View Full Version : WTB: 91-95 Ram Air Front License Plate Filler

08-30-2017, 02:39 PM
I know these are extremely rare, but does anyone have one for sale or know where I can find them? Did anyone ever get around to making repros?

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08-31-2017, 11:43 AM
I know these are extremely rare, but does anyone have one for sale or know where I can find them? Did anyone ever get around to making repros?

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Keep in mind in you search that the 84-90 and the 91-96 Forced Air Induction license plate filler are different size shape wise.

USAF Retired
08-31-2017, 03:37 PM
Ram Air intakes thru the front plate are super hard to find. I would give my left pinky toe for one! High demand stuff and it works.

08-31-2017, 05:33 PM
As I posted on the other forum...

There's a whole setup on eBay right now. A bit pricy tho... not mine.


08-31-2017, 05:51 PM
Not sure the air coupler would fit to the LT5 air horn? No returns for this purchase.

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08-31-2017, 08:48 PM

09-01-2017, 03:23 AM
$750, WOW!

USAF Retired
09-01-2017, 12:22 PM
Looks to be sold out of Miami, the fraud capital of the United States. Be careful.

09-03-2017, 08:12 PM
Well for $1500 you could buy the whole car lol

09-27-2017, 08:58 PM
I actually have the kit (never used) but it does not include the front air dam (license plate) diffuser. It has a template to cut out an opening for the front license plate and has the air box and connector kit with instructions. I have a picture of the kit and can send it to your email address if interested.

scott msmann911@gmail.com

George Maz
09-27-2017, 09:20 PM
Ram Air intakes thru the front plate are super hard to find. I would give my left pinky toe for one! High demand stuff and it works.
Actually no it doesn't work. That's why you won't see it on any zr1 that wins. I also wanted one of these and I found one, but after speaking to several big horsepower lt5 owners they all said the same thing the round ductwork & round port is actually restrictive. You're better off with open cut lid mod or SLP cone filters intake which does add 3hp test proven...not that anyone's going to feel 3 ponies!
Ventilation through the front license plate area is actually a worthy modification, increases low density, higher pressure air along the intake filter area.
Save that $500 bucks for porting.

01-23-2024, 05:00 PM
I actually have the kit (never used) but it does not include the front air dam (license plate) diffuser. It has a template to cut out an opening for the front license plate and has the air box and connector kit with instructions. I have a picture of the kit and can send it to your email address if interested.

scott msmann911@gmail.com

Scott, any chance you still have this? Was it the 84-90 kit, or the 91-96 kit? I have been trying to find an unmangled set of instructions and the cutting templates. I'd be happy to pay shipping to myself in Massachusetts, copy them, and send them right back undamaged. Thank you.

01-28-2024, 04:23 PM
I had the A/O ram air intake system. It look nice ,but is not very efficent at
getting cold air into the car. I made my own cold air system using the A/O
opening in the front bumper to the stock air filter housing with a cover to seal
the filter from engine heat.
The effect was that only outside air came into the sealed air filter housing
and not engine heat.
one of a few 4l8OE eq ZR-1's


01-28-2024, 05:29 PM
I had the A/O air ram system it looked nice ,but was not very effecinet at
letting air into the air filter.
Ok here is a photo of my sealed air filter housing
picture showed up on preview


02-03-2024, 01:34 PM
I just want the license plate piece for the 84-90. I don't need the rest. If I knew osomeone with one I would have it 3D scanned

02-04-2024, 03:40 AM
I had the A/O air ram system it looked nice ,but was not very effecinet at

letting air into the air filter.

Ok here is a photo of my sealed air filter housing

picture showed up on preview


Hey John, I don?t know all the science behind designing the perfect cold air or forced air inlet, but I really don?t like the stock design knowing how hot the temps are in the engine compartment. The stock system is just very poorly designed. For shits, grins, and giggles I?m modifying the Breathless vortex system with similar thoughts like you to insulate the intake from heat and draw cool air in through the housing where it comes in from the bottom. It surely can?t hurt.

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02-04-2024, 01:08 PM
I just want the license plate piece for the 84-90. I don't need the rest. If I knew osomeone with one I would have it 3D scanned

Jeff, I should have a 84-90 diffuser in the next week or two. I've "known" you long enough to let it out of my hands for scanning. :) I'll let you know once it is in my hands.

02-04-2024, 01:17 PM
Let me know when you get it. I might just need to good pictures and measurements. I don't own a 3D and will need to find where to get it done, but I could probably model it

02-04-2024, 01:20 PM
Here are some photos of the ram air system I made for my 1990 ZR-1.
I have had some trouble posting my photos, keeping my fingers crossed.

stock air filter with open air filter cover


open filter with scoop from the front bumper opening


5.5 in hole made into front of bumper


complete air system put together outside of car

ZR-1 Splash front plate cutout to feed outside air into the sealed air box.


Complete outside air system put together outside of car.


02-04-2024, 01:45 PM
Images aren't working for me

02-04-2024, 01:52 PM

02-04-2024, 03:24 PM
Sory I'am trying to get my act together

02-04-2024, 04:34 PM
Ok let's try this

Photo of square tube feeding stock air box thru the front bumper.


5.5 in opening cut thru front bumper (old A/O forced air intake)


stock air filter with open air lid



Complete cold air system outside of car. The ZR-1 Splash front plate has
been cut out to allow outside air into the sealed modified air box.
The entire air box has been covered with cool tape to reduce engine
compartment heat into the modified air box. To help reduce radiant heat
between the radiaotor shrould and air filter box place a sheet of reflectix
foil installation betwen the radiator and air filter housing.

02-04-2024, 04:38 PM
those work

02-19-2024, 10:06 AM
Let me know when you get it. I might just need to good pictures and measurements. I don't own a 3D and will need to find where to get it done, but I could probably model it

Jeff, I now have a few parts in hand.

84-90 bumper piece with the detachable cross-piece
91-96 bumper piece with the detachable cross-piece
91-96 air filter box lid (And a 2nd on the way, checking if it is 90-95 ZR1 specific or not)
The Hose from bumper to air filter box lid.

I also purchased a 3D scanner (love an excuse to buy a tool), so I may be able to get some models. I'm still coming up to speed on the software.

02-19-2024, 10:30 AM
Scott, any chance you still have this? Was it the 84-90 kit, or the 91-96 kit? I have been trying to find an unmangled set of instructions and the cutting templates. I'd be happy to pay shipping to myself in Massachusetts, copy them, and send them right back undamaged. Thank you.

No sorry. scott

02-19-2024, 12:15 PM
Jeff, I now have a few parts in hand.

84-90 bumper piece with the detachable cross-piece
91-96 bumper piece with the detachable cross-piece
91-96 air filter box lid (And a 2nd on the way, checking if it is 90-95 ZR1 specific or not)
The Hose from bumper to air filter box lid.

I also purchased a 3D scanner (love an excuse to buy a tool), so I may be able to get some models. I'm still coming up to speed on the software.

90-96 radiator shroud is the same for ZR-1 and Non-ZR-1

Once you get the scanner and get to know how to use it I would be interested in seeing scans for the 1990-old license plate stuff. I can probably print it but not sure how many pieces I would need to break it into for my printer to handle it

01-19-2025, 12:47 AM
I know these are extremely rare, but does anyone have one for sale or know where I can find them? Did anyone ever get around to making repros?

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Your thread sorta got highjacked. Were you still looking for a 91-95 unit? If not, I will move this info over to General Discussion.