View Full Version : "New" Vette to revive the ZR-1 Legend?

01-02-2007, 07:57 PM
GM renewed the trademark for ZR-1 with USPTO specifically for "Motor land vehicles, namely automobiles" on November 3, 2006. It appears they have one trademark for the name on a car, and another for use on merchandise and accessories.

While it would be pure speculation to suggest GM may use this RPO for the Blue Devil/SS but, it makes you think?

Word Mark ZR-1
Goods and Services IC 012. US 019 021 023 031 035 044. G & S: Motor land vehicles, namely automobiles
Standard Characters Claimed
Design Search Code
Serial Number 77036100
Filing Date November 3, 2006
Current Filing Basis 1B
Original Filing Basis 1B
Owner (APPLICANT) General Motors Corporation CORPORATION DELAWARE 300 Renaissance Center P.O. Box 300 Detroit MICHIGAN 482653000
Attorney of Record Timothy G. Gorbatoff
Type of Mark TRADEMARK
Live/Dead Indicator LIVE

01-05-2007, 10:34 PM
it may reappear on the super vette. who knows. most people say it will be an SS corvette, but the stingray and all kinds of names have been kicked around. one thing for sure, with 650 hp and 3000 lbs it's gonna scoot. just bring 100k and be prepared for "zr1 style" dealer markups like what happened with the rollout of the c6 z06.

one thing for sure, the zr-1 revived the super vette, a world class car, and lit the fire under gm to produce a car that could take on the world and win. it's still "formitable" as I heard it described.

I drove mine today, and formitable came to mind when I punched 3rd gear and let the LSV eat. car pulls like a bear. the cool air didn't hurt much either.

we did some dyno pulls in 50 deg air and the "uncorrected" rwhp was 526

they all showed up today and correction factors are for discussion, it is what it is and the car loves the cool dense air.:thumbsup:

01-05-2007, 10:40 PM
Man, the roads here were wet all day! I'm hoping it'll dry up tomorrow as it's supposed to be a warm one, I'm looking forward to getting the car out for a spin.

flyin ryan
01-06-2007, 01:22 AM
the General is up to something for sure. they need to shake up their sales & what better way than...time will tell.

01-06-2007, 08:48 AM
I know that this maybe an unpopular position on the name for the new "super vette" but I hope that GM doesn't use ZR-1. I know that this is selfish but I'd like that name to remain stopped with our cars and the 70 thru 72 LT-1's.

I can't justify my feeling on the subject because GM "borrowed" the name from the LT-1's option list, so why shouldn't GM "borrow" it back for the new super ZO6/ blue devil. I guess I'm just envious!:o I can't even afford to pay attention at those prices!:sign10:

They should just call the car the ZO7 or the Grand Sport or the SS :mrgreen:

Although, on an entirely self centered thought train.....maybe if they bring ZR-1 back they will make parts for our cars again or let some one else have the license to make them? That would be nice!

btw, nice toys Mr. President!:thumbsup:

01-06-2007, 12:30 PM

Jason 91
01-06-2007, 03:21 PM
This might be a stupid question, but why else renew the trademark for "Motor land vehicles, namely automobiles" unless they were planning on using it again for a vehicle? I wouldn’t think that anyone else would use this trademark for a vehicle so it’s curious to say the least. Regardless, I’d have mixed feelings if they were to use it again.



01-06-2007, 04:48 PM


It recently came to the attention of some enterprising Corvette enthusiasts with a bit of time on their hands that GM has renewed its federal trademark for ZR-1, the option code for Corvettes built from 1990-1995 with the 32-valve DOHC LT-5 engine. A trademark extension was filed on December 5, 2006 and it appears the purpose of the filing was to allow GM the use of the moniker for merchandise and accessories related to the ZR-1 Corvette. However, I did a little more digging at the United States patent and trademark office and found that a renewal for the ZR-1 trademark was made November 3, 2006 for the use of "Motor land vehicles, namely automobiles".

