View Full Version : Rear View Camera Install

02-21-2017, 09:00 PM
In the process of installing an appradio4 and including backup camera w it.
The camers needs a reverse gear signal to turn it on. There's supposed to be a light green wire for Circuit 239 and its supposed to be below right side of IP.
Anyone have a tip on how to access this wire or where I could find it?

02-21-2017, 10:47 PM
In the process of installing an appradio4 and including backup camera w it.
The camers needs a reverse gear signal to turn it on. There's supposed to be a light green wire for Circuit 239 and its supposed to be below right side of IP.
Anyone have a tip on how to access this wire or where I could find it?

Yours is a 92? When I installed back up camera for David J's 94 with Pioneer AVIC 130BH, I think I tapped onto reverse light switch at the transmission. Although I have shop manual for 94, I'll look for light green wire you are asking.

02-21-2017, 11:48 PM
In the process of installing an appradio4 and including backup camera w it.
The camers needs a reverse gear signal to turn it on. There's supposed to be a light green wire for Circuit 239 and its supposed to be below right side of IP.
Anyone have a tip on how to access this wire or where I could find it?

That ain't CIRCUIT 239 - that's the C239 connector there at the IP. The circuit is 24 from the switch to the rear of the car. You could access the 24 circuit there or C209 and also at C401. C401 maybe in RH cargo storage bin? I ain't never looked!

This image I don't think is in a '92 FSM but the connector locations I'd think are a match.


02-22-2017, 12:42 AM
Thanks Dave. As usual, always helpful. I did not see that figure in my FSM or the supplement. I'll take a look tomorrow. Crawling under the IP is getting somewhat tougher these days if u know what I mean. :neutral::)

02-22-2017, 07:55 AM
I would look first for the C401 connector in the RH storage compartment maybe. C401 pinning can be seen 8A-202-15 and you should see LT GRN at M. I'd think much easier access. Closer to the head unit for sure is C209/C239. 8A-202 section for pinning of connectors can be very helpful. 8A-201 and 8A-202 I use a good bit!!

Search LOCOBOB's thread for C401 and C209. He has snapshots of both.


02-22-2017, 09:56 AM
That's excellent Dave. Thanks. Unlike Bob, I have not pulled
my interior apart. Mine is a 92, but I'll look in the rear storage compartment.
After I do my stretching exercises, I could try sticking my head under the IP 😀I'm going to start converting the AVIC harness connector to the appradio.
There's also a MUTE wire. Not sure yet what that's for.

02-22-2017, 07:43 PM

Here's the connector I found that looks similar to the illustration. Looked behind the courtesy light in the pillar, and also the RH Storage bin but did not see anything in either place. Again, mine is a late 92.

02-22-2017, 07:49 PM
Dom if my bypass resister arrives in time I will take pics of where I am tied into this weekend. I need to remove a Bluetooth module I left behind as well

02-22-2017, 10:32 PM
Snapshot is a little small to do anything positive with but if you can ID the cavity it would be easier to confirm for you. From here in the Eastern Panhandle of WV I can't quite see it!!

02-22-2017, 11:35 PM

Its cavity G.

02-23-2017, 01:41 AM
He said cavity

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02-23-2017, 01:02 PM

Just checked and the connector in my pic is
C239(white conn 10 way) and the light green wire w the arrow pointing to it
is in G cavity.

02-23-2017, 06:44 PM

Just checked and the connector in my pic is
C239(white conn 10 way) and the light green wire w the arrow pointing to it
is in G cavity.

I can't make G & C239 work, I doubt a FSM error because looking back and forward a year I see the same reference. I don't know that if I had the balance of the wire colors and cavity ID's I could sort it closer or not. I'd be happy to try. I've run my FSMs all years through some theoretically better OCR software and the search seems to do pretty well.

I've run my micro-fiche SPO parts through a couple also and it's pretty good but certainly not ready for "prime time". The micro-fiche films just never did very well.

In the '92 FSM it's ID'd as D in C239 and F in C209, '91 and '93 seem to agree!

