View Full Version : ZR Registry- Broadening the Registry Universe
12-04-2016, 06:50 PM
A proposal has been placed to the Board recommending broadening the Registry scope to include other generations of ZR Corvette vehicles either previously designated by GM or so designated in the future.
The Board of Directors is inquiring into the "sense of the membership" regarding actively pursuing other generations of ZRs to join the ZR-1 Net Registry and participate with us on the forum and in events.
The ZR1 Net Registry Board is considering this proposal due to:
Recent activity by GM and the Corvette Group demonstrates that future generations of the ZR nameplate are being planned or in development.
There currently is no other forum or Corvette community supporting SOLELY the ZR nameplate. The Registry is not only a forum/website but also a club that actively organizes events and gatherings nationally and on local levels.
As GM adds to the generations of ZR badged Corvettes, the ZR-1 Registry is uniquely positioned to be both a forum AND a community devoted only to “A Corvette, only more soâ€
The addition of ZR Corvette generations lends a new perspective from which the C4 ZR-1 will be viewed. One of being pivotal for the ZR Corvette bloodline by having provided the groundbreaking “Corvette From Hell†legacy of the ZR Corvettes that followed it. Beginning w the ZR1 special engine package in 1970, the ZR evolved into the "King of the Hill" ZR-1, with a legacy that continues today with the C6 ZR1.
We anticipate Corvette will continue to evolve the ZR in future generations of Corvette.
Although there is investigation into the tactical requirements for successfully implementing such a plan, the Board first is seeking a “sense of the membership†prior to expending further time and effort on this initiative. With your feedback, the Board of Directors can make a more informed decision regarding the direction of the Registry in the future. We will be creating a discussion thread in the "Member's Only" forum. We also invite feedback in this thread from all registered participants on the forum.
12-04-2016, 08:51 PM
My thoughts and feelings are that this forum is for ZR-1's/ LT-5's. There are other ZR1's in name, but not with LT-5's. This engine is what makes us special and unique.
Ami Workman
12-04-2016, 09:27 PM
Well...did my reply get deleted??
*Nevermind...I see Dom posted this in two different confused me 😕*
I have no problem with it, provided that the when you access the Forum, there are immediate sub-forums such as the following, to avoid comingling the different generations, such as;
C3 ZR-1, LT-1
C4 ZR-1, LT5
C6 ZR1, LS9
C7 ZR1, "LT5"
The immediate questions in my mind are;
1. What is/are the advantage(s) for our organization to broaden the scope beyond the current status? Likewise, what is/are the disadvantage(s)?
2. Does the HOTB magazine become diluted with inclusion of other ZR's?
3. Will the Board then be comprised of directors elected from all generations?
I think the initial step may be to solicit questions of concerns from our members first, to develop a broad & complete spectrum of considerations. Then, develop answers to the questions so that informed opinions and decisions can be made.
12-04-2016, 10:42 PM
My thoughts and feelings are that this forum is for ZR-1's/ LT-5's. There are other ZR1's in name, but not with LT-5's. This engine is what makes us special and unique.
I agree with the above statement. While I wouldn't mind having them with us together at events, I feel we should keep our forum as it is. If we merge as one, I feel that the ZR-1 Registry.Net will become diluted in the sense that we will lose our state of being. We won't be as special as we now are, and we may get lost with the addition of more generations in our forum. Their needs and aspirations for their vehicles are much different than ours.
Remember that their objectives and goals in general may also be a whole lot different than ours. Not trying to sound snobby or anything, but if you include them with us, we would become like other forums, is that what we the members want???
And I have nothing against other forums, been a member of CF for many, many years.
As Steve said, "makes us special".....I would like to remain special...JMO
12-04-2016, 10:44 PM
Well...did my reply get deleted??
*Nevermind...I see Dom posted this in two different confused me 😕*
Please repost here also.
