View Full Version : Anybody recognize this chip?

06-07-2017, 06:37 PM
Found the mfg memcal chip in the glove box.(AUAH) So I opened the ecu and this is what I found. Apparently Ron Zimmer in SoCal did quite well with these.

Interesting, after more reading on these chips and looking at multiple pictures of these Z Industries chips there dont seem to be two (that I have found) that have the same thing printed on them. There must have been multiple versions over time and level of mods.

It does say "custom program" on it. I know Zimmer did do custom work.

Anybody know what parameters these set to...


06-07-2017, 07:49 PM
I've read several of these including one I had. Frankly, meh. A lot of time has gone by when these were available and now. Unless u log many miles and burn much gas for proper tuning at best u will get some extra timing and fuel at the top end. Otherwise nothing else was modified.

06-08-2017, 12:45 AM
Pretty sure it's these guys.

