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View Full Version : FBI & friends PIZZA NITE 10/28

Paul Workman
10-02-2016, 03:24 PM
It has been a great season: Mountain Run, the NCM gathering, Cruise Nites, Keith Moore's BLACK DOG DISTILLERY gathering, CPCC DRAGRACING, and Marc's BBQ! Good time to have a celebratory PIZZA NITE!

Place: Shoeless Joe's (used to be Home Run Pizza) in Addison.
Date/time: Friday, Oct 28, 6PM+ till?

Come join in on the celibration for pizza n brews and an FBI group photo with the winners and the TEAM TROPHY!=D>:cheers:

Marc Haibeck
10-10-2016, 02:50 AM
I'll be there.

10-10-2016, 08:00 AM
Same here.

10-23-2016, 11:34 AM
I will try to make it too. So far looks good. --Bob

10-23-2016, 12:29 PM
Paul. I suggest calling and getting a reservation for 15~20.. that place gets busy. If we get there and order BEFORE 7pm I think it is 1/2 price pizza

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10-24-2016, 10:47 AM
Paul. I suggest calling and getting a reservation for 15~20.. that place gets busy. If we get there and order BEFORE 7pm I think it is 1/2 price pizza

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (https://siteowners.tapatalk.com/byo/displayAndDownloadByoApp?rid=90383)

And the fact that there is a Cubs game that night may complicate it further...Bob

10-24-2016, 12:45 PM
Paul said we have a reservation for 15 people..

Paul Workman
10-24-2016, 08:43 PM
Looking forward! Kevin is bringing the trophies...yea!

10-25-2016, 09:49 AM
As noted in my email, I will plan to be there around 5:30 as I need to leave around 7 to get home for the rest of the game!--Bob

10-25-2016, 06:11 PM
As noted in my email, I will plan to be there around 5:30 as I need to leave around 7 to get home for the rest of the game!--Bob


You bringing the Z06?

10-26-2016, 11:15 AM

You bringing the Z06?

That's the plan. See you there.--Bob

10-26-2016, 12:20 PM
That's the plan. See you there.--Bob


Paul Workman
10-28-2016, 03:08 AM
Reminder! Tonite's the nite!

I'll be there around 5:30 ish to "hold down" a seat at the bar until we move to our table at about 6:30.

See y'all there!


10-28-2016, 08:50 AM
I will be there after 6 I think

10-28-2016, 08:53 AM

I'll meet you there for a beer.

10-29-2016, 10:58 AM
Thanks Paul--Great get together. Sorry I had to leave a bit early but it was fun to see the guys. And congratulations again on winning the trophy. --Bob

Paul Workman
10-30-2016, 02:20 AM
Yeah, it was fun! Glad you could make it, you and our visotors from Arkansas that dropped a car off with Marc for "the treatment".:dancing

I'll post some pix tomorrow.

BTW, the tipping of the hat goes to Kevin, Bob, and Dom's car (Bob Gillig at the throttle).

Paul Workman
10-30-2016, 02:12 PM
It was a fine end to another successful driving season. Not much driving time left: snow will be upon us soon enough. Time to reflect and celebrate or good fortune, and for being lucky enough to live among so much ZR-1 talent!

It was a small group, but the FBI "core" did show up to celebrate, tip a few, and have a great time! The place was hopping too; the Cubs were playing their 3rd World Series game...but that is another story.

Around the table clockwise (sorta), starting at the far left:

Jeremy (visiting Marc from Arkansas)
Kevin Costello
Al Dashto
Kenny Windish
Marc Haibeck
Rob (also from Arkansas)

Not pictured in the group was Pete - taking a smoke break, and the photographer (me!).

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/FBI/Group%20photo_zpshdcgzgap.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/FBI/Group%20photo_zpshdcgzgap.jpg.html)

Center is Kevin Costello holding the TEAM TROPHY, Pete on the left holding one of two personal trophies also awarded to Kevin and on the right Dom holds the other: fastest speed, and lowest ET. Not bad, considering there were C7 Z06s and some C6 Z06s afoot as well. Bob Gillig was also among the Titans, driving his 427 LT5, but was in Florida at the time.

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/FBI/Heart%20of%20the%202016%20CPCC%20FBI%20team%20win_ zpsmnj1rskn.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/FBI/Heart%20of%20the%202016%20CPCC%20FBI%20team%20win_ zpsmnj1rskn.jpg.html)

Pete didn't run this year, but he's the architect of Kevin's 441, and he certainly deserves credit for building that monster of Kevin's!

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/FBI/Pete%20-%20The%20architect%20of%20Kevin%20Cs%20car%201st%2 0speed%201st%20ET_zpsctdv48zg.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/FBI/Pete%20-%20The%20architect%20of%20Kevin%20Cs%20car%201st%2 0speed%201st%20ET_zpsctdv48zg.jpg.html)

I've mentioned it enough, and here's Kevin's car...

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/FBI/Kevins%20441%20BEAST_zpslrkxbgm0.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/FBI/Kevins%20441%20BEAST_zpslrkxbgm0.jpg.html)

And the happy man himself: Meet Kevin Costello!

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/FBI/Kevin%20Costello_zpsho3x2avp.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/FBI/Kevin%20Costello_zpsho3x2avp.jpg.html)

And, the ZR-1s have held the Chicago area Crown Point Corvette Club trophy so long, WE think it should be like the AMERICA's CUP: Call it the "FBI" cup! What do you think???

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/FBI/2016%20CPCC%20team%20trophy_zps9cnv2rpa.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/user/6PPC_bucket/media/FBI/2016%20CPCC%20team%20trophy_zps9cnv2rpa.jpg.html)

10-30-2016, 03:58 PM
Mr. Polatsidis is the artist behind all the winning motors.

10-31-2016, 11:19 AM
Great job. Great crew , and that pizza sure looks good :cheers:

10-31-2016, 09:46 PM
Excellent. Good work Boyz. :-D