Ami Workman
12-04-2016, 10:45 PM
Ami Workman
12-04-2016, 10:47 PM
I welcome them if they want to be a part of our wonderful family...I understood the reason for having a C4 ZR1 board was to have a community of ppl who understood how to maintain the ZR1's because parts were hard to come by and some had cottage companies to provide certain parts to fix our remaining cars... they may find some difficulty getting assistance if there aren't many other ZR1 owners in other Corvette series, thus not having the availability of parts and knowledge of the nuances of their Corvette series' ZR1's...but we do have some great car enthusiasts that, I'm sure, can/will learn their engines and nuances to help keep their cars running in tip-top shape...
12-04-2016, 11:24 PM
To those that are contributing,
First of all thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback. Secondly, I would encourage you to consider the principle question of the Registry reaching out proactively to owners/fans of ZR Corvettes other than only the C4 generation.
As an analogy, the Grand Sport community includes other generations beyond the C4. Should the Registry do something similar? Some of the other points discussed above presuppose that the Registry would do this. The question for discussion here is whether we should do this rather than how.
I hope that helps clarify the objective here.
Mystic ZR-1
12-04-2016, 11:26 PM
How do the Grand Sport guys do it?
May help this discussion?
Dom, you type faster than me...
12-05-2016, 07:23 AM
We had (maybe still have) a member, I think his name was Ed. He was a member because he owned a Cadillac that had an LS9, that they used in ZR1 Corvettes. That's pretty far out from what this registry is about.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a real social person. Dom asked the question "should we?" I say no.
12-05-2016, 07:45 AM
Sorry, but I would like to vote against it. What we have now is very special with a special group of people that I would hate to see change and lose its value. This family is the reason why I came here and joined from the original with Mom. I also think the Registry is what makes others envious about this group of folks that have become more than friends in some cases. This is way more than just a forum when you look at the international membership of the Gatherings and people willing to travel across the world. I would had to see us lose that. Thank you for allowing us to share our thoughts and passion.
I just renewed my membership and had I known this...........just kidding.
To those that are contributing,
First of all thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback. Secondly, I would encourage you to consider the principle question of the Registry reaching out proactively to owners/fans of ZR Corvettes other than only the C4 generation.
As an analogy, the Grand Sport community includes other generations beyond the C4. Should the Registry do something similar? Some of the other points discussed above presuppose that the Registry would do this. The question for discussion here is whether we should do this rather than how.
I hope that helps clarify the objective here.
The question for discussion here is whether we should do this rather than how.
Respectfully, I think the manner in which it would be done will directly impact the result and should be considered before making the decision, not after.
There is a significant set of differences that sets our group of ZR-1/LT5 owners/enthusiasts apart from the rest.
1. The LT5. The Lotus birthright, The "black site" (MerCruiser) manufacturing, the speed & endurance records, our dependence on each other for technical support, etc.. None of that relates to any other generations with "ZR" option.
2. GM support. Virtually every other version of the "ZR" optioned Corvettes is or will be currently supported by GM.
3. Generation Gap. Face it! Technology grows exponentially. Our ZR-1's are special, but they are vastly outdated and of little interest to todays speed & power group. We are normally aspirated marvels of 27 year old technology in a sea of uber powerful sports cars made by dozens of different manufacturers. We are distant cousins like the P-38 Lightening and the F-22 Raptor. Not much in common today.
The list could continue, but the point is...... how do you govern and administer to a diverse group of all generation ZR's and achieve the same level of effectiveness as we enjoy today? I don't think it can be done.
I greatly admire the C6 ZR1, have had the pleasure of hot laps with a professional driver, wanted one and owned a 2013 GS. I currently own a 2016 Z51 Stingray and enjoy everything about it. My 94 ZR-1 is special. Through it, I have made many, many friends.
What we have through the ZR-1 Net Registry is unique. I see no benefit to expanding it to include any other generations of "ZR" optioned Corvettes.
Ami Workman
12-05-2016, 11:08 AM
I have no problem with it, provided that the when you access the Forum, there are immediate sub-forums such as the following, to avoid comingling the different generations, such as;
C3 ZR-1, LT-1
C4 ZR-1, LT5
C6 ZR1, LS9
C7 ZR1, "LT5"
The immediate questions in my mind are;
1. What is/are the advantage(s) for our organization to broaden the scope beyond the current status? Likewise, what is/are the disadvantage(s)?
