View Full Version : AU and NZ members

04-15-2017, 09:02 AM
Can I get members from Australia and New Zealand to raise your hands? You all may be able to help us out with a critical issue on our LT5s.

04-28-2017, 03:23 PM
Hi I am in New Zealand

Regards Glen Collins

05-03-2017, 12:30 AM
Hello, I am in Brisbane, Australia.



05-04-2017, 10:17 AM

Hi and thanks for responding. The reason I'm looking to contact members "down under" has to do w a very critical component of our LT5. The ICM (ignition control module) located under the plenum is the one component that has no replacement. These motors are 25years old and eventually, they could all be parked in garages unable to be driven. There appears to be a potential solution to this that has been developed by someone located in Perth. But they refuse to work w me or anyone in the US because they have no access to the LT5 motor, or ECM for testing. I am hoping that if some of our members in AU and NZ were to contact him, perhaps he could be persuaded to continue his work. He had developed the software for his module which could use the existing reluctor wheel on our cranks for spark signal. This solution also has the ability to convert over to LSx "coil near plug ignition" rather than the coils under the plenum. That would give us a hotter spark and a better one at top end.
I realize AU is a pretty big place. Would anyone be interested in contacting this person? It would be a pretty significant development if we could get this person to work w us.

05-14-2017, 08:07 PM
Hey mate,

Apologies for the late reply. Very interesting indeed, I had no idea this could be a potential problem. I am more than happy to contact him, but as I am located in Brisbane (about the same distance from Los Angeles to New York) I am not sure how this could work. Surely there would be someone in the US, given the larger amount of ZR1's over there who could work on a solution to this? Also there may be a ZR1 owner in Perth perhaps? Hope I can be of some help.



05-15-2017, 09:53 PM
Thanks Joel. I understand that we in the States don't have an idea of how large your Australia is. But thought I'd give it a go given thtanthis is a current solution in operation and the guy has already spent time and development on a solution for the LT5. Demonstrating a need in Australia would help our case I believe.