a knee during our anthem.

At least last night I hear they did it BEFORE the Anthem.
They exercised their right to be silly, but at least they did not trample on the rights of others.

If 1% of the outrage would turn towards our elected officials to get off their butts and fix stuff, then the country would be far better for all of us.
But no, they waste time on people who show no respect to their country and those that have served it.

Some citizenry.


Not hard to see where you stand

09-26-2017, 01:26 PM
Not hard to see where you stand

I stand in support of our President, Country, Armed Forces, Veterans, Flag, and Anthem.

I might however start taking a knee when I hear certain Senators and Congressmen both Democrat and Republican, who talk a good game, but never deliver anything at all but words.

I also have no time for athletes and entertainers who wish to force their views on anyone other than themselves. When they take a public platform to simply speak ill of the USA or our President they are wasting everyone's time.
If their cause is valid, there are ways to seek and introduce legislation, which if supported by the majority, can one day become law.
If they simply don't like an elected official at any level, then they should throw their time and resources behind the candidate of their choice.
Once they have done that.... Oh, they did all of that, and their candidate lost. That does not mean you then act like a child and block and protest every single thing that then takes place.
Unfortunately, they do not seem able to grasp that last part.
To them, a democracy is fine only if it is their person.
Last I checked, that is not how it is supposed to be.


09-26-2017, 01:49 PM
Nice post Marty ! :Eagle:

USAF Retired
09-26-2017, 02:02 PM
I'm afraid what we got this last presidential election was the "evil of two lessors". Lets hope next time around the political parties can come up with better candidates truly capable of leading our great nation through these challenging times.

I like President Trump. Why don't you? Give me a few reasons why you hate the guy so much?

09-26-2017, 02:38 PM
There you go using the HATE word again!

09-26-2017, 04:08 PM
Totally agree with Marty!!! [emoji631][emoji631][emoji631][emoji631]

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

USAF Retired
09-26-2017, 04:55 PM
There you go using the HATE word again!

I'm simply asking a question. Why do some of the liberals on this forum hate President Trump so much? About the word "hate", so how do you explain Madonna, Kathy Griffin or Johnny Depp, who publicly announce they want to bomb the White House or assassinate our President? Is this not hate to you? I happen to like President Trump. I like what he says. What he stands for. I like his patriotism. His dedication and gratitude for normal hard working people, law enforcement, first responders, veterans, etc.

09-26-2017, 06:15 PM
I would call them losers!
As a person I don't like President Trump but I voted for him!

USAF Retired
09-26-2017, 11:03 PM
Sorry, typo. I meant to say: Why do some of the liberals on this forum hate President Trump so much? Please give me one or two examples why President Trump is such a horrible human being? Tell me what has he done since he was elected to be such a terrible, devil of a person? Examples please. Thank you.

My family and I are still boycotting the NFL for life.


09-26-2017, 11:13 PM
I stand in support of our President, Country, Armed Forces, Veterans, Flag, and Anthem.

I might however start taking a knee when I hear certain Senators and Congressmen both Democrat and Republican, who talk a good game, but never deliver anything at all but words.

I also have no time for athletes and entertainers who wish to force their views on anyone other than themselves. When they take a public platform to simply speak ill of the USA or our President they are wasting everyone's time.
If their cause is valid, there are ways to seek and introduce legislation, which if supported by the majority, can one day become law.
If they simply don't like an elected official at any level, then they should throw their time and resources behind the candidate of their choice.
Once they have done that.... Oh, they did all of that, and their candidate lost. That does not mean you then act like a child and block and protest every single thing that then takes place.
Unfortunately, they do not seem able to grasp that last part.
To them, a democracy is fine only if it is their person.
Last I checked, that is not how it is supposed to be.


So Marty, the fat slob w an AR-15 strapped around his back walking into a WalMart to assert his 2nd Amendment rights is a patriot, NFL players on one knee demonstrating their 1st Amendment rights to free speech, they're SOBs.
And please don't give me any of this deference to the flag BS. Its not about a piece of cloth.

09-26-2017, 11:36 PM
Please give me one or two examples why President Trump is such a horrible human being?Well, I'm sure you'll disagree with all of this, but ...

What he said about John Glenn and about the Gold Star families.

He gained political fame with the ridiculous birther issue.

He has a long history of cheating people, not paying his bills, suing people who can't afford lawyers like he can.

He said he'd drain the swamp but his cabinet is filled with people from Goldman Sachs.

He called the White House a dump.

He is benefiting financially from his presidency (leasing to government agencies and raising rent in Trump Towers (by 200-500%?)

He shared classified information with the Russians, and had a meeting with Russians with no american press (we heard about it through the Russian press).

His first words to his UN audience was about his property across the street.

He's a draft dodger.

He encourages violence.

He pardoned a criminal with a know history of ignoring laws and treating prisoners badly.

He's a misogynist (grabbing 'em by the *****).

He complained about Obama's golf and vacations, then did much more in the first two months of his presidency.

He hired is inexperienced son-in-law to create peace in the middle east, solving the opioid problem, be responsible for Mexican diplomacy (thanks, dad), reforming care for veterans, reforming the criminal justice system, and reinventing government to be run like a business (and Jared has a HORRIBLE record in business). I haven't heard any status reports on any of these. Maybe he's going to solve them all and announce them all at once.

He doesn't want to disrespect white supremacists, but has no problem putting other groups of people down.

He's in a dick-measuring fight with an unstable leader who's threatening to send his nuclear bombs to America.

Today he informed us all that Puerto Rico is an island in a big ocean. A very very big ocean.

He speaks at a sixth grade level. He reportedly never reads anything more than a paragraph. He doesn't bother discussing things with generals. Today he tweeted about an Iranian rocket launch that didn't happen.

he constantly lies and only cares about himself.

He doesn't understand why football players are taking a knee, and trying to make it about disrespecting America. I think a good leader would want to understand why people are protesting and maybe do something about it. He doesn't even acknowledge it.

He raised a huge amount of money for his inauguration (much more than Obama's), and it seems some of the money not spent has been spent on remodeling Pence's house.

He's promised to donate millions of dollars, then doesn't and was caught.

He's lied about not knowing about the proposed meeting with Russians about Hillary's emails.

He talked about Hillary's emails for two years, then didn't bother to tell his administration not to use personal email accounts for white house communications.

He has done nothing to try and bring a divided America together, instead, most of his actions are the opposite.

There's more. I'm tired of typing.

09-27-2017, 12:06 AM
America is the greatest country on earth. The players have a right to protest and so do I. They want to kneel or hide in tunnels and I get to withdraw my financial support of the league that makes their lifestyle possible. Works for me.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

09-27-2017, 01:19 AM
I stand in support of our President, Country, Armed Forces, Veterans, Flag, and Anthem.