2. Does the HOTB magazine become diluted with inclusion of other ZR's?
3. Will the Board then be comprised of directors elected from all generations?
I think the initial step may be to solicit questions of concerns from our members first, to develop a broad & complete spectrum of considerations. Then, develop answers to the questions so that informed opinions and decisions can be made.
I have to agree with Jerry ...I think this is a great idea... 😊
Jumpin on the Jerry bandwagon here.
Mystic ZR-1
12-05-2016, 01:36 PM
Jumpin on the Jerry bandwagon here.
I agree!
Sure beats the paddywagon!
12-05-2016, 01:49 PM
I have no real opposition other than GM has a way of resurrecting names and then attaching them to a new model. The ZR1 of the 90-95 years, denotes a very different and unique automobile. It is that uniqueness that binds their owners. Will the new models share in that or just wear the badge? If I could just go to the section or years of interest I would be good. We seem to already have that ability to some degree.
12-05-2016, 02:02 PM
The focus woould be ONLY on Corvettes w the ZR Corvette representing the pinnacle of GM/Corvette group engineering for that generation.
Appreciate ur comments. The sense of the membership will assist the Board as to whether we continue w development of a plan addressing ur questions or whether we drop the idea. This is a consequential step and we don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves
12-05-2016, 03:02 PM
I'm for it. Sure there will be some issues in finding ways to provide value to new members of different generations, but that's going to be worth it to help bring new members to the group. Hell, some members have several gens already. My only issue, and it's only a slight one, is parking at Carlisle. We already have a hard enough time keeping enterlopers out and a mix of gens will only make that worse. But I'm fairly scary in the morning before coffee so I'm not quite so sure that's an issue ;)
12-05-2016, 04:43 PM
To those that are contributing,
First of all thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback. Secondly, I would encourage you to consider the principle question of the Registry reaching out proactively to owners/fans of ZR Corvettes other than only the C4 generation.
As an analogy, the Grand Sport community includes other generations beyond the C4. Should the Registry do something similar? Some of the other points discussed above presuppose that the Registry would do this. The question for discussion here is whether we should do this rather than how.
I hope that helps clarify the objective here.
Likely the GS folks did it out of need as much as anything else.
There were only 1,000 C-4 Grand Sports.
That is a relatively small population from which to build a large enough organization to do all that is needed to remain viable for the long term.
While they currently do a great job, if their penetration is comparable to ours, that would be a limiting factor.
We only have a sixty some hundred population.
Until our registry reaches at least a 25% participation rate within our C-4 realm, maybe we should remain focused on that mission.
More generations certainly grows the membership and the funding, and provides a broader base of potential volunteers to help shoulder the workload of the organization. I would enjoy having the other gen folks as part of our organization as opposed to a separate unaffiliated entity.
Strength and longevity come from robust membership.
Had the original Registry reached critical mass it might have lasted, in spite of all.
Our main mission is to be meaningful, useful, desirable and fun, because if
those things happen we will be around for a long time whether we are one generation or more.
I would hate it if a contest developed as to which Z generation is the most meaningful. Combining them all eliminates that from ever happening.
A fraternal relationship among generations is far more desirable than an adversarial one.
So heck yeah, come one come all!
More folks in the pool usually mean more fun!
12-05-2016, 09:00 PM
This should be the Corvette Halo car website, no different that Ferrari Chat has a Halo car section for the F40, F50, Enzo, etc
The LS9 ZR-1 was a low production supercar like the LT-5 pulls the evolution of the ZR-1 into one website and my guess is some of these ZR-1 owners would start buying the LT-5 to compliment their Zs. I am all in.
2009 - 1,415
2010 - 1,577
2011 - 806
2012 - 404
2013 - 482
Imagine how much better we could be with more support...I think there are only 500 actual members
12-07-2016, 08:01 AM
This is not a simple matter and the pros and cons need to be debated; however, if I were asked to vote yes or no for broadening the registry, I would vote YES, and if I had to provide a simple one-word answer for the vote, it would be "sustainability". I don't have the stats, but I suspect that like our cars, the membership is getting older, and like any organization worth saving (the Registry definitely is!), we need to be always thinking strategically about how to make it survive and prosper. I don't think it would be difficult to "protect" the ZR-1 interests within a broader organization, but that would be the key question I'd want to discuss within a "Yes" answer.
