View Full Version : On Your Mark... 2017 C4 Gathering!
12-23-2016, 02:14 AM
Start your planning for the C4/ZR-1 Gathering in Bowling Green, KY!
Wednesday May 17, 2017 (Pizza! :cheers:) - Saturday May 20, 2017 (Banquet!).
The theme will be RACING! :iroc:
MotorSports Park Friday May 19, 2017 "Touring Laps"
Home Base: Holiday Inn University Plaza
Bowling Green, KY
May 17 - 20, 2017 0ab09076f50b4c76b08a509.jpg
Registration & Agenda:
"If you’ve ever wanted to know what made the Corvette so fast, and how it absolutely dominated the SCCA’s
Playboy and Escort Endurance Series, as well as in IMSA and World Challenge, here’s your chance to talk to
the folks who made it all happen. In fact, we plan to have an actual World Challenge C4 Corvette available,
and see what it’s like to be strapped into a full-up historic race car—so don’t forget your camera as you wont want
to miss this opportunity! If all of this wasn’t enough, you’ll have a rare opportunity to see one of the finest collections
of Callaway LeMans race cars, LT5 Super Speedsters, and the legendary 254.76 MPH Sledge-hammer Callaway Corvette.
As you become intoxicated with racing gas and the smell of rubber, we’re going to provide a Motorsports Park Orientation,
as well as a high-speed driving class to get your driving skills in order, then let you loose on the Motorsports Park Track itself.
If you’ve been to a prior Gathering, no introduction is needed; if not, you’re in for a ride! We have touring lap groups
for every skill and comfort level, from beginner to intermediate, and advanced drivers.
And new for added fun: GO KARTS at the MotorSports Track!
Register for this exciting time now on the NCM Website.
Time to Get Revved Up....As We’re About to Have Some Fun"
01-04-2017, 08:19 AM
Tripler and I are looking forward to it.
01-11-2017, 10:06 AM
I'm looking forward to my 1st Gathering and meeting all of you fellow ZR-1 junkies :salute:
I've never tracked my car. Are the "touring laps" a gentle exercise in parade laps? Or does it end up being, lets see what my car can do lol?
01-11-2017, 04:18 PM
I'm looking forward to my 1st Gathering and meeting all of you fellow ZR-1 junkies :salute:
I've never tracked my car. Are the "touring laps" a gentle exercise in parade laps? Or does it end up being, lets see what my car can do lol?
Based on my one and only experience last year, it can be tame or a little wild, depending on which group you choose to go in. Early morning laps tended to let everyone figure out where they wanted to be so that my mid-to-late morning, everyone was able to run where they felt comfortable. I was able to run with a fairly aggressive group of four and found that I ran harder for four or five laps with the group than I did on any one lap during the X-Track laps in the afternoon. Both the morning and afternoon were awesome experiences for everyone I spoke to. Look forward to seeing you there.
01-14-2017, 12:07 AM
Home Base will be
The Holiday Inn University Plaza
1021 Wilkinson Trace
Bowling Green, KY 42103
1 800 315 2621 (Reservations) 1-270-7450088 (Front Desk)
Block code: ZR4
Rooms $122/night
01-14-2017, 09:37 AM
Good Morning: Thanks for the information Ted. In order to secure the $122/night rate you have to call reservations. If you try to do it online (at least for me in Canada) the lowest rate was $125. The ZR4 identifier was there - I checked on more options but it wouldn't lower. When I called reservations they said that we do have to call them directly to do the $122. Tripler and I are now booked. YAY!!!!
Mystic ZR-1
01-19-2017, 01:50 PM
Just made a reservation!
They've still got several rooms left.
02-03-2017, 11:10 AM
Well I also have made my hotel reservation and look forward to NCM touring laps with my new car. I know the full itinerary is not yet available but I want to once again suggest a Thursday activity that we did a number of years ago very successfully. That is a long drive in the country to tour a distillery and have lunch. It was a great day and interesting (with very little tasting, unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it.) If something closer is desired, as Paul Workman and I discovered, there is a little craft distillery right in Bowling Green called Corsair, and which makes a pretty good bourbon called Triple Smoke. The day we stopped by two years ago to check it out, it was closed for a private party. Anyway, just a thought. Look forward to seeing the gang. --Bob
02-10-2017, 07:13 AM
I booked online and got the $122 rate using our code. Was holding off to be sure my daughters college graduation was not at the same time. It is the following week so I am in! Looking forward to a great time.
02-10-2017, 09:54 AM
The parade laps are lots of fun. If you misbehave they really turn in to parade laps at a very gentle pace. Other than that, I hit a buck eight. Actually I was shotgun, Mike hit a buck eight.
02-10-2017, 10:58 AM
Booked at $122.
Also, I'll be heading to MR5 this year first.
02-10-2017, 11:10 AM
Tripler and I also want to do MR5. Just waiting for hotel code for that one
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02-11-2017, 01:11 AM
The parade laps are lots of fun. If you misbehave they really turn in to parade laps at a very gentle pace. Other than that, I hit a buck eight. Actually I was shotgun, Mike hit a buck eight.
