Tyler Townsley
12-19-2015, 09:10 AM
I want to put an event on the calendar but it will not go beyond 2014??
2016 NCRS Winter Regional - Lakeland Florida Info
To help inform people planning to attend the 2016 NCRS Winter Regional at the Sun-N-Fun Location in Lakeland Florida, here are copies of info I've posted on the NCRS site. Many of you do not have access to that site so we wanted to post here to help get the word out in plenty of time.
Last year the word didn't get out in adequate time. People went to the wrong entrance, traffic was heavy, and some folks got confused.....apologies for that. All in all it worked out and most had a good time. Tyler Townsley and I met at the Howey NCRS Chapter event a week ago and I've been helping with maps, etc.
The new location has a enormous amount of room, free Corvette Only Parking, and plenty of general parking. This year nearly 20 acres have been added to the facility for our use.
Note that there is a small fee for general(Non-Corvette) parking, required by the Sun N Fun facility to support their own staff which is helping with this event. General Parking area will be separate from the main show areas.
Address is:
Sun N Fun
4175 Medulla Road
Lakeland, Florida 33811
Wednesday January 20 to Saturday 23 , 2016
Note: Wednesday is primarily Vendor Setup day, beginning at 12 noon.
Thursday is Judged car entry day
Friday and Saturday are Judged cars
Saturday is the Corvette Show and Street Rod Show.
The Flyer is attached below.....http://thepandatrap.com/tyler/2016%20Event/38yhNCRS%20(1).pdf
The general map of the facility, show areas, and vendor maps is shown below. Note this may change and will be updated as Tyler finalizes it. Also note that this year will also include, in addition to the traditional NCRS Judging Event Friday and Saturday, a separate Corvette show on Saturday, as well as a Street Rod show also happening with separate Street Rod and aftermarket related vendors in attendance.
Quick Links....
NCRS Coming Events Calendar page....HERE (http://www.ncrs.org/services/coming-events.php)
Lakeland Regional shortcut....HERE (http://www.ncrs.org/services/event-info.php?ev_id=lYraga5WW5en2IwDLNyhPf84ZBvoKSMy2JB UzfI5lKI)
A hotel list is also shown there with other info and Online Registration is within the above link. You must login to register. Remember that this event is FREE Entry, however if you are getting your car Judged, PV or Sportsman Display, or planning to attend Judging Classes or other events related to NCRS Specific Activities you must register as required. Registration also entitles You and Family and Paid Guest(s) to the Welcome Event Thursday evening within the Sun-N-Fun grounds under the Covered Patio Roof. Last year we had a great Presentation by Ken Kaiser about cutaway cars and engines. I'm sure we'll have another good speaker this time too. We also have a very special Corvette Coming and I'll let Tyler Spill the Beans on that later.
The pre-Paid Judged Car Trailer Parking area has moved to a more open and convenient location. Here is the proposed plan of the grounds, but when meeting with Tyler yesterday he may move a few areas within the swap meet field area. I will post updates as I get them.
The "Corvette Only" Parking area now can hold 360 cars and is also in a more convenient location within the facility. Any overload will be taken care of and Tyler is brainstorming that at this time. More info later.
Parking is free for Corvettes for all 4 days in the designated areas. (Non-Corvette) General Spectator Parking will cost $5 and may be in the General Parking field to the side of the facility. Entry for that lot is off Old Medula Rd prior to the entrance to the Sun-N-Fun Main Gate. There will be signs posted for this lot.
Also notice that Handicap Parking is now on the right side of the "Saturday Car Show" and "Corvette Only Parking" area for easier access. Please remember to have your valid Handicap Parking Sign showing when you enter so that the volunteer traffic controllers (ME INCLUDED!!!) will easily send you to the correct place.
This facility is very large and we will do our best to get you in and in the correct areas. We will have a major staff of traffic controllers from our chapter and the Sun-N-Fun staff, and are contemplating local Law Enforcement assistance at the Main Gate intersection on Saturday. Please be careful when entering as last year my feet almost got run over a few times and nearly got totally run over by a irate driver frustrated about getting lost at the Regional Airport Entrance(miles away) and his parking confusion. This year I will be wearing my steel-toed safety shoes but I ask that you do not try to test them for me.
Maps and Info....
This is subject to change but for now this is it.
This is just a quick jpg picture file to see it here in this post without downloading the pdf.....
http://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corv...fc5264f140.jpg (http://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corvetteforum.com-vbulletin/1280x960/80-maprev1_25504bfda69bf8cc7586344c30c6befc5264f140.j pg)
Hotel list is in the above NCRS link but only with phone#'s, no links. I created a version and searched all hotels websites and created the list with website links included. Attached as a pdf file below(Hotels_2016.pdf) so you can see and click on the links once saved to your computer or device.
Again Here are some general maps and driving aids to help you find what you need.
http://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corv...a130cb858b.jpg (http://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corvetteforum.com-vbulletin/1280x800/80-drivingmap1_41f36e5911772ba39d2c2640d769cda130cb85 8b.jpg)
http://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corv...ae1ab79ce1.jpg (http://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corvetteforum.com-vbulletin/1440x900/80-drivingmap2_79132901cd7ae81c58ee2573f9c1fcae1ab79c e1.jpg)
http://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corv...6a4d4997fd.jpg (http://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corvetteforum.com-vbulletin/1440x900/80-drivingmap3_74d1111f546d5e1a98fd6c8c1f76256a4d4997 fd.jpg)
http://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corv...8e6ebeb110.jpg (http://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corvetteforum.com-vbulletin/1440x900/80-drivingmap4_ef43672558b151e49d29a1f6df42318e6ebeb1 10.jpg)
This was last years driving image map for reference. Some item locations may change.
http://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corv...2cb18090d4.jpg (http://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corvetteforum.com-vbulletin/1524x952/80-ncrs_check_in_directionsmod2016_fa47d82aa1af527362 191ce2b948182cb18090d4.jpg)
2016 NCRS Winter Regional - Lakeland Florida Info
To help inform people planning to attend the 2016 NCRS Winter Regional at the Sun-N-Fun Location in Lakeland Florida, here are copies of info I've posted on the NCRS site. Many of you do not have access to that site so we wanted to post here to help get the word out in plenty of time.
