View Full Version : VA Dyno Day

01-17-2007, 09:38 PM
Hey folks, a winter "warm up" to blow out the LT5 pipes. bring out your zr-1 and find out what she will do. cost goes down as number of cars goes up. my buddy robert got a killer deal on the dyno for $600 for the day the shop will stay open to get us in. please come out and let the beast eat. please see the thread below. Ed will also be available to tune but you will need to let him know by tomrrow if you want to get in on that. he's posted in the thread so contat him directly.



N. VA DYNO / TUNE DAY - Open to anyone

Date: JAN 27th
TIME: 8am
Location: Classic Chassis Dyno Tuning.
9065 Jerry's Circle
Manassas VA, 20110
Rt 28 to Libera then turn right on Euclid ave.

http://maps.yahoo.com/index.php#q1=9...VA+20110&env=F (http://maps.yahoo.com/index.php#q1=9...VA+20110&env=F)


www.classicgtmotorsports.com (http://www.classicgtmotorsports.com/)

Costs: $600 for the day and we will divide that up among the participants.

No limit on the # of cars and No limit on the # of pulls.

Tuning... Ed from automotive tech can drive up to provide tuning. He would like to have a minimum of 3 cars...

WKMCD - Dyno
drivesideways46 - Dyno
CSC5 - Mabye - ????
Jerkyboy - Tune
bluewasp - Fine tuning
gmoller - Tune / dyno
Ron - ??????
2Qwik1 - dyno
McLeod - Dyno

01-21-2007, 09:18 AM
any ZR-1 interested in coming out??? if so I'll dyno the LSV. thanks.

01-21-2007, 01:06 PM
sure wish i did`nt live so far away. i like that divide the cost deal. i`d come and probably get dissapointed??:cry:

01-28-2007, 07:41 AM
we had great turnout. weather started at 28 deg but by late afternoon climbed to high 50's and sunny.

mostly c5s, but one really nice yellow vortech supercharged car put down 540 torq to the wheels. this thing runs 10.80s at 134 mph and has over 500 drag strip passes. met some great people and ed showed up for tuning and was helping folks get the most out of their rides.

I dynoed the TT Z06 and it pulled 600 rwhp spinning a bit despite being "double strapped" and on low 12 psi boost

I didn't run the meth or crank the boost as the car ran really lean at 13-1 afr which isn't going to cut it on a turbo car. mid 11s is where it needs to be so it's back to get a tune.

I let the zr1 sleep as we still have salt on the roads and I just got finished polishing the CCWs.

the folks at the show were great to work with and they will offer us a FULL DAY, unlimited pulls for $600

this can't be beat folks. I also can line up some ZR-1 tuners to help burn new chips to optimize the cars.

lets do a spring VA DYNO day. I'm sure there a few folks that would like to. we can "flesh out" the dyno with non ZR-1 to make sure we all pay a low amount.

hope you guys are interested. I know I am!!