View Full Version : WTB: TECH 1 Scanner

1971 Judge
07-08-2017, 05:42 PM

Anyone have a Tech 1 scanner for sale? OR - - - is there an aftermarket version that will work as well?

Thanks in Advance.

07-08-2017, 10:58 PM
I have an on going search on EBay for one at a decent price. I've missed 2 now that went for between $200 and $300 dollars. Everyone seems to want $700 to $1000 for them, but I don't see them selling. There are several on eBay like that right now. Good luck, if you find more than one at decent price let me know.

07-09-2017, 02:11 AM
For what it's worth, I decided to skip the part with a Tech 1 where I had to dig around trying to find the right cartridges for my car(s) and went with a Tech 2. With the GM card it will handle GM OBD1 cars as well as OBD2. PM me if you would like more info about where to look for one.

1971 Judge
07-09-2017, 12:56 PM
PM Sent!

07-10-2017, 09:52 PM
I recently picked up a snap on unit works and comes with keys .. I'll recheck what model and details and post .. I don't need it

1971 Judge
07-10-2017, 10:31 PM
I recently picked up a snap on unit works and comes with keys .. I'll recheck what model and details and post .. I don't need it

Thank You!

Billy Mild
07-12-2017, 02:37 PM
I have a MT2500 that I would be up for selling. Has everything needed to use with a ZR-1.

1971 Judge
07-12-2017, 03:44 PM

Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond and answer my question.

I have purchased one from a Forum member.