I might however start taking a knee when I hear certain Senators and Congressmen both Democrat and Republican, who talk a good game, but never deliver anything at all but words.

I also have no time for athletes and entertainers who wish to force their views on anyone other than themselves. When they take a public platform to simply speak ill of the USA or our President they are wasting everyone's time.
If their cause is valid, there are ways to seek and introduce legislation, which if supported by the majority, can one day become law.
If they simply don't like an elected official at any level, then they should throw their time and resources behind the candidate of their choice.
Once they have done that.... Oh, they did all of that, and their candidate lost. That does not mean you then act like a child and block and protest every single thing that then takes place.
Unfortunately, they do not seem able to grasp that last part.
To them, a democracy is fine only if it is their person.
Last I checked, that is not how it is supposed to be.


Pretty sure it's already illegal to shoot unarmed people, even if you are carrying a badge

09-27-2017, 01:21 AM
Sorry, typo. I meant to say: Why do some of the liberals on this forum hate President Trump so much? Please give me one or two examples why President Trump is such a horrible human being? Tell me what has he done since he was elected to be such a terrible, devil of a person? Examples please. Thank you.

My family and I are still boycotting the NFL for life.


well we can start with calling nazi's "very fine people, very fine", not telling david duke to **** off when he endorsed trump, his thinly veiled racism, his non veiled racism, his anti-lgbt stance, his complete lack of policy, I have more but Russ did a pretty damn good job.

09-27-2017, 10:27 AM
Pretty sure it's already illegal to shoot unarmed people, even if you are carrying a badge

Do you actually believe that?

If you do, then perhaps you should turn off the television, or if not, at least watch a minimum of 5 news channels.

09-27-2017, 10:53 AM
I don't think our President is racist. I also like the way he's handling the alphabet soup gang and leftist thugs and can't wait for him to appoint another Supreme Court Justice or two (God willing). I also think he's our best shot at lowering taxes and having any hope of sparing our kids/grandkids from a crippling national debt and a welfare state.

Sent from my iPad using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

randy ransome
09-27-2017, 11:05 AM
well we can start with calling nazi's "very fine people, very fine", not telling david duke to **** off when he endorsed trump, his thinly veiled racism, his non veiled racism, his anti-lgbt stance, his complete lack of policy, I have more but Russ did a pretty damn good job.

Man are you confused.


randy ransome
09-27-2017, 11:17 AM
Well, I'm sure you'll disagree with all of this, but ...

What he said about John Glenn and about the Gold Star families.

He gained political fame with the ridiculous birther issue.

He has a long history of cheating people, not paying his bills, suing people who can't afford lawyers like he can.

He said he'd drain the swamp but his cabinet is filled with people from Goldman Sachs.

He called the White House a dump.

He is benefiting financially from his presidency (leasing to government agencies and raising rent in Trump Towers (by 200-500%?)

He shared classified information with the Russians, and had a meeting with Russians with no american press (we heard about it through the Russian press).

His first words to his UN audience was about his property across the street.

He's a draft dodger.

He encourages violence.

He pardoned a criminal with a know history of ignoring laws and treating prisoners badly.

He's a misogynist (grabbing 'em by the *****).

He complained about Obama's golf and vacations, then did much more in the first two months of his presidency.

He hired is inexperienced son-in-law to create peace in the middle east, solving the opioid problem, be responsible for Mexican diplomacy (thanks, dad), reforming care for veterans, reforming the criminal justice system, and reinventing government to be run like a business (and Jared has a HORRIBLE record in business). I haven't heard any status reports on any of these. Maybe he's going to solve them all and announce them all at once.

He doesn't want to disrespect white supremacists, but has no problem putting other groups of people down.

He's in a dick-measuring fight with an unstable leader who's threatening to send his nuclear bombs to America.

Today he informed us all that Puerto Rico is an island in a big ocean. A very very big ocean.

He speaks at a sixth grade level. He reportedly never reads anything more than a paragraph. He doesn't bother discussing things with generals. Today he tweeted about an Iranian rocket launch that didn't happen.

he constantly lies and only cares about himself.

He doesn't understand why football players are taking a knee, and trying to make it about disrespecting America. I think a good leader would want to understand why people are protesting and maybe do something about it. He doesn't even acknowledge it.

He raised a huge amount of money for his inauguration (much more than Obama's), and it seems some of the money not spent has been spent on remodeling Pence's house.

He's promised to donate millions of dollars, then doesn't and was caught.

He's lied about not knowing about the proposed meeting with Russians about Hillary's emails.

He talked about Hillary's emails for two years, then didn't bother to tell his administration not to use personal email accounts for white house communications.

He has done nothing to try and bring a divided America together, instead, most of his actions are the opposite.

There's more. I'm tired of typing.

The majority of your statements are BS.


09-27-2017, 11:29 AM
I don't think our President is racist. I also like the way he's handling the alphabet soup gang and leftist thugs and can't wait for him to appoint another Supreme Court Justice or two (God willing). I also think he's our best shot at lowering taxes and having any hope of sparing our kids/grandkids from a crippling national debt and a welfare state.

Sent from my iPad using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

Well said, and all true!
His Supreme Court Appointments will have a tremendous positive effect.
The SCOTUS may finally reign in some like the 9th Circuit, that simply create their own laws, and twist reality into something unrecognizable.

09-27-2017, 11:35 AM
Do you actually believe that?

If you do, then perhaps you should turn off the television, or if not, at least watch a minimum of 5 news channels.

What do you mean “do I actually belong that”. That’s how this whole kneeling thing started.

09-27-2017, 11:36 AM
Man are you confused.


I’m actually not. :salute::saluting::proud::flag2::flag::Eagle:

09-27-2017, 11:48 AM
You may not be but I am!

09-27-2017, 11:50 AM
well we can start with calling nazi's "very fine people, very fine", not telling david duke to **** off when he endorsed trump, his thinly veiled racism, his non veiled racism, his anti-lgbt stance, his complete lack of policy, I have more but Russ did a pretty damn good job.

You continue your spin.
Re-read your own original quote.
Your interpretation would mean there were "very fine Nazis" on both sides. Certainly not what was being said.
Now take a moment and go back and actually re-read the quote and it should become clear.
Don't let your dislike of him cause you to see what is not there.
Or, keep spinning, but know that it is spin.

As for the rest, if you believe that to be a pretty damn good job, you need to separate facts from noise.

09-27-2017, 12:01 PM
Questions for folks who are against Take a Knee:

Do you think the problem they are protesting is real?

Which problem?
Colin's support of Castro and the late Che Guevara, or the militants that he so reveres ?

09-27-2017, 12:10 PM
So Marty, the fat slob w an AR-15 strapped around his back walking into a WalMart to assert his 2nd Amendment rights is a patriot, NFL players on one knee demonstrating their 1st Amendment rights to free speech, they're SOBs.
And please don't give me any of this deference to the flag BS. Its not about a piece of cloth.

