View Full Version : Belt Tensioner Question

07-11-2016, 10:21 PM
My belt tensioner seems to be slowly expelling the white Teflon tape wound around the spring. Last year there was 1" hanging out. At the time I wasn't sure what it was so I cut it off. Now there is a 3" long piece hanging out. The opposite end must have come free or torn from its mounting?
I reviewed Dave Hetrick's well documented tensioner rebuild process and didn't see anything mentioned about how the end of the tape is fastened. Any advice?


07-12-2016, 12:30 AM
It is just inserted into the coils. If It worked out you can remove it and start dropping it back in again.

Here are more pictures on my FB if your working off the article they might help also feel free to message me and I can send you my cell number and I will be happy to talk you through any issues


Dave Hetrick

07-12-2016, 08:53 AM
Thanks Dave.
I'll give that a try this weekend.


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07-30-2016, 09:54 PM
Just wanted to close out this post with a few tips to add to Dave Hetrick’s excellent tensioner rebuild instructions:
1. Create space to remove tensioner from engine by loosening the “L” coolant hoses from the coolant outlet pipes and pull the hoses back but not off the outlet pipes. This creates enough room to sneak the tensioner out from the top and doesn’t leak any coolant.
2. I used a Harbor Freight press (we all have one right?) and a large bearing separator to remove the cover by making a pressing tool out of a 12mm bolt with the head ground down to about 0.600” diameter. See pic below. Note I had to use a smaller diameter bolt on the right hand side of the separator to avoid interference with the tensioner arm.
Mission accomplished!

07-30-2016, 10:02 PM
Excellent work Roger. Very well done

Dave Hetrick