I have talked to people within the GS Registry about this sort of thing, and I have yet to hear someone complain that their interests are compromised by the broader Corvette base they have. The skunk guys do their own thing when they want, but they benefit financially, socially and intellectually from getting together with both the C6 GS and former GS owners as well as the broader Corvette crowd. Being insular seldom serves one's interest well in the long term; a strategic discussion about our future - at a time when we aren't in a crisis - is both timely and indicative of the forward-thinking organization I think we ought to be.
Thanks for asking. I commend the board for having the chops to put it out there rather than contain the discussion to the board table. This is one of the reasons I give this particular board an A+ for what it has done in the last few years. Like most progressive entities, there are lessons to be learned from actions taken, but this board is both action oriented and open-minded. Thank you for governing as you do!
12-07-2016, 03:05 PM
How does the present Corvette section play into this?
Dom wants to include C7, C6, C5, C3, C2, C1 possibly? All included in separate section with the ZR-1 C4 section already fully established?
Kinda sounds like CF organization.
I say fine as long as new sections are well separated and -Solutions- would reside in ZR-1 section like stickies on CF.
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Allow me to clarify that I have posted this thread on direction of the Board so please don't interpret this as something I am doing or promoting. The reasons why the Board felt compelled to investigate this initiative are given at the beginning of the thread. The existence of a C6 ZR, the "apparent" development of a rumored C7 ZR , the renewal of trademarks for both the LT-5 and ZR1 monikers by GM present an opportunity that the Board decided to investigate.
The Board has also done some preliminary work on what it would take to welcome other generations of ZR Corvettes. There are some ibvious technical areas that differentiate one generation from the other. On the other hand, there are qualities and motivations that bind the generations and we in fact have a number of C6 ZR1 owners who are members here. Structure of the website was just one of the considerations. The impact of this initiative on such things as economics, events, vendors, and membership is also being considered. I am attempting to provide some further background on this without the appearance of bias so forgive me if this is a bit vague.
But I would suggest you consider aspects beyond just the website.
We Gone
12-07-2016, 04:45 PM
Sounds like a $ issue. I'm sure at some point the limited number of ZR-1 guys have a limitation on how much they can contribute to our site.
By adding a new group of ZR1 guys it can only enhance the current site and maybe help shed some light to the newer ZR1 group as to were they came from.
Most Corvette guys know more about the ZR1 than ZR-1.
Fully Vetted
12-07-2016, 06:26 PM
What we have through the ZR-1 Net Registry is unique. I see no benefit to expanding it to include any other generations of "ZR" optioned Corvettes.
I agree. I just think it would dilute the product. It opens the door that can't be closed. Ten years from now we'll be relegated to a small group in the C4 subsection just like CF. What's special about this club is that it is unique to one car. We all share the same issues with very little variance between models.
Instead of spending this effort on expanding our universe we should be trying to conquer the universe we're already in. We should be doing everything we can to reach out to all C4 ZR-1 owners that are not members and showing them what they are missing instead of trying to expand and add members that have absolutely nothing in common with us except for a badge on their fender. There's nothing stopping us from doing joint events with a C6 ZR1 club. But let's not have one club.
This isn't a car club. It's a ZR-1 club. My vote would be no.
12-07-2016, 08:40 PM
I agree. I just think it would dilute the product. It opens the door that can't be closed. Ten years from now we'll be relegated to a small group in the C4 subsection just like CF. What's special about this club is that it is unique to one car. We all share the same issues with very little variance between models.
Instead of spending this effort on expanding our universe we should be trying to conquer the universe we're already in. We should be doing everything we can to reach out to all C4 ZR-1 owners that are not members and showing them what they are missing instead of trying to expand and add members that have absolutely nothing in common with us except for a badge on their fender. There's nothing stopping us from doing joint events with a C6 ZR1 club. But let's not have one club.