Excuse me.

Piece of cloth?

Ask John McCain about "that piece of cloth"

I and others have followed way too many caskets with that "piece of cloth" on them to ever think of it as a " piece of cloth"

THAT is the exact problem that I have with the knee thing.


09-27-2017, 12:42 PM
You continue your spin.
Re-read your own original quote.
Your interpretation would mean there were "very fine Nazis" on both sides. Certainly not what was being said.
Now take a moment and go back and actually re-read the quote and it should become clear.
Don't let your dislike of him cause you to see what is not there.
Or, keep spinning, but know that it is spin.

As for the rest, if you believe that to be a pretty damn good job, you need to separate facts from noise.

Trump: I think there is blame on both sides. You look at both sides. I think there is blame object both on both sides. I have no doubt about it. You don't have doubt about it either. If you reported it accurately, you would say that the neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville. Excuse me. They didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis. You had some very bad people in that group. You also had some very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group"

Show me what I'm missing Marty, I'm willing to learn.

09-27-2017, 12:43 PM
Which problem?
Colin's support of Castro and the late Che Guevara, or the militants that he so reveres ?

Talk about spin! Come on Marty you know that this has nothing to do with communism.

09-27-2017, 01:41 PM
Trump: I think there is blame on both sides. You look at both sides. I think there is blame object both on both sides. I have no doubt about it. You don't have doubt about it either. If you reported it accurately, you would say that the neo-Nazis started this thing. They showed up in Charlottesville. Excuse me. They didn't put themselves down as neo-Nazis. You had some very bad people in that group. You also had some very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group"

Show me what I'm missing Marty, I'm willing to learn.

Kevin, you keep saying he called Nazis very fine people.
Please explain your reasoning because the quote does not say that.
The quote refers to Nazis as very bad people.
He then goes on with the highlighted sentence.

The facts are the facts:
1- there were BAD people on BOTH sides.
2- there were GOOD people on BOTH sides.

But nowhere does he call Nazis good.

Rubber cannot be twisted that much.
I know that is what some news folks tried to contort the statement into, but the facts are otherwise.

I am also willing to learn.
I actively watch multiple newscasts most each night.
I listen and later read the expanded versions of what was reported on, not just the sound bites.
It then let's me evaluate each spin direction of the various news sources.
I focus more on the most accurate journalists, regardless of network.
Some, are just beyond help, as are many newspapers.
They cannot refrain from their subjective stance, and they interject their
bias far too often, and at this point they do not even try to hide it.
That's not news, but rather should be on the editorial page.
We must all be careful to not confuse facts with spin.

09-27-2017, 01:48 PM
Talk about spin! Come on Marty you know that this has nothing to do with communism.

Is it about the thug/criminal Michael Brown who attacked a police officer and was lawfully shot? The black lives matter movement seemed to take off after this event- complete with rioting, violence, and a complete disregard for the facts of the case.

Sent from my iPad using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

09-27-2017, 02:19 PM
Talk about spin! Come on Marty you know that this has nothing to do with communism.

So you may say.

I look at the person and listen to what they say and believe. That evidences where their allegiance lies.
It may explain why one would not pay respect to the country that he lives in or the flag and anthem that represent it.

USAF Retired
09-27-2017, 04:25 PM
Well, I'm sure you'll disagree with all of this, but ...

What he said about John Glenn and about the Gold Star families.

He gained political fame with the ridiculous birther issue.

He has a long history of cheating people, not paying his bills, suing people who can't afford lawyers like he can.

He said he'd drain the swamp but his cabinet is filled with people from Goldman Sachs.

He called the White House a dump.

He is benefiting financially from his presidency (leasing to government agencies and raising rent in Trump Towers (by 200-500%?)

He shared classified information with the Russians, and had a meeting with Russians with no american press (we heard about it through the Russian press).

His first words to his UN audience was about his property across the street.

He's a draft dodger.

He encourages violence.

He pardoned a criminal with a know history of ignoring laws and treating prisoners badly.

He's a misogynist (grabbing 'em by the *****).

He complained about Obama's golf and vacations, then did much more in the first two months of his presidency.

He hired is inexperienced son-in-law to create peace in the middle east, solving the opioid problem, be responsible for Mexican diplomacy (thanks, dad), reforming care for veterans, reforming the criminal justice system, and reinventing government to be run like a business (and Jared has a HORRIBLE record in business). I haven't heard any status reports on any of these. Maybe he's going to solve them all and announce them all at once.

He doesn't want to disrespect white supremacists, but has no problem putting other groups of people down.

He's in a dick-measuring fight with an unstable leader who's threatening to send his nuclear bombs to America.

Today he informed us all that Puerto Rico is an island in a big ocean. A very very big ocean.

He speaks at a sixth grade level. He reportedly never reads anything more than a paragraph. He doesn't bother discussing things with generals. Today he tweeted about an Iranian rocket launch that didn't happen.

he constantly lies and only cares about himself.

He doesn't understand why football players are taking a knee, and trying to make it about disrespecting America. I think a good leader would want to understand why people are protesting and maybe do something about it. He doesn't even acknowledge it.

He raised a huge amount of money for his inauguration (much more than Obama's), and it seems some of the money not spent has been spent on remodeling Pence's house.

He's promised to donate millions of dollars, then doesn't and was caught.

He's lied about not knowing about the proposed meeting with Russians about Hillary's emails.

He talked about Hillary's emails for two years, then didn't bother to tell his administration not to use personal email accounts for white house communications.

He has done nothing to try and bring a divided America together, instead, most of his actions are the opposite.

There's more. I'm tired of typing.

A question for you Russ: Have you ever served in the Armed Forces of the United States or any other country around the world? Are you, or have you ever had an occupation in Law Enforcement? Fireman? First Responder? Have you ever sacrificed your life for the good of others? For the good of a country?

09-27-2017, 06:07 PM
Do you want to race?

USAF Retired
09-27-2017, 08:10 PM
Do you want to race?

I don't understand, sorry. I asked Russ a question.

09-27-2017, 08:34 PM
A question for you Russ: Have you ever served in the Armed Forces of the United States or any other country around the world? Are you, or have you ever had an occupation in Law Enforcement? Fireman? First Responder? Have you ever sacrificed your life for the good of others? For the good of a country?No. I never enlisted (it was peace time, I just got a regular job). I would not have been a good soldier. Nor a policeman, fireman or First Responder, so never seriously considered them as a career, but I respect them. I'm a computer programmer (nerd).

I was a lifeguard and saved two people from drowning. Partial credit?

09-27-2017, 09:23 PM
I don't understand, sorry. I asked Russ a question.

So I guess your answer is no!

