View Full Version : Northern Nevada Z Owners

07-03-2017, 08:05 PM
Looking for local Z owners! I know of only 2 others in the Reno area. There must be more in the Reno, Carson, Minden, Fernly, Tahoe (maybe even Sacramento)...

I'm looking to put a local support group and monthly getogether together.

Please respond on this thread.

07-04-2017, 12:36 AM
Looking for local Z owners! I know of only 2 others in the Reno area. There must be more in the Reno, Carson, Minden, Fernly, Tahoe (maybe even Sacramento)...

I'm looking to put a local support group and monthly getogether together.

Please respond on this thread.

Good luck Hans. Send them our way.

07-07-2017, 04:01 AM
If you can stretch to Sac why not into the Bay Area. There's a couple of us,usually see at least 2 black 91s at the Cars and Coffee in Danville from time to time.

07-07-2017, 10:23 AM
If you can stretch to Sac why not into the Bay Area. There's a couple of us,usually see at least 2 black 91s at the Cars and Coffee in Danville from time to time.

I'm open to just about anything. What did you have in mind?

07-07-2017, 01:42 PM
Advice from WAZOO: start an email list and communicate using both the Forum and batch emails, about half of the WAZOO guys don't look at the Forum regularly.

Encourage all regional ZR-1 owners to trade emails with every ZR-1 owner they meet. I got about two thirds of the WAZOO members by meeting them at a show or in a parking lot. I met one owner at Cardiac Rehab after heart surgery. I didn't hear from him for 4 years and then he texted me to get together.

WAZOO has members from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. Some members drive 75 miles or more to our events.

Sometimes an "event" can be two guys getting together to share waxing tips. Keep it simple and remember, "If it isn't fun, you aren't doing it right."


07-07-2017, 01:46 PM
I'm open to just about anything. What did you have in mind?

I'm not sure. I've tried several times in the past to get some owners together and the closest I got was 5 of us at Cars and Coffee one Sunday. I'd like to get some people together for one of the Good Guys shows while the weather is nice. Coming all the way down here is quite a distance so whatever or I should say if something did come together it would have to be worth the drive. At the moment my car is tied up with a wheel issue and not sure how long this issue will take to get the wheels sorted out from HRE but once that's takin care of I'm open for something. Ca is supposed to have the most Zs but these guys don't want to do anything.

07-07-2017, 02:07 PM
The problem is not all Corvette owners are car guy's.
They have no interest in Car Shows or Cruise Nights.
They don't like to be around other cool cars, because their's may no longer be the center of attention.

07-07-2017, 06:30 PM
Thanks for the input, all valid points. I think the Wazoo group out east and the FBI group in Chicago are good examples. Generally, they are simply get together's of Z Owners meeting at a common location to exchange Z-tails, gathering for a drive event or a show or coming together to work on someone's car. Living in reasonablely close proximity is a bonus, but as the Wazoo group has shown not a priority.

Funny, I just now got off the phone with a local Z owner who contacted me because of this post. Ironically, he lives within a mile of me. Tony and I will get together next weekend.

The closest event in the area is of course Reno's Hot August Nights. First week of August. Maybe we can put a small group together. Particularly if some of Northern CA folks can come over.