From the USPTO:

Word Mark ZR-1
Goods and Services IC 012. US 019 021 023 031 035 044. G & S: Motor land vehicles, namely automobiles
Standard Characters Claimed
Design Search Code
Serial Number 77036100
Filing Date November 3, 2006
Current Filing Basis 1B
Original Filing Basis 1B
Owner (APPLICANT) General Motors Corporation CORPORATION DELAWARE 300 Renaissance Center P.O. Box 300 Detroit MICHIGAN 482653000
Attorney of Record Timothy G. Gorbatoff
Type of Mark TRADEMARK
Live/Dead Indicator LIVE

Now it would be irresponsible speculation on my part to think that GM would have an interest in using the ZR-1 RPO code for the Blue Devil/SS Corvette. There is a line of thinking that GM wouldn't use the ZR-1 RPO for the Blue Devil/SS because the term is so closely aligned with the 1990's LT-5 Corvette. However, the use of the ZR-1 RPO in the 90's was actually the second time it was used. GM first introduced the ZR-1 package back in 1970 which included the LT-1 engine (350ci 370hp), M22 transmission, heavy-duty power brakes, transistor ignition and aluminum radiator. Fifty-three Corvettes were ordered with the package during its three-year availability.

Use of the ZR-1 name for a new "King of the Hill" Corvette actually makes more sense than some of the other names suggested like the Z07. That RPO was related to a suspension package in both the seventies and nineties, and doesn't really ooze of high performance history that GM appears to be fond of dusting off and reusing in new applications.

United States Patent and Trademark Office

The Blue Devil's New Name - The Z07 Corvette
__________________________________________________ ________

Advance 2008 Corvette Production Info

CorvetteConti.com has posted a bevy of changes coming to the 2008 Corvette and probably the biggest letdown is that the Blue Devil/SS project is going to be released as a 2009 model year instead of 2008. I had heard some rumblings late last year that the supervette model was being pushed back, but of course we won't know for sure until we have confirmation from GM. But now for some good news regarding the 2008 Corvette. Engine:
It appears that the LS3 6.2L V8 engine is a go for the new model year. The LS3 is slated for the coupe and convertible models. Specs for the new engine have yet to be released, so we are still unsure what the horsepower rating will be. Exterior Colors:
This is the last year for LeMans Blue. Rick doesn't think that GM will even carry the color through the end of the model year. Initially we thought that GM would be resurrecting Mulsanne Blue for 2008, however, it looks like they will instead introduce a new blue called Bluestream(RPO 85U). Another exterior color from 2007 will also replaced but we don't yet have confirmation on what that color is or what the new color will be named. We do know that Atomic Orange Metallic will be available for the 2008 Corvette. Interior Colors:
Coupes and Convertibles will have 9 interior choices. It looks like all 7 that are being produced for the 2007 model will carry over to 2008 and there will be 2 new choices called 245 Sienna Custom Leather Wrap and 425 Linen Custom Leather Wrap. The Z06 Corvette will also pick up these interior combinations. Options and Wheels:
Coupes and Convertibles will be getting a fourth options package, 4LT. So for coupes, you can choose 1,2,3 or 4LT and convertibles will offer 2,3 and 4LT. The Z06 is also picking up a new package of 3LZ. Unfortunately, we do not yet know what the packages contain. Wheel choices are the QG6, the Split Spoke standard wheel, QX1, a Split Spoke Wheel in Competition Grey, and the QG7 Forged Polished wheel. No sign yet of the QX3 Chrome wheel option. A different axle will be available on the automatic. GU2 is a 2.73 performance axle for the 6 speed automatic. Lastly, a couple new RPO codes have shown up, but we are unsure what or how they will be used. They are NPP and CCR. Rick Conti always seems to get this information before anyone else and more often than not, his info is right on the money. Please visit CorvetteConti.com and make sure you register to be a member while you are there. Thanks, Rick! Source:
CorvetteConti.com Related:
2007 Corvette Last Year for Le Mans Blue? Technorati Tags:
Corvette | 2008 | Blue Devil

01-06-2007, 04:52 PM
I know that this maybe an unpopular position on the name for the new "super vette" but I hope that GM doesn't use ZR-1. I know that this is selfish but I'd like that name to remain stopped with our cars and the 70 thru 72 LT-1's.