George Maz
09-27-2017, 09:33 PM
So I guess your answer is no!
Same answer last year when I challenged him for pink slips, guess he didn't want to lose that '95 purple metallic.:blahblah:

09-27-2017, 10:26 PM
There has been mostly negative press - but much has been accomplished in just a short time:

>Prototype wall beginning construction this fall in San Diego
>The DHS has announced the contractors who will build the concrete border wall prototypes
>U.S. border agency awards contracts to four construction companies to build non-concrete prototypes for wall on Mexican border (in addition to the 4 contracts awarded for concrete prototypes)
>Temporary ban on refugees and immigrants from dangerous Muslim countries - starting extreme vetting
>Unshackling ICE - told that they can take action against ALL illegal immigrants - increasing presence in sanctuary cities
>Withholding federal funds from sanctuary cities - must allow ICE access to jails + notify them when illegal immigrants are about to be released
>Miami has removed its "sanctuary" status
>Sanctuary cities continue to get BTFO - federal judge rules that Richmond, California can’t challenge Trump’s order on sanctuary cities
>The House has passed a bill that prevents sanctuary cities from receiving funds from the Department of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development
>Blocking the Police Assistance Program from sanctuary cities
>DACA has been officially rescinded - 6 month grace period for Congress to act
>No new DACA will be issued effective immediate
>Currently issued DACA expires in their regular 2 years
>DACA that would expire in the next six months will expire in six months and one day instead
>White House memo: DACA recipients should prepare for ‘departure from the USA’
>Paul Ryan stated that a potential DACA bill must be paired with enhanced border security (wall, RAISE Act, etc.), or it will not be passed
>Rescinded DAPA
>Kate's Law - harsher penalties for previously deported criminals - passed the House and onto Senate
>No Sanctuary For Criminals Act - deny federal grants to sanctuary cities if they don't comply with federal immigration law - passed the House and onto Senate
>Massive overhaul of the immigration system proposed - move from family reunification to skill-based - cut legal immigration by half by 2027 - 1965 Immigration Act BTFO
>Ending "catch and release" immigration policy
>Deporting thousands of illegal immigrants and criminals all over the country
>Deportation orders up 31% nationwide under Trump
>Deportations in LA are up 60% alone
>Illegal border crossings down 78% since Trump took office (HISTORIC LOW according to ICE)
>Illegal immigration arrests up 38% nationwide - tens of thousands arrested
>YUGE ICE raids - 650 arrested between July 23 and 26
>Trump administration shut down Obama-era program that gave illegal Central American minors temporary legal status
>Trump’s DHS to stop issuing visas to countries that refuse to take back people that the US is trying to deport
>Number of refugees taken in is down 50%
>August had the fewest monthly refugee arrivals in 15 years
>Christian refugees admitted now outnumber Muslim refugees admitted
>Shortage of illegal labor has caused construction worker wages to increase by 30% in Texas
>Canceled Obama Era special immigration program for foreign entrepreneurs
>Creating an office for the victims of illegal immigrant crimes

>1,000,000+ jobs created so far under Trump
>US job openings have hit an ALL TIME high - 6 million+
>National unemployment rate at 4.3% (lowest it's been in 16 years)
>Even the black unemployment rate is at 7.1%, the lowest it’s been since 2009
>Some states are experiencing their lowest unemployment rates in their histories
>Jobless claims drop to 240,000 - hottest streak in 43 years
>More than 1.1 million fewer Americans on food stamps under Trump - people getting off welfare and back to work
>President Trump’s administration has decided to restore work requirements for welfare under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program - welfare leeches BTFO
>Jobs being created at a much higher than expected rate (tens of thousands extra jobs every month)
>Huge amount of jobs being created in key industries (manufacturing, mining, construction, education, business services, etc.)
>13,000 jobs being created in WI - largest job announcement in WI history
>Foxconn announces that a SECOND plant is coming - Michigan
>Slashing job-killing regulations left and right
>Getting rid of regulations that restrict coal miners - create more mining jobs - opened new coal mine
>Pennsylvania coal company to open a SECOND coal mine
>Creating thousands of more jobs for immigration officers and border patrol
>1000s of jobs being created through pact with Saudi Arabia
>Prevented tens of thousands of jobs from going to Mexico and other countries (Toyota + Mazda opening new plants in USA)
>Executive Order Expanding Apprenticeships in America
>Executive Order on the Establishment of the American Technology Council
>Signed a resolution encouraging women in entrepreneurship

>Stocks are hitting all time highs (22,000) - trillions of dollars in gains
>Federal debt reduced by $100 billion
>US revised second-quarter GDP up 3.0% vs 2.7% - highest level in 2 years
>Pulled out of TPP
>Pulled out of the Paris Accord (save billions in taxpayer money and trillions in GDP, put American industries first by creating and maintaining millions of industrial jobs)
>Going through with building the Keystone and Dakota Pipelines - expanding energy infrastructure and creating 1000s of jobs
>Buy American, Hire American executive order - restrict guest worker visas and require more agencies to buy more goods and services from American companies and workers
>Trump has signed a $15 billion relief package for Texas in the wake of Hurricane Harvey - includes a short-term suspension of the debt ceiling and money to keep the government running for the next 3 months
>Signed an executive order that requires all federal agencies to create task forces to look at and determine which regulations that hurt the economy - cut red tape
>Signed an arms deal worth more than $350 billion and various other investment agreements with Saudi Arabia
>Reworking NAFTA with Canada and Mexico in order to make better trade deals - might pull out
>Pulling funds from to the UN - billions of dollars
>America has withdrawn almost $300 million in foreign aid to Egypt
>Beginning to renegotiate all bad trade deals that put America at a disadvantage
>New trade deals with various countries (South Korea, Japan, etc.)
>Increased tariffs on Canadian lumber by 20% (worth $1 billion)
>Resuming trading natural gas and beef with China
>Trading coal and rice to China
>Negotiated new sugar deal with Mexico
>US pork exports going back to Argentina for the first time since 1992
>First US shipment of oil has landed in India (SUPERPOWER BY 2020)
>Trading energy with new countries in Europe (Poland, Lithuania) - end their reliance on Russian energy
>New memorandum to protect American IPs from China - potentially save billions in dollars and millions in jobs - piracy and counterfeiting BTFO
>American manufacturing expanded in August at fastest pace in six years
>Trade deficit falling faster than expected
>Exports at a 2-year high
>Oil exports at all time high
>Coal exports up 60%
>Gas prices at a 12-year low
>In Trump era, American corporations are seeing their best earnings in 13 years
>Economic confidence is highest in 9 years
>Consumer confidence at a 16-year high
>CEO confidence highest since 2009
>US Manufacturing Index at a 33-year high
>Manufacturer confidence at a 20-year high
>Home builder confidence at 12-year high