This isn't a car club. It's a ZR-1 club. My vote would be no.
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12-08-2016, 12:30 PM
While I am not currently a ZR-1 or ZR1 owner I still think it is a good idea provided, as Jerry notes, that the forums have clear sub forums to focus on each generation's issues and the main website is similarly divided to provide info for all generations. Something like the way the Corvette Forum handles all different Corvette models. A big benefit would be to the annual gathering which would be provided with a substantial economic boost. Our gatherings have been dwindling for many years, which has required the addition of GS C4s (which I am all for) to maintain an economic critical mass for such events. I think having new members would add a lot for everyone. Other generation ZR owners are just as passionate about their special Corvettes as we are and are probably good guys to boot. We might even end up recruiting some over to the C4 ZR-1 side. My only major concern is, will I still be allowed to hang around with my lowly mass-produced Z06??? :cheers: --Bob
Fully Vetted
12-08-2016, 01:22 PM
Our gatherings have been dwindling for many years, which has required the addition of GS C4s (which I am all for) to maintain an economic critical mass for such events.
I still think that's due to lack of promotion. I'm sorry but posting an event schedule 30 days prior to an event is not a promotion. A great example is what we are doing here in Texas. Four years ago when I bought my car there were exactly 0 events going on in Texas in terms of C4 ZR-1 events. There was Vette's on the Lex (no longer running) and then the big Texas Corvette Association event which is still a big event but again nothing ZR-1 specific. We now meet at minimum 3 times a year. And it's grown from 3 cars the first year to this weekend we could have as many as 12-15 cars. And 4-5 of those are new members. Just 2 months ago we met for a BBQ and we had over 20 cars. From 0 events to multiple events hosting 20+ cars in 3 years. All due to promoting the event. If it can be done on a state level it can be done on a national level.
12-08-2016, 05:08 PM
I thinjk it would be good to get some more people here adding to the diversity of the different ZR generations.. keeping it dedicated to ZRs (of all corvette generations) will be a challenge but can also improve some of the club events we do as well
12-08-2016, 06:02 PM
Yes even though you "downgraded" to a lovely Long Beach Red C7 Z06,
you're still one of us.
12-08-2016, 06:50 PM
Yes even though you "downgraded" to a lovely Long Beach Red C7 Z06,
you're still one of us.
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12-09-2016, 04:35 AM
I think the added exposer would only help.
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12-09-2016, 10:21 AM
Our gatherings have been dwindling for many years, which has required the addition of GS C4s (which I am all for) to maintain an economic critical mass for such events.
Well the numbers have been dwindling because the Gatherings are boring. Soon the real excitement will be from who has the fastest rascal scooter. Better have the oxygen tanks on hand for some of the guys. The only Gatherings that have been getting numbers are the anniversary years, 20th, 25th. People have provided feedback, and the comments have been ignored. How many times can we hear the same old story from the wayback over some suds in the parking lots?
To me the registry has a lot more issues it needs to address by looking in the mirror and seeing who they are here to serve, or more likely be a disservice to. The Registry is to promote the history of the LT5 ZR-1 and give us a place to hang our hat and foster some events. But lately, half of the country has been excluded. The west has been neglected while BG and Carlisle have life pumped into them. In the mean time, the left coast is put out to pasture and ignored. Ted Feder was given a monumental task as Event Coordinator, but he is one many on a regime of apathy.
Speaking of Apathy, whatever happened with David Johnson? There was a big uproar on his raspberry delight blog page and we never heard anything more. Lots of you folks were complaining about the way he was mistreated and were clamoring to right this wrong when the next election was held. Guess what, nothing happened and the same people were carried over. Paul, Jim, Brett, Dennis and David are all back. Let’s be honest though, that issue was not really all about a shirt like David Johnson claimed it was. But the Registry would rather sweep it under the rug instead and ignore the problem and hope it goes away.
Back to the question at hand of “broadening the registry universe”, you really have to ask yourself, what does the current registry have to offer the C3 ZR1, the C6 ZR1 and the next ZR1? In my opinion it doesn’t offer anything for the C4 ZR-1, other than the forum there is no value add. I can show up to BG and waste a weekend without being a registry member. I can show up to Carlisle without being a registry member. I guess maybe the greatest thing about the registry is I have sent 30 bucks a year for the past 10+ years and all I’ve gotten was a t-shirt where the design seems to get worse every year.
Long time BG, Carlisle participant and lurker. First time poster.
12-09-2016, 12:01 PM
Well the numbers have been dwindling because the Gatherings are boring. Soon the real excitement will be from who has the fastest rascal scooter. Better have the oxygen tanks on hand for some of the guys. The only Gatherings that have been getting numbers are the anniversary years, 20th, 25th. People have provided feedback, and the comments have been ignored. How many times can we hear the same old story from the wayback over some suds in the parking lots?
To me the registry has a lot more issues it needs to address by looking in the mirror and seeing who they are here to serve, or more likely be a disservice to. The Registry is to promote the history of the LT5 ZR-1 and give us a place to hang our hat and foster some events. But lately, half of the country has been excluded. The west has been neglected while BG and Carlisle have life pumped into them. In the mean time, the left coast is put out to pasture and ignored. Ted Feder was given a monumental task as Event Coordinator, but he is one many on a regime of apathy.
Speaking of Apathy, whatever happened with David Johnson? There was a big uproar on his raspberry delight blog page and we never heard anything more. Lots of you folks were complaining about the way he was mistreated and were clamoring to right this wrong when the next election was held. Guess what, nothing happened and the same people were carried over. Paul, Jim, Brett, Dennis and David are all back. Let’s be honest though, that issue was not really all about a shirt like David Johnson claimed it was. But the Registry would rather sweep it under the rug instead and ignore the problem and hope it goes away.
Back to the question at hand of “broadening the registry universeâ€, you really have to ask yourself, what does the current registry have to offer the C3 ZR1, the C6 ZR1 and the next ZR1? In my opinion it doesn’t offer anything for the C4 ZR-1, other than the forum there is no value add. I can show up to BG and waste a weekend without being a registry member. I can show up to Carlisle without being a registry member. I guess maybe the greatest thing about the registry is I have sent 30 bucks a year for the past 10+ years and all I’ve gotten was a t-shirt where the design seems to get worse every year.
Long time BG, Carlisle participant and lurker. First time poster.
That pretty much sums it up. Why welcome new blood,both C4 and the new breed when it's the same ol $hit? I was a member years ago and the same political BS from years ago is still alive and well today. When there is a drastic change MAYBE I'll rejoin. The way it is now most,like myself join the first time only to be frustrated by politics,left the membership and vowed never to rejoin. Clean house from the top down I say. I can imagine it's a thankless job but those that hold the seat,you did volunteer for the job correct?
12-09-2016, 01:15 PM
Well the numbers have been dwindling because the Gatherings are boring. Soon the real excitement will be from who has the fastest rascal scooter. Better have the oxygen tanks on hand for some of the guys. The only Gatherings that have been getting numbers are the anniversary years, 20th, 25th. People have provided feedback, and the comments have been ignored. How many times can we hear the same old story from the wayback over some suds in the parking lots?
To me the registry has a lot more issues it needs to address by looking in the mirror and seeing who they are here to serve, or more likely be a disservice to. The Registry is to promote the history of the LT5 ZR-1 and give us a place to hang our hat and foster some events. But lately, half of the country has been excluded. The west has been neglected while BG and Carlisle have life pumped into them. In the mean time, the left coast is put out to pasture and ignored.Ted Feder was given a monumental task as Event Coordinator, but he is one many on a regime of apathy.
Speaking of Apathy, whatever happened with David Johnson? There was a big uproar on his raspberry delight blog page and we never heard anything more. Lots of you folks were complaining about the way he was mistreated and were clamoring to right this wrong when the next election was held. Guess what, nothing happened and the same people were carried over. Paul, Jim, Brett, Dennis and David are all back. Let’s be honest though, that issue was not really all about a shirt like David Johnson claimed it was. But the Registry would rather sweep it under the rug instead and ignore the problem and hope it goes away.
Back to the question at hand of “broadening the registry universeâ€, you really have to ask yourself, what does the current registry have to offer the C3 ZR1, the C6 ZR1 and the next ZR1? In my opinion it doesn’t offer anything for the C4 ZR-1, other than the forum there is no value add. I can show up to BG and waste a weekend without being a registry member. I can show up to Carlisle without being a registry member. I guess maybe the greatest thing about the registry is I have sent 30 bucks a year for the past 10+ years and all I’ve gotten was a t-shirt where the design seems to get worse every year.
Long time BG, Carlisle participant and lurker. First time poster.
While today, I need neither a scooter or oxygen, someday maybe I, or even you may need one or both.
So what is your point?
You don't like a club with old people?
Well, suck it up buttercup, and get over it.
You don't like the same old stories, but you say the purpose of the club is to "preserve the history"
Well, which is it?
You don't like the way the club is run, and you whine about the officers and what they do.
Did you run for office?
If not, why?
Are you still a member?
You seem to have all of the answers to fix things, so why not run?
What have you done to try and fix what you find wrong with West Coast Events?
Why not volunteer to lead one?
You state the Registry has no value to you.
Then why are you here wasting your time?
Is whining that much fun?
Roll up your sleeves and work to fix it.
Or at least stop whining.
12-09-2016, 01:49 PM
We are going to have differences of opnion which is what this thread is soliciting
but we would ask to keep it collegial. I am gratified that an avowed "lurker"
like 95Z09Z actually responded to our topic at hand. I might not agree w his views but glad he finally felt compelled to voice them.
Bringing a higher level of participation is one of the reasons the Board felt it was important to consider the issue at hand.
So thanks for the input so far but let's keep the focus on what YOUR opinion is rather than someone else's.
12-09-2016, 04:27 PM
Bringing a higher level of participation is one of the reasons the Board felt it was important to consider the issue at hand.
I don't think adding the other generations will correct this. It will be high participation due to another gen car and that owner base.
Many companies and volunteer organizations have surveys. Has the BoD considered that for the point above.
If you want a higher level of participation you have to find out what members are looking for or missing. Sponsored regional or local events, that more can attend which could lead to them going to the Gathering.
I think fixing the participation of our Gen first, THEN consider the adding
12-09-2016, 05:13 PM
Well 95Z09Z you obviously weren't at the 2016 gathering as it was anything but boring. I, unlike you was there and can attest to it. I also disagree that suggestions are ignored.
So, Paul, Brett, etc., keep getting elected. Did you ever think it was because THEY ARE DOING A GOOD JOB!!!!!
If you want to change things start participating and making positive suggestions instead of negative remarks.
Please keep in mind that the ZR-1Net Registry isn't like other car clubs. It is a world wide club. Even in that when regional events occur our members local to that event go and post to the forum.
Nobody forces any of us to attend any car events. BG and Carlisle have their itineraries posted in advance, so if you don't think it will interest you don't go. It is that simple.
Vette Guy
12-09-2016, 09:41 PM
Thank you all for your comments.
The overall concept of this thread, taken from the opening post, was if the "addition of ZR Corvette generations lends a new perspective from which the C4 ZR-1 will be viewed", thus contributing to our mission of "Keeping the Legend Alive."
As Dominic stated, the Board is looking for the sense of members on this issue. There would be much work to do if we received overwhelming support of our membership to actively expand the Registry. Our main focus remains "Keeping the Legend Alive," and this was brought up as a way to do so by becoming involved in the hype around the next gen ZR.
While our anniversary year events are always very well attended, our off-year events have increased in numbers each year since 2013 - both for Carlisle and the Gathering. We work to make these events as best we can, and welcome your constructive recommendations. We've received overly positive comments about both events this year from attendees, but there's always something that we can do better. I welcome your constructive feedback to me at I believe our goals are similar - working together to make this the best organization it can be.
