View Full Version : On Your Mark... 2017 C4 Gathering!

12-23-2016, 02:11 AM
Start your planning for the C4/ZR-1 Gathering in Bowling Green, KY!
Wednesday May 17, 2017 (Pizza! :cheers:) - Saturday May 20, 2017 (Banquet!).
The theme will be RACING! :iroc:
MotorSports Park Friday May 19, 2017 "Touring Laps"
Home Base: Holiday Inn University Plaza

12-23-2016, 09:46 PM
Made my hotel reservations at Univ. Plaza a couple of weekends ago. Motorsports track day is something not to be missed. Still love the C4 Gathering week. Let's hope we get an excellent turnout.

12-24-2016, 11:59 AM
I am in on the Mountain Run and BG Event. I hope we are going to look at Drag Racing and Autocross.

12-24-2016, 07:29 PM
If there is enough interest in drag racing, or any
other event, we can see about getting it done. But
the last time we offered drag racing (2014, Beech Bend),
only 12 registered. This is not enough for a Gathering event.
As you know we discussed, either people are afraid
of breakage, or not interested. If we could get
more to commit, I'd say at least 20 by putting $$ in
up front, that would be different.

Last year we offered TrackX at the NCM MotorSports
Park in the afternoon after Touring Laps. TrackX is
a higher speed autocross course. Again, participation was not great
and the expense was much greater. Those who drove "Touring Laps"
were surprised, maxed out, and worn out afterwards.

12-25-2016, 05:19 PM
The touring laps were anything but "touring"; lost count after 20 laps, most of which were pretty hot. I don't know the expense of Track X (higher than touring because of medical stby. team etc), but I gather it was much more expensive. I'd be fine with just the touring laps if cost is an issue. Go karting might be an option too if drag racing can't generate numbers.

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Blue Flame Restorations
12-27-2016, 09:06 PM
Can't wait for May. This will be a YUGE event as always.

01-06-2017, 08:32 AM
Regarding making reservations at Holiday Inn University. Is the group rate in place yet. Thanks

Paul Workman
01-06-2017, 11:15 AM
Looking forward!! The MR5 planning is entering final stages - George Jones doing the yoman's share of the work (again!). Some new and exciting routes being laid out for MR5. And, if I understand what I read, Park Vista in Gatlinberg is open for business again too.

Thanks to all the planners! :thumbsup: Things are shaping up to be one heck of an exciting week, for sure!!

01-06-2017, 12:18 PM
If there is enough interest in drag racing, or any
other event, we can see about getting it done. But
the last time we offered drag racing (2014, Beech Bend),
only 12 registered. This is not enough for a Gathering event.
As you know we discussed, either people are afraid
of breakage, or not interested. If we could get
more to commit, I'd say at least 20 by putting $$ in
up front, that would be different.

Last year we offered TrackX at the NCM MotorSports
Park in the afternoon after Touring Laps. TrackX is
a higher speed autocross course. Again, participation was not great
and the expense was much greater. Those who drove "Touring Laps"
were surprised, maxed out, and worn out afterwards.

Well, I think I will be going to the Gathering this year (unless I have been banned for no longer owning a ZR-1!), and I would be up both for touring laps at the Motorsports Park and Drag Racing at Beech Bend. Marc Haibeck and I were two of very few two years ago at Beech Bend (without a car I didn't make it in 2016), and it sounds like last year was light also. If there are enough people to justify drag racing I and, I am sure, Marc would be up for it. -Bob

Paul Workman
01-06-2017, 05:44 PM
Well, I think I will be going to the Gathering this year (unless I have been banned for no longer owning a ZR-1!), and I would be up both for touring laps at the Motorsports Park and Drag Racing at Beech Bend. Marc Haibeck and I were two of very few two years ago at Beech Bend (without a car I didn't make it in 2016), and it sounds like last year was light also. If there are enough people to justify drag racing I and, I am sure, Marc would be up for it. -Bob

And, would love to have you on the Mountain Run too, Bob! It ends up at BG at the Holliday Inn Plaza for the BG kick-off!.

01-07-2017, 10:30 AM
And, would love to have you on the Mountain Run too, Bob! It ends up at BG at the Holliday Inn Plaza for the BG kick-off!.

Thanks for the invite Paul-- I will think about it. It does sound like fun. --Bob

01-07-2017, 03:37 PM
I want to do Mountain Run and BG with you all but......I have a Cobra replica 428 4 speed I need to get sold to free up the budget. Beautiful and violent fast, but not cheap.

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