>Appointed conservative Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court
>Trump has signed 37 bills into law and written nearly 40 Executive Orders
>The House has passed 158 bills
>Cutting regulations in government agencies (add 1, take out 2)
>So far, 16 regulations have been cut for every 1 added - 800 Obama regulations cut (saved $200+ billion)
>Presidential Executive Order on Identifying and Reducing Tax Regulatory Burdens
>Fixing lobbying laws
>Cut the White House budget - save taxpayers $22 million
>11,000 government jobs slashed under Trump - downsizing government
>Put a regulatory freeze on all federal agencies
>Signed an executive order to reduce operating costs of the federal government
>Investigating voter fraud in the 2016 election
>Senate confirmed 65 Trump nominees for various positions
>5th Trump judicial nominee confirmed - outpacing Bush and Obama - still 100+ judges to appoint
>Fired incompetent FBI Director James Comey
>Purging the State Department of Obama loyalists
>Fired all 46 attorney generals hired by Obama
>Ending many of Obama's corrupt Executive Orders
>Ben Carson Finds $500 Billion (Billion!) In Errors during Audit of Obama HUD (http://archive.is/N1jUD)
>Eliminated 1200 man hours of wasteful paperwork requirements including Y2K preparedness
>Leaks in the White House being plugged - traitors being fired

>Barring transgenders from the military - officially implemented
>Reports that more than 1/3 of the territory ISIS has lost over the past 2.5 years occurred during Trump's time in office
>ISIS leader presumedly al-Baghdadi killed + Mosul liberated
>US-backed forces have taken back more than 50% of Raqqa
>Phased out Timber Sycamore – CIA’s secret program to arm Anti-Assad rebels (and therefore ISIS)
>Announcement of a new and improved military strategy in Afghanistan - fixing the mess left by Bush and Obama
>Encouraging Middle Eastern countries to team up and to exterminate ISIS and terrorism as a whole (Qatar) - teaming up with Saudi Arabia
>Teaming up with Russia to create a ceasefire in southwest Syria - step in the right direction to end civil war
>Stopped taking **** from North Korea and upped the rhetoric
>Reworking NATO so other countries pay their fair share (Germany) - Many countries have already increased their funding (Canada, Romania, etc.)
>Rebuilding the military (planned 10% budget increase)
>Increasing funds to and modernizing the VA - better service + more accountability (VA Accountability Act) - 500 employees fired
>Signed the Forever GI Bill - improved college aid for veterans - removal of the 15 year use or lose limit
>Law to protect whistleblowers
>Afghanistan MOAB took out ISIS tunnels and killed 90+ terrorists
>Sanctioned Iran and North Korea for their missile use and Syria for their chemical attack
>Sanctioned Russia for their activity in Ukraine
>New Russia sanctions signed
>Trading missiles to Poland to protect them from Russian aggression

>President Trump has fully pardoned former sheriff Joe Arpaio
>It has been revealed that the Department of Homeland Security considers Antifa a domestic terror group
>Justice Department to take on affirmative action in colleges - anti-white discrimination BTFO
>Republicans in Congress are working on getting a SECOND Special Prosecutor to look into Comey-Clinton-Lynch connections
>DoJ investigation into intel leaks underway
>Justice Department has demanded 1.3 million IP dresses related to a major “Trump Resistance site”
>Wasserman Schultz' ex-IT aide indicted on 4 counts, including bank fraud and conspiracy against the USA
>FBI re-opens case relating to the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting
>Large crime sweeps all over the country (MS-13)
>Seeking the harshest possible punishments for criminals
>Sending the Feds into Chicago to fix their crime epidemic
>Busting pedophile rings all over the country (hundreds arrested) + passing legislation to combat human trafficking
>Cocaine seizures at the border have more than doubled under Trump
>Trump DOJ ends Obama-era "Operation Chokepoint" - program that unfairly targeted gun dealers
>Trump has lifted restrictions imposed by Obama on the transfer of surplus military-style equipment to the police
>S. 583 - American Law Enforcement Heroes Act of 2017 - PRIORITIZES HIRING AND TRAINING OF VETERANS
>S. 419 - Public Safety Officers’ Benefits Improvement Act of 2017
>Creating a Department of Justice task force to fight against violent crimes + cartels

>In the process of repealing Obamacare
>Giving states the option to withdraw taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood
>Defunding international groups that promote/perform abortion
>Taking action on healthcare fraud (412 arrested)
>Largest ever crackdown on opioid-related fraud (120 arrested, including doctors)
>Signed an executive order to combat drug addiction and the opioid epidemic
>Department of Transportation gives $100 million in aid for Texas infrastructure after Hurricane Harvey
>The president has signed a disaster proclamation in response to Hurricane Harvey - unleashes the full force of the federal government to help Texas
>Trump's EPA gave $100 million to Flint to help with their water crisis

>Overhauling the Department of Education - give more power to the States
>Pulling the feds from K-12 education
>DeVos looking into campus rape problem - meeting with men’s rights groups
>Huge overhaul of the federal student loan system announced
>Signed an executive order to help out historically black colleges and universities
>Getting rid of transgender bathrooms in schools - up to the states

>NCHS is reporting that whites once again make up a majority of births in the US - reversing a decade long decline
>4 out of 4 special election wins
>RNC breaking fundraising records ($13.4 million in June) while the DNC is $3.3 million in debt
>RNC pulls in $75 million in Trump’s first 6 months - DOUBLE Obama’s first 6 months
>The amount of newly registered Republicans is DECIMATING the amount of newly registered Democratic voters, especially in key states (IA, PA, NC, NV, ME)
>Unironically got a Democratic Governor to switch parties - first time in 25 years
>Proposing new policies on creating and repairing infrastructure - speed up, larger budget - will be introduced to Congress soon
>Increasing the power of the US Cyber Command - more resources to fight cyberspace threats
>Increasing funds to NASA - Mars mission by 2033
>Brought back the National Space Council
>Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty executive order
>New and improved policies towards Cuba (fix American tourism and the human rights of Cubans)
>Getting rid of Obama's wasteful environmental policies
>Brought home Otto Warmbier and Aya Hijazi, captives from North Korea and Egypt respectively, that Obama ignored
>Privatizing air traffic control
>The Department of Transportation has gotten rid of many Obama-era regulations regarding truck drivers
>H.R. 1238 - Securing our Agriculture and Food Act

09-27-2017, 10:54 PM
still waiting for an explanation of how kicking out people who were brought here against their will and now hold down good jobs in the only country they've ever known is a good thing.

And "Sheriff Joe" is a piece of ****, pardoning him is sickening, disgusting, and a ******* slap in the face to justice and common decency. If we're going to kick out someone it should be that lying sack of power abusing ****

>Huge overhaul of the federal student loan system announced
You mean gutting protections for those who owe? Going to have to explain this one.

