View Full Version : Heel-Toe

08-13-2017, 08:11 PM
Preparing for the last C4 Gathering in Bowling Green
we were talking about teaching Heel-Toe driving but
decided to keep it a little more basic. Still a lot of people
were interested.

I came across this video again which I think is FANTASTIC
on so many levels: Ayrton Senna, loafers, AN NSX...
and he KILLS IT! Enjoy!


Also notice feathering the accelerator on turns.
Now THAT is driving!

08-23-2017, 06:32 AM
Honda's have great pedal setup for Toe/Heal and of course seeing the master himself doing it is pretty impressive . Thanks for the link .

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08-23-2017, 07:34 PM
The c4s I have owned all needed the pedals to have bigger pads for my feet to be close enough to get from one pedal to the other. I think we had to adjust the pedal height also.
I once had a link to "the shoe" driving a NASCAR road race in Cali that was just amazing.
I will try to find it and post.