View Full Version : Fuel Injectors

09-07-2017, 05:05 PM
Hi all, I'm needing a little advise about what replacement injectors others of you have used and had good experience. I'm replacing my secondary injectors and I remember seeing some posts about good experiences others have had but haven't been able to locate them. Any recommendations would be appreciated!! Thanks!

09-07-2017, 05:17 PM
Replace the fuel pumps and filter to... Man my car responded well to that!

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09-07-2017, 05:50 PM
Unless already done, replace all the injectors not just the secondaries. It will save you form going in there second time. They will go out!
I used 21lb Accels on my last car. The new car already has new ones, they appear to be Ford injectors.

This article should help...


09-07-2017, 08:39 PM
When we did the first plenum pull back in January, I replaced all of mine with FIC injectors...I am very satisfied with them.....so you now have some choices to choose from, and we all are satisfied with the ones we chose!!!
And the above advice would be good to follow, although I have not changed out my fuel pumps at this time....but might be a good PM to follow!!!

09-07-2017, 09:13 PM
Unless already done, replace all the injectors not just the secondaries. It will save you form going in there second time. They will go out!
I used 21lb Accels on my last car. The new car already has new ones, they appear to be Ford injectors.

This article should help...



If these are Fords, one of the params to modify is the Injector Voltage Bias if you will be retuning. You should be able to find that info from Ford.

09-07-2017, 09:38 PM

If these are Fords, one of the params to modify is the Injector Voltage Bias if you will be retuning. You should be able to find that info from Ford.

Not 100% sure, they have orange tops to them. Won't know till I get a closer look.

09-08-2017, 09:44 AM
Thanks guys, this helps starting me in the right direction. The problem started with a slight hesitation when I'd accelerate then the engine would recover and run great. Last Saturday I took the car out for about a 60 mile run and left it parked for a couple of hours and when I pulled back out on the road I pushed it to WOT with the power key on and I thought the engine was going to drop out of it. No power with an extremely rough output. It ran fine once I got out of WOT but put the power back into it and there it went again. In valet mode it pulled to redline in WOT just fine. I thought it might be flooding out the plugs but I pulled them and they look like they've been starved-burned white like it might be running too lean though the fuel pressure shows a little higher than it's called for. So that's where it's at right now. On with the adventure!!

09-08-2017, 09:56 AM
Might want to first check that the secondary fuel pump is working up to par.

Paul Workman
09-08-2017, 10:58 AM
Might want to first check that the secondary fuel pump is working up to par.

I was going to say that too.

Mike: Couple things to check: Dynamic fuel pressure, and measure the current draw for both pumps (covered in Dynomites "sticky" section.

Pictured: Measuring actual fuel pressure while driving normally and at WOT. (FYI, fuel pressure at WOT should be ~54 or 55± a pound. Current draw should be between 8 to 10 amperes [with ignition switch OFF, and both the primary and secondary fuses installed])


09-08-2017, 04:56 PM
I was going to say that too.

Mike: Couple things to check: Dynamic fuel pressure, and measure the current draw for both pumps (covered in Dynomites "sticky" section.

Pictured: Measuring actual fuel pressure while driving normally and at WOT. (FYI, fuel pressure at WOT should be ~54 or 55± a pound. Current draw should be between 8 to 10 amperes [with ignition switch OFF, and both the primary and secondary fuses installed])


I'd bet money, this is the problem.

09-08-2017, 05:21 PM
And u don't have any codes?

09-08-2017, 10:34 PM
No, no codes though I had a SYS warning appear at the end of June but when I restarted the car the warning was gone and never reappeared. That's the only thing out of the ordinary to have happened this year....

09-08-2017, 11:26 PM
No, no codes though I had a SYS warning appear at the end of June but when I restarted the car the warning was gone and never reappeared. That's the only thing out of the ordinary to have happened this year....

Any chance u noticed an SES light flickering on at the time the motor started missing etc, then went off once u backed off throttle?

09-12-2017, 12:24 AM
Sorry I haven't responded back sooner but have been running like a rabbit! Thanks so much Paul, yes both the static and moving tests have been done for the fuel pumps and the readings are a couple of lbs higher than expected. I've ordered the secondaries recommended by Marc Hiabeck and am crossing my fingers. And in answer to the SES or SYS codes flashing... no I didn't see any warnings when the car started missing. We checked for any codes and came up empty handed. Well about this time next week I'll hope that I have my baby back and happy.. I'll come back and update once we get an outcome... Again, thanks to you all for the responses. You've helped me out more than you might know!!