View Full Version : Sticking secondaries

Flyman 27
09-22-2017, 09:08 PM
Been working on my Z again (more like "still"). Pulled the plenum (with help from -=JEFF=-) to replace the starter and checked out everything else while it was apart. The PVC hose was disintegrated, it fell apart. The large crankcase vent hoses were cracked & hard as a rock (& leaking oil). Cracked & broken vacuum hoses. Loose screws, etc. It was a tad messy in there.

Tried testing the secondaries actuators with my MityVac and the Driver's side tests out perfectly, actuates at 10" and holds. The Pass side was not so perfect. Actuated at 20" vacuum and did not retract when the vacuum was bled off. They had to be retracted by hand. Tried many times & had the same result.

I think I might have a line on a used actuator. Could the sticking actuator be caused by something else? Is there anything else I should be looking over while the area is open? I did find a mouse nest under the starter, is there anything in the secondary actuator system that could be damaged by mice?


09-22-2017, 09:30 PM
Remove them bad boys and wire the plates open!

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09-22-2017, 10:45 PM
BigIke's suggestion might be the fastest and easiest fix (along with a Haibeck chip).

If you remove the sticking actuator (pretty easy to do IIRC), does the rest of the linkage move freely and not stick? That will help you determine if the problem is with the actuator or not.

Good luck.

09-23-2017, 12:54 AM

I have spare parts for the secondaries here in Bartlett.

09-23-2017, 01:00 AM
I rolled with them wired open even before the chip. No issues

Sent from my SM-G950U using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

09-23-2017, 11:03 AM
If your secondary port throttles won't close after opening, with the actuator still connected, disconnect the actuator from the linkage & test it again. If you can pull 20" on the actuator, doesn't sound like there's anything wrong with the actuator.

It's more likely that the SPT is not operating freely due to fuel gunk buildup or a bent port throttle shaft. In either regard, it needs to be checked. I've seen the secondary port throttle valves so fouled that it was impossible to move them by hand, let alone vacuum.

Flyman 27
09-23-2017, 06:23 PM

I have spare parts for the secondaries here in Bartlett.

Took it all apart & cleaned everything very good, it was pretty gunky in there. Reassembled & installed the replacement actuator and everything is loose & working well.
Thank you for all the input and thank you Xfire for offering me your spare parts!


09-23-2017, 06:52 PM
Took it all apart & cleaned everything very good, it was pretty gunky in there. Reassembled & installed the replacement actuator and everything is loose & working well.
Thank you for all the input and thank you Xfire for offering me your spare parts!


I have more parts if needed. 👌