09-27-2017, 11:28 PM
still waiting for an explanation of how kicking out people who were brought here against their will and now hold down good jobs in the only country they've ever known is a good thing.

And "Sheriff Joe" is a piece of ****, pardoning him is sickening, disgusting, and a ******* slap in the face to justice and common decency. If we're going to kick out someone it should be that lying sack of power abusing ****

>Huge overhaul of the federal student loan system announced

You mean gutting protections for those who owe? Going to have to explain this one.

1. DACA- It will end in 6 months, unless Congress Acts. Many believe Obama's decision here was unconstitutional. At some point in time either we have immigration laws that we enforce or we do not. If I had to guess, the so called, "Dreamers" will stay. Trump isn't a demon for ending DACA....Obama deported more illegals than his predecessor, and I don't recall ANY outrage over that.

2. Sheriff Joe. Every President seems to pardon people that are controversial. I'm much happier to have Sheriff Joe go free than that pathetic excuse of a man Bradley Manning that Obama let out early. In fact, in a perfect world he'd be in a jail like one of Sheriff Joe's....eating old bologna sandwiches and wearing pink stripes.

3. Don't know much about student loans other than we give way too much money to people getting fairly worthless degrees. My guess is the leftists will tap hardworking taxpayers like me to cover the costs of forgiving the student loan debt. The democrat party's main trick is keeping people dependent on them by giving them other people's money.

Sent from my iPad using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

09-27-2017, 11:38 PM
In a perfect world joe would be locked under the jail for the ******** he pulled to keep himself in power. Oh you want to run against him? Suddenly you’d be under investigation or arrest for child porn. He’s a pathetic excuse for a human and an even worse man.

Also student loan debt is the only debt that you can’t get rid of. It follows you to the grave, all that was done was remove fair lending protections for those who owe.

09-28-2017, 12:01 AM
In a perfect world joe would be locked under the jail for the ******** he pulled to keep himself in power. Oh you want to run against him? Suddenly you’d be under investigation or arrest for child porn. He’s a pathetic excuse for a human and an even worse man.

Also student loan debt is the only debt that you can’t get rid of. It follows you to the grave, all that was done was remove fair lending protections for those who owe.

1. And Bradley Manning should have been shot for treason.

2. I think it is likely that the democrat party will push for student loan forgiveness. If I recall correctly Bernie Sanders advanced the idea when he was running against Hillary. The Democrat party uses giveaways to keep people dependent on them and secure votes.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

09-28-2017, 12:39 AM
These threads never result in someone having an epiphany and changing their opinion(either side). People feel that way because of personal experiences that form their perception; the nice thing is you have the ability to chose and express your opinion.......and at the end of the day you have the ability to choose who or what you allow to bother you, irritate you or waste your time.

09-28-2017, 12:56 AM
PS: if you have time to watch NFL football, you don't have enough cars....

09-28-2017, 01:08 AM
1. And Bradley Manning should have been shot for treason.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

If you'll notice I didn't argue with you about that.

09-28-2017, 01:34 AM
If you'll notice I didn't argue with you about that.

I did. It's nice that we can unite around that fact. Have a great night.

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

USAF Retired
09-28-2017, 02:01 AM
My enlisted Son sent me these patriotic videos, so sharing here.



09-28-2017, 02:57 AM
That first guy is out of his mind.

09-28-2017, 09:00 AM
These threads never result in someone having an epiphany and changing their opinion(either side)I agree. Thanks for reminding us. This site is a lot more informative and entertaining when we're talking about our great cars.

09-28-2017, 09:36 AM
I try, although not always successful, to avoid living in an echo chamber.
If I only listen to people who think like me ( now that's a problem ), then I never have a reason to re-evaluate my personal beliefs, and merely keep going down the same path rightly or wrongly.
I have had epiphanies, although usually from this site on aspects of ZR-1 ownership or repair, but have also listened to opinions which are different from mine, and get glimpses into other sides of a story, sometimes causing me to re-think my position.
This is good!

We are all friends here.
I have NO animosity towards anyone on this forum even if I should strongly oppose where they stand on a particular idea or topic.

Our mutual feelings about these cars are strong enough to keep friendships alive even though our other beliefs may be quite varied.

Years ago I remember that awful moment, when speaking before a group of work colleagues about something I was convinced was right, then having an epiphany and realizing I was not so right.
The look on my face was plain as day.
I paused, then laughed and said to the group that learning is a lifelong and wonderful thing!
It still is!

randy ransome
09-28-2017, 10:36 AM
That first guy is out of his mind.

No, the so call athletes protesting are the one's out of their minds.


09-28-2017, 11:29 PM
Don't think any other comments are necessary.


09-29-2017, 01:24 AM
Freedom is not free. I asked my father about the nfl players taking a knee and he personally does not care and firmly believe everyone has the right to love and hate one another as they please.

My dad is in his mid 80s, joined the army at age 15 and spent some of his best years fighting for freedom and for survival in the Korean war. For his actions he was only awarded a silver star and remembers good and bad times serving this country.


The act of taking a knee is not a disrespectful act.

If it is ok and expected for us to do in church as christians, to ask a woman to marry you, or in respect for the wounded or injured, why not ok for a protest?

Because "some people" want to keep you "in check" and have you behave a certain way.

Last but not least anyone who thinks racism is not alive today is a fool. I believe that a majority of people are not racist, but this problem does exist. Trust me.

I personally do not watch sports until the playoffs come, and that is for all sports.

They all make more money than me and do not have the financial challenges of the average person. No sleep being lost here!

randy ransome
09-29-2017, 11:14 AM
Freedom is not free. I asked my father about the nfl players taking a knee and he personally does not care and firmly believe everyone has the right to love and hate one another as they please.

My dad is in his mid 80s, joined the army at age 15 and spent some of his best years fighting for freedom and for survival in the Korean war. For his actions he was only awarded a silver star and remembers good and bad times serving this country.


The act of taking a knee is not a disrespectful act.

If it is ok and expected for us to do in church as christians, to ask a woman to marry you, or in respect for the wounded or injured, why not ok for a protest?

Because "some people" want to keep you "in check" and have you behave a certain way.

Last but not least anyone who thinks racism is not alive today is a fool. I believe that a majority of people are not racist, but this problem does exist. Trust me.

I personally do not watch sports until the playoffs come, and that is for all sports.

They all make more money than me and do not have the financial challenges of the average person. No sleep being lost here!

Like you stated everyone can do as they please when the National Anthem is played but it is "disrespectful" to take a knee.


09-29-2017, 03:27 PM
Like you stated everyone can do as they please when the National Anthem is played but it is "disrespectful" to take a knee.


I personally do not think they should take a knee during nfl games.

My point is the act of taking a knee is not disrespectful and if they do take a knee then ok. Freedom of speech.