I'd actually be interested in the rest of the colors and cavities to check a few things.

Check J in C239 and see if you might have a LT BLU!!

02-23-2017, 09:22 PM

The connector I am looking at has a light blue wire at cavity K. Not clear in this image. In my FSM, it does not show what cavities have which wires for C239. I am identifying it due to the fact that the connector is WHITE w 10 cavities. Looking under the IP, I don't see any other connector that matches that description.

Edit - 239 is a 10 cavity not 15.

02-23-2017, 11:44 PM
From reading my 92 FSM, I note that the reverse signal in C239 is cavity D
which is a BLUE 10 cavity connector.
In C209, the signal is in cavity F of a 15 cavity BLACK connector.

I'm looking at the 92 Electrical Supplement, 8A-202-14 and 15.

Diagram is 8A-112-0 in the supplement

02-24-2017, 08:39 AM
The connector in your snapshot is C238 (G-LT GRN is 2d fuel related, K- BLU is AC related, J-BRN/WHT CEL/SES related, F - should be brown). Turn that connector and A should be DK BLU/WHT & B should be DK GRN/WHT. I didn't go further. Confirm those colors as correct and move on to a different choice.

In your #14 snapshot ID the cavities and wire colors of the adjacent connector. In the wire bundle you've got wire colors that look to be appropriate.

C209 uses an 8 pin mating and a 7 pin mating connector, F is in the 8pin mating connector. Look at the link to locobob's install (black is the C209 and the clear is the 8 pin mating. If he were to turn that over there would be a 7 pin mating.

02-24-2017, 09:32 AM
The connector in your snapshot is C238 (G-LT GRN is 2d fuel related, K- BLU is AC related, J-BRN/WHT CEL/SES related, F - should be brown). Turn that connector and A should be DK BLU/WHT & B should be DK GRN/WHT. I didn't go further. Confirm those colors as correct and move on to a different choice.

In your #14 snapshot ID the cavities and wire colors of the adjacent connector. In the wire bundle you've got wire colors that look to be appropriate.


I'll confirm but if u look closely at #14 and # 7, you can make out the Green/white stripe on the other side, and the Dark Blue/white stripe. Am I correct that C239 is a Blue connector?

02-24-2017, 09:50 AM

I'll confirm but if u look closely at #14 and # 7, you can make out the Green/white stripe on the other side, and the Dark Blue/white stripe. Am I correct that C239 is a Blue connector?

I was actually editing my #16 post and making it easier to maybe use locobob's snapshots.

I gave you a way to "confirm" not just my WAG here in the hills of WV. I've never had C239 in my hand and the FSM is riddled with connector misinformation. An example is C239 - on 8A-202-14 C210/C239 is ID'd as same, 8A-202-15 as different. Delphi says that 8A-202-15 is correct and both connectors male/female should be BLUE.

02-24-2017, 11:51 AM
Ok Dave. Here's a couple of shots. I think they confirm your indication.
C238 is flipped over to show other side.

02-24-2017, 12:11 PM
Ok Dave. Here's a couple of shots. I think they confirm your indication.
C238 is flipped over to show other side.

Now you've got the connector you need to work with unless you also put your hands on the C209 and it was easier to manipulate.

Were it here I might choose the 8 pin mating for the C209 because it might be easier to unlatch, remove the wire, crimp a new terminal with a pigtail to use for the RVC. The terminals are an easy source for me.

The first image I posted way back isn't in the '92 and earlier FSM because the CDM is right there also and they couldn't image that area as easily under the dash. Get the CDM out of the way and it should be much easier and maybe resemble the later image I posted back there.

02-24-2017, 12:59 PM
Now you've got the connector you need to work with unless you also put your hands on the C209 and it was easier to manipulate.

Were it here I might choose the 8 pin mating for the C209 because it might be easier to unlatch, remove the wire, crimp a new terminal with a pigtail to use for the RVC. The terminals are an easy source for me.

The first image I posted way back isn't in the '92 and earlier FSM because the CDM is right there also and they couldn't image that area as easily under the dash. Get the CDM out of the way and it should be much easier and maybe resemble the later image I posted back there.


This blue connector is clearly a 10 cavity connector. I think I can get to this one to repin. Once I unlatch it, the IP side should move freely. I have some pins, not sure which one this is yet.

02-24-2017, 01:16 PM

This blue connector is clearly a 10 cavity connector. I think I can get to this one to repin. Once I unlatch it, the IP side should move freely. I have some pins, not sure which one this is yet.

I'd think if you're using the C239 "BLU" they would be Metri-Pack 150 - in this link there's male & female ID's - I'd think easily sourced close locally!!


If there's a GM dealer close see the shop foreman if the parts guy can't help you.

TRAY 2 - DELPHI TERMINAL SHOP & there's maybe another in TRAY 5

02-24-2017, 01:28 PM
I'd think if you're using the C239 "BLU" they would be Metri-Pack 150 - in this link there's male & female ID's - I'd think easily sourced close locally!!


If there's a GM dealer close see the shop foreman if the parts guy can't help you.

TRAY 2 - DELPHI TERMINAL SHOP & there's maybe another in TRAY 5

Thanks Dave. I think I may actually have some of these already.

02-25-2017, 07:37 PM
I may not understand what is going on here. This camera might be Bluetooth. If not, when I did my backup camera I ran a wire with the camera cable to the radio. I connected to the backup lights for my input. Since I was already running 1 cable might as well as 1 more wire.


02-27-2017, 12:26 AM
In the process of installing an appradio4 and including backup camera w it.

Which backup camera are you using?

Will you share the camera's installation when you are finished? Thanks

04-10-2017, 10:52 PM
Ok all. Finished the install of the rearview camera yesterday. Power and ground taken off backup lamps. Also attaches pic of the "elusive" reverse signal. Repinned it to take signal for appradio4. Works! I have run the camera cable down the left side of the car under sill plate and across the drivers side to the appradio4.

04-10-2017, 11:10 PM
I'm using an Audiovox camera.

04-11-2017, 11:22 AM
I'm using an Audiovox camera.

Hi Dom--Do you have to cut a hole in your license plate for that? --Bob

04-11-2017, 11:33 AM
Hi Dom--Do you have to cut a hole in your license plate for that? --Bob


No. The camera sits flush w the face of the rear fascia, is pretty small and is pretty much out of sight. I'll install the License plate and post pics. Pretty neat. The Pioneer will add guidelines to the image, altho the image is reversed.

04-11-2017, 12:19 PM
Here's what it looks like w the plate on.

04-11-2017, 06:29 PM
Nice job Dom! I want a rear view camera too. In fact I want one in the front before I end up taking off my Yokohama BSM bumper too. Thanks for sharing!!

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04-11-2017, 08:49 PM
Now you've got the connector you need to work with unless you also put your hands on the C209 and it was easier to manipulate.

Were it here I might choose the 8 pin mating for the C209 because it might be easier to unlatch, remove the wire, crimp a new terminal with a pigtail to use for the RVC. The terminals are an easy source for me.

The first image I posted way back isn't in the '92 and earlier FSM because the CDM is right there also and they couldn't image that area as easily under the dash. Get the CDM out of the way and it should be much easier and maybe resemble the later image I posted back there.


C209 was pretty accessible once u remove the kick panel. Working upside diwn is always a hoot. Its always a bit of a pain to unclasp these conectors, not too much of an issue to re-pin. I have those pins for use on other connectors. So the re-pin was fairly straight forward. The biggest issue was getting the pin back into the cavity w the extra girth of the additional wire.

04-11-2017, 09:07 PM
Nice job Dom! I want a rear view camera too. In fact I want one in the front before I end up taking off my Yokohama BSM bumper too. Thanks for sharing!!

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=90383)


The appradio4 will accommodate front and rear.

04-12-2017, 07:28 AM

The appradio4 will accommodate front and rear.

Thanks Dom! I'll start to look into this. I have to stay off here since you guys with great ideas always cost me more money...lol.

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