View Full Version : Fans ON After Plenum Pull - Water Pump Replacement

05-31-2017, 05:58 AM
Just finished the Water Pump install, put on Jerry's hoses and clamps (Thanks Jerry!!!). While I was in there, I removed the Vacuum Secondary system, with Mark's chip, I didn't need any of that any longer. Just started the car, after filling the system, and squeezing the hoses about 1,000-times.

Gauge was about an 1/8th of the 100-mark, and the heat never got hot:
1. Left water outlet tube = 180deg (temp gun)
2. Right water outlet tube = 140deg
3. From the moment I turned on the car, both fans came on. Note: My chip is set to engage both fans @180 or 170deg.
4. I don't have the AC High-Side tube installed, and the pressure switched are disconnected. Question: Could that cause the fans to run when its cold?
5. The temp sender and switch are connected on the forward driver-side.

Anyone thing of something missed when I did the Water Pump replacement???

Thanks Jay.

05-31-2017, 07:24 AM
1. Squeezed when filling, bleeding air-bubbles from the bleed tube.
2. I didn't use the hvac display to read temp, I had it on rpm; which I'm happy to report is finally good! Junking all the secondary systems, replacing the PCV tubing (Jerry) and glueing the manifold vac hose had fixed idle hunting. Pass-side IH tube - 185. Drive-side IH tube for 145; that's probably about what the gauge was at.
3. No, before replacing the WP, the fans came on when engine got to 180; they are set lower, Texas...
4. Comp was had failed before WP replacement, but the sensors were connected. I'm waiting on the accumulator, and need to flush the evap/condensor tomorrow. Also need some PAG oil to lube o-rings.
5. Don't know what... I can see the sender and switch through the plenum; each is seated...

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05-31-2017, 08:21 PM
4. I don't have the AC High-Side tube installed, and the pressure switched are disconnected. Question: Could that cause the fans to run when its cold?


05-31-2017, 10:57 PM
Yep, hooked it up earlier, and that fixed it. New pump is great, coming like normal, without all the grinding that's been going on fire a while now.

Sent from my SM-G950U using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)