I can't justify my feeling on the subject because GM "borrowed" the name from the LT-1's option list, so why shouldn't GM "borrow" it back for the new super ZO6/ blue devil. I guess I'm just envious!:o I can't even afford to pay attention at those prices!:sign10:

They should just call the car the ZO7 or the Grand Sport or the SS :mrgreen:

Although, on an entirely self centered thought train.....maybe if they bring ZR-1 back they will make parts for our cars again or let some one else have the license to make them? That would be nice!

btw, nice toys Mr. President!:thumbsup:

I couldn't agree more, long live the KOTH....I guess if they named the new super c6 the ZR-1 it wouldn't be the worst thing. God forbid that they tag it to some special edition Cavalier or something.

01-06-2007, 05:33 PM
Mixed feelings on bringing back the ZR-1 name as well. Might boost the interest in our cars!? The roads did dry out here today. Awesome to have the car out on such a fine day.

01-07-2007, 09:16 AM
Mixed feelings on bringing back the ZR-1 name as well. Might boost the interest in our cars!?
Yeah, I think that would be the positive result for our cars. Actually with the values starting to level out, and with them being ~15 years old now, maybe the timing would be perfect for a resurgence.

I don't hope that our cars are the only DOHC 'vette ever because I hope Chevy continues to always do what makes the most sense for the car. But if it happens that that means ours is the only DOHC 'vette ever, well I sure think it's cool. And will keep me wondering "what if..."

Hib Halverson
01-07-2007, 12:24 PM
I just noticed this thread, today...


...and wanted to comment.

I think it's not wise to assume the ZR-1 will "reappear" just because GM renewed the trademarket, though it certainly increases the possibllity a little. Keep in mind that GM Legal is very aggressive in protecting the corp's intellectual property but the only way a trademark can be defended is if it's registered. If GM doesn't renew the registration, after the registration lapses, it can't defend it.

As for the "Corvette SS" coming to market badged as a "ZR-1", I think that highly unlikely. Right now, GM has a lot of marketing equity tied up in the "SS" brand.

My guess is the supercharged, light-weight version of the C6, when it arrives as a 2009 model, will be badged "Corvette SS".

01-07-2007, 11:48 PM
I just noticed this thread, today...


...and wanted to comment.

I think it's not wise to assume the ZR-1 will "reappear" just because GM renewed the trademarket, though it certainly increases the possibllity a little. Keep in mind that GM Legal is very aggressive in protecting the corp's intellectual property but the only way a trademark can be defended is if it's registered. If GM doesn't renew the registration, after the registration lapses, it can't defend it.

As for the "Corvette SS" coming to market badged as a "ZR-1", I think that highly unlikely. Right now, GM has a lot of marketing equity tied up in the "SS" brand.

My guess is the supercharged, light-weight version of the C6, when it arrives as a 2009 model, will be badged "Corvette SS".

I do not think GM will badge a $100,000 car with the same badge as a $20,000 Cobalt. I to doubt that it will be called ZR-1 but with the current Z06 badged like the original lightweight racer, it would not be much of a strech to see GM use the ZR-1 badge for a World beating grand touring offering. After all that is what the original ZR-1 was.

Just my opinion.


Hib Halverson
01-08-2007, 11:09 AM
I do not think GM will badge a $100,000 car with the same badge as a $20,000 Cobalt. I to doubt that it will be called ZR-1 but with the current Z06 badged like the original lightweight racer, it would not be much of a strech to see GM use the ZR-1 badge for a World beating grand touring offering. After all that is what the original ZR-1 was.

Just my opinion.


Well, that's an opinion that others have, too.

All I can say is Tom Wallace, the Corvette Chief Engineer, has already been on-record in public that the name is "Corvette SS". He said that in a discussion he had with Corvette owners at the Utah ALMS race last summer.

Now, it's always possible that GM might change it's mind, but I kinda doubt it as "SS" is intended as a sort of "Chevrolet-wide" brand for performance models.

01-08-2007, 01:00 PM
Awesome to have the car out on such a fine day.

I am SO JEALOUS!! We had almost 30" of snow starting the thursday before x-mas, an additional 12" of snow the thursday before new years, another 13" of snow last thursday and there's another snow storm coming in this coming thursday. Mama Nature is laughing her a$$ off! :rolleyes:

01-18-2007, 12:25 AM