View Full Version : latest pic of a hard launch

03-13-2017, 07:39 PM
Here is the latest shot of my car at the track on 03/05/2017. I made two time runs before i opened the fuel station on Sunday. Last month Jan. 8 i made two runs before selling fuel.The weather was 43-53 deg. hum was 10-15% what they call mine shaft air.Run #1 60 ft 1.642 ,1/8 7.391 @94.86, 1/4 mile 11.541 @116.93. Run #2 60 ft. 1.637, 1/8 7.399 @ 98.01, 1/4 mile 11.561 @ 118.45.
All runs were made leaving off foot brake and shift @ 7,000 rpm each gear change. Theses runs are my best to date.
After those runs I installed a trans-brake in my 4l80E transmission. this trans-
brake works with my transmission controller. I can leave off the button and
trans will shift @ WOT 7,000 rpm each gear.
I tried a different launch on 03-05-2017. Left line at 2800 rpm and adjusted
controller to shift at 6400 rpm on each gear change. (dyno shows max HP and TQ at that rpm).
The weather was 71 deg. and hum was 50% Run #1 60 ft. 1.650, 1/8 7.447
@ 91.65 , 1/4 mile was 11.647 @ 118.87 mph. Run #2 60 ft. 1.642 , 1/8
7.422 @ 91.88 1/4 11.629 @ 112.85. second run i lifted early.
This was the first time out with trans-brake. I'll make some changes to shift
controller.Go back to 7000 rpm WOT shift.
photo is a copy that i have ordered from the track.


03-13-2017, 11:53 PM
Nice! but was it as much fun as outrunning the helicopter?

03-14-2017, 05:21 PM
Well Gunny, I believe that you have me confused with another driver/car
from the late 90's. That driver had a running start and his ride was followed by a news chopper (also maybe a law enforcement chopper, that may or not
have taken place). My ride was short and fast , his was a lot faster and longer ride. As you know the RED ones are the fastest ! You know this sounds like a story from the ZR-1 Saloon, almost true or maybe not. The end of this story is I received a ticket (time slip) and he and plus one got a wave from both choppers. Oh the ZR-1 in this case was a 1993.

03-15-2017, 10:24 PM
Nice!!! Thanks for sharing!!

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03-17-2017, 11:17 AM
Nice runs! I see that you are leaving off the brake at 2800rpm, are you leaving at WOT?

Not much difference between the braked'd and non brake'd runs.

The short shifting at 6400rpm sure peeled back all your mph numbers, coupled with the temp and humidity increase. That mine shaft air was certainly working well for you.

I'd probably experiment with some 6800-7200 upshifts.

Awesome pics, it looks like you are about to get some light peaking under the tires. The front end is ncely unloaded. Lots to be proud of for sure.

Bob Eyres
04-21-2017, 02:01 PM
Great weight transfer. I don't know how much you've experimented with lower tire pressure, and different stall speed in the converter, but I'm guessing that there is even more improvement possible in your 60ft. time. with a higher stall, and lower tire pressure. BTW, are you using a line-loc in addition to the trans brake?
But, summer's coming, with no more ideal temps, or "mine shaft air" in the weather forecast. I think it's going to be months before the Florida boys lower their best times.

04-22-2017, 11:07 AM
Hi Bob,
I have been adjusting the front shocks (QA1's) to help keep the front end
down on launch. I run 25 lbs in the rear tires ,also use line lock for burnouts.
Working at the track i don't have as much of time for testing as i would like.
Maybe 2 - 3 runs before opening the fuel station once or twice a month.
The converter has been reworked by FTI in Florida.I don't want to change
it out as it takes me about 4 plus hrs to remove the transmission by my self.
The car runs good,but i'am not looking for the fastest times just consistent
times for 1/8 miles racing.