View Full Version : Need Help With a Couple Things - Trans Removal

03-25-2016, 09:23 PM
Working slow but steady on my baptism of Z trans removal.. Ran into a couple things today I need to ask about before I proceed..

Can't get the clutch slave cylinder to come out the hole. It gets to this point in the pic and won't go any further???


AND - how do I get the shifter boot out? I took off the 4 nuts on the top and the plate is loose. Can't get the boot to move?


And does this need to come off? If so - what is it and how do you get it off?


03-25-2016, 11:29 PM
I think there is a boot on the cylinder that might be stuck in the hole but it should pull out of the hole. The top shifter boot might have some sealant holding it in place but once the 4 bolts were removed the boot will lift off the shifter.

03-26-2016, 10:16 AM
The slave should pull out. Force your will on it.
Same with the rubber tunnel boot. Peels off around the tunnel base. Remove the tie raps that secure the transmission boot and peel back the forward end to expose the shift link retaining pin.

03-26-2016, 11:21 AM
Ok thanks! Didn't want to tear something up with brute force if there was a trick to it... :cheers: