View Full Version : Suggestions on Seattle area mechainc

10-21-2016, 03:06 AM

I got my car 1990 with 22K, runs decent idles well but prob want to swap out the injectors...Anyone know a knowledgeable guy up here in Seattle. Seems pretty darn stock have the chip coming from Marc...

10-23-2016, 12:45 AM
I have no first hand knowledge this person but a zr-1 friend from the Seattle gave me a card for Anacortes Automotive, Jeff Rudolph as a trained lt-5 mechanic. Phone 360-293-2450.

Paul Workman
10-23-2016, 09:17 AM

I got my car 1990 with 22K, runs decent idles well but prob want to swap out the injectors...Anyone know a knowledgeable guy up here in Seattle. Seems pretty darn stock have the chip coming from Marc...

Pulling the plenum is a "right of passage" for any new ZR-1 owner!;)

Jon at Fuel Injector Connection has the right stainless injectors for the ZR-1, and included in the "kit" are the gaskets and proper O-rings from Jerry's Gaskets (another guy and a purveyor of all things LT5 you'll want to get to know).

Cliff, (aka Dynomite) is the 'family archivist' of technical procedures, and Marc Haibeck (Haibeck Automotive) is the source for a wealth of written materials.

So, of course you can have it done, but replacing the injectors is a simple and also a great way to learn "stuff" about the LT5. If you are the least bit mechanically proficient, pulling the plenum and installing injectors is a "piece o' cake'!;) Just take car of the connectors - especially when reconnecting that big, long one at the rear of the plenum - connected to the Digital Ignition System (DIS) module. lined up properly and it slips right in. Push it in misaligned and bend a pin, and it doesn't slide in easy (and you'll have ignition problems...).

Just sayin...injectors are easy to replace - no need to hire it out. But, if you have another ZR-1 "brother" close by to help (or give moral support?), that would be a good thing.:handshak: