View Full Version : ALDL Data Logging

08-26-2016, 03:30 PM
A little while back I picked up one of the Bluetooth/USB ALDL interfaces from 1320 electronics. I had some issues communicating with my ZR-1 for a while, but a few emails with John Wales, the man behind 1320, I'm up and running.

I logged my commute this morning, and picked out a few portions of it to look a little closer at. Could someone take a look at these and see if there is anything that seems out of whack? I have a 4th gear 100% throttle run from ~40-60mph and a Hot Idle.

I'm not necessarily troubleshooting anything with the car specifically, just interested to know if what I'm looking at are "normal" readings.


08-26-2016, 03:49 PM
I usually look at part throttle data to see what might be 'off'

WOT turns off learn mode.. you want to be in Closed loop and Learn control ON

08-26-2016, 04:13 PM
Thanks, Jeff.

I have a short run-up with a max TP of 30%. Learn Control is Enabled, and the vehicle is in Closed Loop. Is this appropriate, or would something more extended be better?

08-26-2016, 04:19 PM
Okay.. Part throttle for that bit looks to be Lean.. Perfect BLM is 128.. I target 128 +/-2 across RPM/MAP.. some areas are adding fuel..

Stock PROM? Any Mods to car?

08-26-2016, 04:27 PM
As far as I know only mods are Haibeck chip and Flowmaster catback.

Hib Halverson
08-27-2016, 01:47 PM
I'd say that engine is lean. In closed loop it's adding fuel.

If it were me, I'd put a wideband in the exhaust and take some data at WOT, but I'm going to bet the engine is a tad lean at WOT.

Has the fuel filter been changed recently?

Also, looking at the part throttle sheet, you're getting some KR at only 30% TPS, which is a little surprising. On the full throttle sheet you're getting a little KR at WOT, which, if you're using pump gas and considering the ECT, MAT and that the engine might be lean at WOT, doesn't surprise me.

The only caveat here, and it's a big one, is that your data samples are really short. When I do data logging for part throttle calibration purposes, I take data for 15 even 30 min. Obviously, to do that, I have to use datalogging SW which saves to my laptops HD.

Let's see a third gear run to 5000 rpm.

08-27-2016, 07:23 PM
Thanks for your responses. I'm learning a lot here.

Has the fuel filter been changed recently?

It has not.

Let's see a third gear run to 5000 rpm.

Here's three runs in 3G at POT. I've noticed that for these the BLM settles to 130, which seems more in line with the 128 +/- 2 goal. Interested to know what you guys think.

Hib Halverson
08-29-2016, 08:27 PM
What do you mean by "POT"?

Change the fuel filter then make a run at wide open throttle (WOT) between 2000 and 6000 rpm in third gear. Then post the data.

Even better would be to put a wideband in the car. Do you have access to one?

08-29-2016, 08:32 PM
Partially Open Throttle (POT) As opposed to WOT

08-29-2016, 10:44 PM
There's really not enough data to reach any conclusions based on what is in the .xls. It looks like there "may" be a lean condition at the rpm/map areas recorded. When I datalog, I am usually collecting 25-35k frames for each log.
It also depends on the terrain u are driving on, which should vary in order to collect data in as many of the VE cells as possible.
There's no silver bullet in tuning. It takes gas and time to get it right. Most of the time, when u think you have it nailed, something changes, like ambient temps. VE and SA tables are just scratching the surface, the absolute basics.

Billy Mild
08-29-2016, 11:37 PM
Have you tried pulling this data with a Windows 10 machine?

Sent from my Nexus 6 using ZR-1 Net Registry mobile app (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)