Who's leavin loose change on the track ! Sheese...
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haber rj
02-11-2017, 09:48 AM
Waiting to see when the new house closes, may conflict hopefully I will find out soon, may have travel solo and leave the wife unit at home to deal with that, just saying.
02-26-2017, 11:03 AM
MAY show up for one or two days depending on work schedule which I won't know til last week in April. Main reason I haven't been to one yet is that issue - I can't reserve rooms or anything in advance...
What is going on Thursday? Or maybe what is the schedule of events?
Bob Eyres
04-11-2017, 12:40 PM
Any Drag Racing,(@ Beech Bend), being planned??
I'll be there, but I can only make it for a couple of days, (+ a day to get there, and a day home). Is the most action going to be Thurs.-Fri.?
I'm most interested any tech. presentations.
I've been to several Gatherings in the "old days", decades ago, but with that new track this should be fun.
04-11-2017, 12:56 PM
Bob: To view the agenda either read the latest HOB issue or go to General Postings "when will gathering agenda be posted " thread first page posted by bhedberg
04-13-2017, 11:08 AM
OK, the agenda is finally posted on the Corvette Museum website. But when I tried to register (after having to reset my password) the registration page was gobbledygook. Looks like it is not actually ready for registration even though it says it is. Hopefully it will get corrected sometime soon. I will try again in a few days.--Bob
04-14-2017, 09:57 AM
The registration page is still not fixed but I sent an email to the Museum Registration person to let her know. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. The page looks like a developer's template with coding and header names but no real form. --Bob
04-14-2017, 10:38 AM
The registration page is still not fixed but I sent an email to the Museum Registration person to let her know. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. The page looks like a developer's template with coding and header names but no real form. --Bob
Bob, I am not sure which internet browser you are using, but I had no trouble with the registration page. Others have signed up too.
04-15-2017, 10:44 AM
Glad it worked for you, Dennis. I am using Internet Explorer 11.0.41. Maybe it's my browser, but it has worked for me in the past with the same browser. I got this reply from Karen Renfrow, the person in charge of registrations:
"Thanks Robert for the heads up!
We thought we had this bug fixed
Anyway – if you could give me a call – I can get you signed up over the phone
So sorry for this inconvenience"
I told her I would wait a couple days to see if it works and if not I will call her. --Bob
04-15-2017, 11:09 AM
Thanks for following up, Bob. I am having the same issue with Internet Explorer. I will wait a couple of days and register directly with NCM via phone if the bug persists on the web site.
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04-17-2017, 10:50 AM
I notice today that the NCM website has the following on its page for gathering registration:
"We are investigating problems with the system for customers using Microsoft Internet Explorer and Edge browsers. If one of these is your browser of choice, please call us to register."
I will call if not fixed sometime soon.--Bob
04-18-2017, 11:59 AM
The Museum Registration page is now working for those with Windows Explorer who were having trouble before. I was able to register today--Bob
05-19-2017, 08:54 AM
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05-19-2017, 09:18 AM
Nice piece Paul. Thanks!
05-19-2017, 09:18 AM
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Very cool!
05-19-2017, 04:44 PM
Great piece of ambassadorship, Paul. Hope you and Amy had a safe trip home - Bob.
05-19-2017, 06:01 PM
Yikes! Talk about parking close in the NCM Tracks garage during a possible hail warning ...
I think I need my eyes checked ...
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05-19-2017, 07:38 PM
Yikes! Talk about parking close in the NCM Tracks garage during a possible hail warning ...
I think I need my eyes checked ...
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I think two Gnats could fit in there yikes
05-20-2017, 07:43 AM
05-20-2017, 04:49 PM
I got the dreaded gokart tatoo ! My arm decided to check the exhaust temp of a 7hp 4stroke ... Always get out of the kart on the left as the organizer told us to do ...
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05-20-2017, 06:29 PM
Thanks for sharing that. Looks like a lot of fun and you were pushing it to the limit.
*side note: The link above appears like an embedded video on the app.
05-21-2017, 12:28 AM
Thanks for sharing that. Looks like a lot of fun and you were pushing it to the limit.
*side note: The link above appears like an embedded video on the app.
Thankyou . Yes . I keep things limited and private . Just for the club and people close to me .
It was tough as I have not really raced in 30 or more years but I guess a racer never stops racing . These karts were brand spanking new and we were bedding in the rear brakes in the first sessions hence the few skids you see in the vid .
I also have quite nasty tinnitus so after I did both sessions I payed the price with heavy ringing in my ears so this will always be a rare event for me . No fun getting older but I do my best to put old on the backburner for a fast drive in a kart or a car lol .
It was nice to see that I had some stiff competition also from a few young bucks and of course the club president as he races now in a vintage C4 Corvette Challenge car .
05-22-2017, 03:10 PM
Kinda pokey don't ya think Mike? Did you ever touch the breaks??
05-22-2017, 03:11 PM
Its got brakes? Take it you made it to NH ok
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