View Full Version : How many header bolts are needed?

05-22-2016, 09:56 PM
So..I Had headers made and installed, partly cause I was chasing leaks and partly cause I wanted better performance. I definitely got the increase in performance but I always thought I had some type of exhaust leak as I always smelled exhaust in the cabin if I sat at light or in the driveway. Today I put the car up on ramps today and noticed three header bolts that were backed out at least 3 turns each, and 8 bolts missing from the passenger side. The drivers side had a few more bolts but also had loose ones. I tightened what I could and hopefully can order some new ones to replace the missing ones.
Now I know some of these are hard to get to to, but I am talking about the bolts I can touch or see with the car on ramps in my driveway.
I want as many bolts as possible installed, so do the stock bolts back out from vibration, do I need a high temp locktite? Anyone had similar issues? the bolts are steel and the heads are aluminum so I would think galling and seizing would be a bigger issue than backing out.

05-25-2016, 08:49 AM
From what I recall there are studs in some holes so there won't be bolts in all the holes from the factory. I did get under my car a year after the header install and my stainless bolts were all loose but the locks that keep them from rotating kept them from getting too loose. I retightened them and did check again several months later and they were still tight. I did not use any thread lock. I have some pics somewhere I think I had a header install thread with lots of pics on here.

05-25-2016, 06:54 PM
I hope to wrestle a few more in there over the weekend. One thing for sure the engine needs to be cool. I acquired a soveneir or 2 last time. LOL!