The real problem is lack of leadership in the nfl and the government.

The players should be wearing a pin like any other cause, run a tv commercia with Trump and move on.

But since there are problems that people do not want to talk about and resolve, especially from leadership, then we will be divided and see this happen. Everyone has a right and that's how it goes!

Have a good day.

USAF Retired
09-29-2017, 04:18 PM
Interesting and thought provoking responses but we are still boycotting the NFL forever. Burned my Bucs gear last Sunday. No regrets.

Here's a justified question: Why hasn't Kaepernick or the other players protested on their own time, not on the NFL's watch? Why hasn't Kaepernick protested since last year? Has he given any of his own time and money (he makes $20M yearly) to his cause? He and all the black players claim all Law Enforcement is racist? Really? I've been stopped by the Police since the 60s, some have treated me well and others have not. I've had black officers stop me and treat me badly so am I gonna protest that all black officers are racist? No. Black players claims racism is alive and well. If racism exists in the NFL then why aren't black football players outed and white players replaced?

Racism exists all over the world. Have any of you been to Africa? Zimbabwe? Did you know whites are being murdered in Zimbabwe and their land and homes taken? Did you know?

What about the massive black on black crime today? Why haven't any of the kneeling black players protested this?

What about when a black officer or black person kills a white person, have you ever noticed it never makes the headlines? It happens a lot too.

The Charlottesville incident was a two way street meaning both parties were guilty as President Trump rightfully said. The groups protesting the removal of a Confederate statue had a permit to protest and if you look at the videos, you will see they were attacked by the Left/Liberal. Also the news is distorting the truth. Why? I do not know-but they are. The news today is clearly fake news such as CNN .... It is almost criminal what CNN is doing because their reporting is beyond fake in my opinion.

My point is this. We have a right to protest but do it on your own time. Not at your job and think twice about protesting a subject that millions of people die for each year so you can have that right.

And have any of you passed any time reading the sites, forums and youtube accounts of the many American White Haters (Black Americans) today? Farrakhan, Black Panthers, Liberals and many other black groups. Maybe you should check it out because many blacks today hate this country, hate the flag, hate the national anthem because they associate it with slavery 300+ years ago.

And what about Obama? Eight years of Obama and whites did not complain did they? Obama in my view was the worst president this country has ever had but did I protest and damage property or stand in front of traffic? No, I did not.

I don't care if you are white, black, red or yellow. if you hate the flag, the country's song and America then you should leave and go live in another country.

Have a nice weekend my friends.

09-29-2017, 05:17 PM
My family has been in this area of the country for thousands of years!
We have fought for our neighbors and nation since colonial days!
We were not allowed to become US citizens until 1953!
We have defended US Flag and will continue to do so!

Are you certain you don't want to race!

09-29-2017, 09:16 PM

Only 3 of the 6 Marines who raised the flag on Mt Suribachi made it off the island alive. How would the survivors & families of the fallen have felt about the flag being referred to as "just a piece of cloth"?

Many have made the ultimate sacrifice, before & after these Marines and other patriots. I don't think its too much to ask, to stand with hand over heart or salute for just a couple of minutes in remembrance. It's a matter of respect.

I am proud to be a United States Marine...

09-29-2017, 09:27 PM
So am I. I know that you want this to go away, but we protected their freedoms, whether we agree or not. I don’t like how they are doing it, knowing they need to get out and help resolve their issues. They are taking the slack *** way of protesting instead of getting out to solve the problem!

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

09-29-2017, 11:42 PM

USAF Retired
09-30-2017, 12:23 AM
So am I. I know that you want this to go away, but we protected their freedoms, whether we agree or not. I don’t like how they are doing it, knowing they need to get out and help resolve their issues. They are taking the slack *** way of protesting instead of getting out to solve the problem!

I admire Herschel Walker these days. Herschel is not black or white. He's an American plain and simple. Herschel is going about it the right way. He doesn't bitch or complain or embarrass the country. Instead he's positive and supports the Armed Forces all the while speaks and brings attention to his personal disorder. It's a real shame we don't have more athletes like Herschel Walker.

USAF Retired
09-30-2017, 01:45 AM
My enlisted Son just sent me these patriotic videos so sharing here.



09-30-2017, 02:15 AM

Only 3 of the 6 Marines who raised the flag on Mt Suribachi made it off the island alive. How would the survivors & families of the fallen have felt about the flag being referred to as "just a piece of cloth"?

Many have made the ultimate sacrifice, before & after these Marines and other patriots. I don't think its too much to ask, to stand with hand over heart or salute for just a couple of minutes in remembrance. It's a matter of respect.

I am proud to be a United States Marine...
Yeah, it shouldn't be that much to ask.


randy ransome
09-30-2017, 09:57 AM
Yeah, it shouldn't be that much to ask.


Nice try but no cigar Kevin.



09-30-2017, 01:34 PM
Nice try but no cigar Kevin.



Learned something today. Thanks

USAF Retired
09-30-2017, 02:33 PM
I take it Kevin you're a Democrat-Liberal so did you vote for Hillary?

09-30-2017, 03:46 PM
I take it Kevin you're a Democrat-Liberal so did you vote for Hillary?

What do you care?

What is done is done!

Just because the KKK started The Democratic Party there is no reason to become personal!

USAF Retired
09-30-2017, 04:11 PM
Well, I'm sure you'll disagree with all of this, but ... What he said about John Glenn and about the Gold Star families.

I don't recall this. Refresh my memory please. Perhaps you mean John McCain? Please clarify. Fyi: John McCain has become America's worst joke of a Senator in the history of this country. AND A COWARD of a human being. He has stayed in office all these years because he duped us all thinking he was a war hero when he was not.

He gained political fame with the ridiculous birther issue.

Rightfully so. There is still tons of doubt out there justifiably so where Obama was born. Also Obama's father was an extreme Muslim and fathered over 30 kids in Africa. Obama's father was a known whoremonger in the village he lived in Africa. Research Obama's father.

He has a long history of cheating people, not paying his bills, suing people who can't afford lawyers like he can.

Show me proof that Trump cheats people? The bankrupt laws were made for a reason and obviously you have never owned your own business and sueing is a way to get back at someone who has done you wrong, broken laws, etc. Example, you are committing defamation here by stating Trump "cheats" people. Where is your factual proof besides the fake media who is out to lynch Trump because the Media owners are suffering big time financially thanks to Trump bringing attention to the decades of lies by the Media.

He said he'd drain the swamp but his cabinet is filled with people from Goldman Sachs.

More bullsh*t. Show me proof who is on Trump's cabinet that was on Wall Street. If anything, those business people were successful Wall Street business people not the scammers and schemers you seem to be referring to. Rex Tillerson was a successful honest businessman in the private sector.

He called the White House a dump.

Yes BECAUSE IT WAS A DUMP before Trump moved in.

