View Full Version : Sigh.... Help. Can you identify this bolt

09-21-2017, 11:00 PM
As some of you know, I recently sent the yellow car in for some surgery. I got it back and everything seemed good (though slightly slower....could be in my head)....

Fast forward to today... Out for a spirited ride and I hear a noise like I ran something over and I feel it rattle underneath. I look back and I see something bouncing in the rear view mirror. I immediately stop... panicking...

Anyway. I found this bolt and a spacer. Both really warm but not too hot to touch.

Does anyone recognize this thing?

Edit: I realize asking someone to identify a bolt in an engine bay littered with them is far fetched. It's just the mechanic was asked and he denies it being anything he touched

09-21-2017, 11:28 PM
Exhaust manifold flange.


09-21-2017, 11:33 PM
Exhaust manifold flange.


Before I ask this, I want to apologize for my ignorance on the topic...

I assume that's at the end opposite the engine block....

09-21-2017, 11:38 PM
I'm Sorry, but i'm not understanding your question.

Basicly it's a header screw.


09-21-2017, 11:46 PM
I'm Sorry, but i'm not understanding your question.

Basicly it's a header screw.


No worries. That explanation helps out a ton. I have to find a hole that's missing a bolt where the manifold and block meet.

I'm getting the feeling I need an expert to give this thing a once over.

09-21-2017, 11:57 PM
It's nothing important.
I never seen a header screw fall out on our LT5's heck most of them are tight as heck.

Also you will find that you are missing a few of these on your headers/exhaust manifolds the factory did not use a screw in every hole and we really don't need them.

I bet the factory dropped one in between some crack and you just rattled it loose.:-D

Unless previous owner did some work on it and forgot one loose.


09-22-2017, 03:47 AM
Here's an image of where your hardware belongs. I'll let others comment as to a preferred pattern in the manifolds to cylinder head. You might want to inventory the placement of the hardware presently and determine if it's maybe a "loose dropped spare" as suggested or maybe something actually from your car.

What was done to your car? Headers? Do you have the FSM for your year and do you have the LT5 "Supplement"? My image is from 6A2A-25 of the Supplement. If you don't have the Supplement in the FSM for your year check the LT5/J 6A2-xx section for appropriate images.

If you don't have the FSM and the Supplement - I can sell you both in a .pdf format. If interested drop me an email. I have all years, the Supplement and GM SPO catalogs. Many have my FSM.


09-22-2017, 08:46 AM
No headers yet. It's stock minus the crappy cat back

09-22-2017, 10:16 AM
No headers yet. It's stock minus the crappy cat back

If your guy wasn't doing headers it's something that's either fall out OR Pete's explanation is to believed. Inventory by "touch - feel" I guess is in order!!

I didn't see Pete's post #4 and was only paying attention to your #1 and #3.