Know that your Board of Directors contributes a lot of time to this organization, all while balancing daytime careers and family time. We are a non-profit organization and have no full-time employees. The Registry has operated since inception by having each Director carrying a significant portion of the operational workload, as well as through members who volunteer to organize events for the benefit of the community. In doing so, no Director takes a dime from the Registry for any of their work, travel, or use of vacation time to orchestrate and attend these events, yet it is a very rewarding job. If you want to contribute to the Registry to make it better, we'd love to have your help – actively running events, contributing ideas, writing articles for our quarterly publication, identify items for group buys, etc. The Board will consider all recommendations.
That said, I ask that this thread remain on topic, asking for your opinion regarding the expansion of the Registry. The Board is interested in your opinion. If you have any comments, concerns, etc. that you would like to address, please email me - - I want to know what's on your mind and happy to discuss your concerns. I believe all of our interests are the same - "Keeping the Legend Alive."
12-10-2016, 12:03 PM
Yes even though you "downgraded" to a lovely Long Beach Red C7 Z06,
you're still one of us.
Oh thanks Dom. I was worried there for a minute :cheers: to you too ...Bob
12-11-2016, 11:28 AM
My concern about broadening the scope of the registry is how it might affect gatherings such as BG. Would there be a need to have ZR1 seminars in addition to the seminars specific to the C4 generation? That would be a lot to pack into basically 3 days. Would we lose C4 participants as they wouldn't want to "pay" for seminars that are not pertinent to their vehicle? I have no problem with other generation Z owners being members of the registry, however I would like the primary focus of the registry to remain C4 based. Don't know if that can be done.
12-11-2016, 01:20 PM
My concern about broadening the scope of the registry is how it might affect gatherings such as BG. Would there be a need to have ZR1 seminars in addition to the seminars specific to the C4 generation? That would be a lot to pack into basically 3 days. Would we lose C4 participants as they wouldn't want to "pay" for seminars that are not pertinent to their vehicle? I have no problem with other generation Z owners being members of the registry, however I would like the primary focus of the registry to remain C4 based. Don't know if that can be done.
FWIW, Marc Haibeck owns a C6 ZR1 and has done some mods to it so it is now about 740 HP. So he could probably give some seminars on that one too. But I also agree it would be too bad to loose the C4 focus of our registry. If the group and board decides to expand its horizons, it is a process that would have to be carefully managed to satisfy as many people as possible. --Bob
12-11-2016, 04:30 PM
My concern about broadening the scope of the registry is how it might affect gatherings such as BG. Would there be a need to have ZR1 seminars in addition to the seminars specific to the C4 generation? That would be a lot to pack into basically 3 days. Would we lose C4 participants as they wouldn't want to "pay" for seminars that are not pertinent to their vehicle? I have no problem with other generation Z owners being members of the registry, however I would like the primary focus of the registry to remain C4 based. Don't know if that can be done.
If you have attended The Gathering in the last 10 years, I believe that the seminars don't really attract the number of participants that came previously.
Speaking for myself, the primary draw of The Gathering is the camaraderie and some of the events. It's great to meet and connect w long distance friends and owners. The FBI has participated for the last 6 years in the Corvette Challenge where we enjoy great interaction w other Corvette owners. And it makes it so much sweeter when our group "kicks ***" at the drags there. :dancing;)
12-11-2016, 07:48 PM
I have been to the Gathering twice. 2014 prior to purchasing our Z and 2016 with our Z. On those two occasions all the seminars were very well attended, at least from my observation. The events are excellent. For me to go to BG it is a two day drive, so I want "the complete package", good seminars and good events. My two experiences to date have been excellent. I feel the executive do an amazing job organizing bòth BG and Carlisle.
Ami Workman
12-11-2016, 07:53 PM
I have been to the Gathering twice. 2014 prior to purchasing our Z and 2016 with our Z. On those two occasions all the seminars were very well attended, at least from my observation. The events are excellent. For me to go to BG it is a two day drive, so I want "the complete package", good seminars and good events. My two experiences to date have been excellent. I feel the executive do an amazing job organizing bòth BG and Carlisle.
Wait until you get to the Mountain Run we gather THAT is a whole lotta fun!!!! Wahooing through the mountains and meeting with lots of other couldn't ask for a nicer, most fun ppl!!!
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