He is benefiting financially from his presidency (leasing to government agencies and raising rent in Trump Towers (by 200-500%?)

Show factual proof you Moron. More fake news. And what about all the Obama freeloading that happened in those 8 years? Obama was an angel from heaven?

He shared classified information with the Russians, and had a meeting with Russians with no american press (we heard about it through the Russian press).

More fake news. Show us proof you Moron.

His first words to his UN audience was about his property across the street.

You sound like a jealous little kid. So what if Trump's mentions one of his properties? Stop being a little cry baby and work harder in your life and maybe you will be able to buy some big nice properties.

He's a draft dodger.

Wrong. Trumps has feet problems. Google it. So was Obama and tons of other powerful politicians. Many people don't want to serve or can't handle the stress. Who wants to go to war and be blown to bits? Also being in the Armed Forced is not a prerequisite to being good president you Moron.

He encourages violence.

So did Obama, Bush, Clinton and even Reagan. And the fake news media doesn't you Moron?

He pardoned a criminal with a known history of ignoring laws and treating prisoners badly.

Who? Name that person please. Refresh my memory.

He's a misogynist (grabbing 'em by the p---y).

Lol and you have never had any dude talk? Please dude. Get off your high horse and come down to the real world and by the way all women have locker room talk so stop the bullsh*t dude.

He complained about Obama's golf and vacations, then did much more in the first two months of his presidency.

Trump does not even take vacations. Obama clearly used his power to fly to Hawaii and California every chance he could but again nice try Moron.

He hired is inexperienced son-in-law to create peace in the middle east, solving the opioid problem, be responsible for Mexican diplomacy (thanks, dad), reforming care for veterans, reforming the criminal justice system, and reinventing government to be run like a business (and Jared has a HORRIBLE record in business). I haven't heard any status reports on any of these. Maybe he's going to solve them all and announce them all at once.

Maybe if you wrote in legible (UNDERSTANDABLE) english I could respond to this one.

He doesn't want to disrespect white supremacists, but has no problem putting other groups of people down.

Trumps tries to remain impartial until he gets all the FACTS. However he DID call out the extreme groups when he had all the FACTS. And what about all the VIOLENT BLACK GROUPS out there? I suppose you forgot about that? Amnesia maybe? Do you work for CNN part-time?

He's in a dick-measuring fight with an unstable leader who's threatening to send his nuclear bombs to America.

Lol dude are so moronic you can't even see the truth? Has it ever occurred to you that this North Korean Wacko is firing rockets every day and nobody cares but the USA? Ok so let North Korea nuke California then after millions of Americans are dead then we strike back. Is this how it works Mr. Patton? Do you have a better idea Sherlock? What would you do? Send them cute little gift card for a free meal at Outback Steakhouse?

Today he informed us all that Puerto Rico is an island in a big ocean. A very very big ocean.

Yes Puerto Rico is an island in the big ocean! HELLO?

He speaks at a sixth grade level. He reportedly never reads anything more than a paragraph. He doesn't bother discussing things with generals. Today he tweeted about an Iranian rocket launch that didn't happen.

More fake news. So how are your buddies Don and Cooper?

He constantly lies and only cares about himself.

Trump constantly lies? Give me some examples where trump has lied you Moron. Oh and Obama, Hillary, Bush, Bill have NEVER lied about anything either?

He doesn't understand why football players are taking a knee, and trying to make it about disrespecting America. I think a good leader would want to understand why people are protesting and maybe do something about it. He doesn't even acknowledge it.

I'm not even gonna go there ... you're a Moron.

He raised a huge amount of money for his inauguration (much more than Obama's), and it seems some of the money not spent has been spent on remodeling Pence's house.

Lol more Moronic bullsh*t from a Moron.

He's promised to donate millions of dollars, then doesn't and was caught.

Trump promised to donate millions? really? Where? When? How was he "caught" as you say? Oh and did Obama donate any of his own money for anything? Did Hillary? Besides her busted FRAUD scheme Haiti foundation?

He's lied about not knowing about the proposed meeting with Russians about Hillary's emails.


He talked about Hillary's emails for two years, then didn't bother to tell his administration not to use personal email accounts for white house communications.

Show us FACTS. More fake news bullsh*t. Hillary can't remember any of her 30,000 (many were fraud) emails but she can write a TELL ALL book about her life? And the profits of her book go where? She is already super wealthy. Why aren't the Clintons giving any money to the Hurricane victims in Texas or Florida or even to Puerto Rico?

He has done nothing to try and bring a divided America together, instead, most of his actions are the opposite.

And Obama? What did Obama do to bring America together? By the way in my view Trump is bringing American together. The FAKE media fooling you like everyone else because you are obviously a Moron to believe everything that is reported on today's news.

There's more. I'm tired of typing.

Instead of typing maybe you should EDUCATE yourself and WAKE UP. Stop being an uninformed Moron and step up to the real world. Also watching a credible NON-FAKE NEWS news source will help you big time.

09-30-2017, 04:18 PM
I take it Kevin you're a Democrat-Liberal so did you vote for Hillary?

If you were actually part of this comunity you’d realized it didn’t matter. Now, I’m tired of your political rants here. Either stick to mostly Zr-1 related topics or go find somewhere else to post your political bs

USAF Retired
09-30-2017, 04:20 PM
What do you care?

What is done is done!

Just because the KKK started The Democratic Party there is no reason to become personal!

Did I ask you the question? Go back wrenching on your Z or step up and contribute something of value here. People like you do nothing but stir the pot. Very much like today's horrible (and fake) Media/News.

USAF Retired
09-30-2017, 04:23 PM
If you were actually part of this comunity you’d realized it didn’t matter. Now, I’m tired of your political rants here. Either stick to mostly Zr-1 related topics or go find somewhere else to post your political bs

Alright so let me understand this. I'm not part of this community? And why not? So let me understand you, because my opinion is different from yours, and so you can rant politically but if I do the same then I am threatened by you? Is this how it works here amigo?

I asked you a question and I will ask again ....

I take it Kevin you're a Democrat-Liberal so did you vote for Hillary?

Mystic ZR-1
09-30-2017, 04:37 PM
Hey Moderator....
It's time!

09-30-2017, 04:41 PM
Everyone please do not answer USAF Retired!
He just continues to stir the pot and talk about things that are done and over!
I don't even believe he has a car much less the ZR-1!

09-30-2017, 05:11 PM
Everyone please do not answer USAF Retired!
He just continues to stir the pot and talk about things that are done and over!
I don't even believe he has a car much less the ZR-1!

Don't worry, he's on a 30 day vacation

09-30-2017, 05:12 PM
Hey Moderator....
It's time!

Taken care of.

Mystic ZR-1
09-30-2017, 06:30 PM
😋. 🇺🇸!!!