Last year the word didn't get out in adequate time. People went to the wrong entrance, traffic was heavy, and some folks got confused.....apologies for that. All in all it worked out and most had a good time. Tyler Townsley and I met at the Howey NCRS Chapter event a week ago and I've been helping with maps, etc.
The new location has a enormous amount of room, free Corvette Only Parking, and plenty of general parking. This year nearly 20 acres have been added to the facility for our use.
Note that there is a small fee for general(Non-Corvette) parking, required by the Sun N Fun facility to support their own staff which is helping with this event. General Parking area will be separate from the main show areas.
Address is:
Sun N Fun
4175 Medulla Road
Lakeland, Florida 33811
Wednesday January 20 to Saturday 23 , 2016
Note: Wednesday is primarily Vendor Setup day, beginning at 12 noon.
Thursday is Judged car entry day
Friday and Saturday are Judged cars
Saturday is the Corvette Show and Street Rod Show.
The Flyer is attached below.....http://thepandatrap.com/tyler/2016%20Event/38yhNCRS%20(1).pdf
The general map of the facility, show areas, and vendor maps is shown below. Note this may change and will be updated as Tyler finalizes it. Also note that this year will also include, in addition to the traditional NCRS Judging Event Friday and Saturday, a separate Corvette show on Saturday, as well as a Street Rod show also happening with separate Street Rod and aftermarket related vendors in attendance.
Quick Links....
NCRS Coming Events Calendar page....HERE (http://www.ncrs.org/services/coming-events.php)
Lakeland Regional shortcut....HERE (http://www.ncrs.org/services/event-info.php?ev_id=lYraga5WW5en2IwDLNyhPf84ZBvoKSMy2JB UzfI5lKI)
A hotel list is also shown there with other info and Online Registration is within the above link. You must login to register. Remember that this event is FREE Entry, however if you are getting your car Judged, PV or Sportsman Display, or planning to attend Judging Classes or other events related to NCRS Specific Activities you must register as required. Registration also entitles You and Family and Paid Guest(s) to the Welcome Event Thursday evening within the Sun-N-Fun grounds under the Covered Patio Roof. Last year we had a great Presentation by Ken Kaiser about cutaway cars and engines. I'm sure we'll have another good speaker this time too. We also have a very special Corvette Coming and I'll let Tyler Spill the Beans on that later.
The pre-Paid Judged Car Trailer Parking area has moved to a more open and convenient location. Here is the proposed plan of the grounds, but when meeting with Tyler yesterday he may move a few areas within the swap meet field area. I will post updates as I get them.
The "Corvette Only" Parking area now can hold 360 cars and is also in a more convenient location within the facility. Any overload will be taken care of and Tyler is brainstorming that at this time. More info later.
Parking is free for Corvettes for all 4 days in the designated areas. (Non-Corvette) General Spectator Parking will cost $5 and may be in the General Parking field to the side of the facility. Entry for that lot is off Old Medula Rd prior to the entrance to the Sun-N-Fun Main Gate. There will be signs posted for this lot.
Also notice that Handicap Parking is now on the right side of the "Saturday Car Show" and "Corvette Only Parking" area for easier access. Please remember to have your valid Handicap Parking Sign showing when you enter so that the volunteer traffic controllers (ME INCLUDED!!!) will easily send you to the correct place.
This facility is very large and we will do our best to get you in and in the correct areas. We will have a major staff of traffic controllers from our chapter and the Sun-N-Fun staff, and are contemplating local Law Enforcement assistance at the Main Gate intersection on Saturday. Please be careful when entering as last year my feet almost got run over a few times and nearly got totally run over by a irate driver frustrated about getting lost at the Regional Airport Entrance(miles away) and his parking confusion. This year I will be wearing my steel-toed safety shoes but I ask that you do not try to test them for me.
Maps and Info....
This is subject to change but for now this is it.
This is just a quick jpg picture file to see it here in this post without downloading the pdf.....
http://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corv...fc5264f140.jpg (http://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corvetteforum.com-vbulletin/1280x960/80-maprev1_25504bfda69bf8cc7586344c30c6befc5264f140.j pg)
Hotel list is in the above NCRS link but only with phone#'s, no links. I created a version and searched all hotels websites and created the list with website links included. Attached as a pdf file below(Hotels_2016.pdf) so you can see and click on the links once saved to your computer or device.
Again Here are some general maps and driving aids to help you find what you need.
http://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corv...a130cb858b.jpg (http://cimg5.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corvetteforum.com-vbulletin/1280x800/80-drivingmap1_41f36e5911772ba39d2c2640d769cda130cb85 8b.jpg)
http://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corv...ae1ab79ce1.jpg (http://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corvetteforum.com-vbulletin/1440x900/80-drivingmap2_79132901cd7ae81c58ee2573f9c1fcae1ab79c e1.jpg)
http://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corv...6a4d4997fd.jpg (http://cimg2.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corvetteforum.com-vbulletin/1440x900/80-drivingmap3_74d1111f546d5e1a98fd6c8c1f76256a4d4997 fd.jpg)
http://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corv...8e6ebeb110.jpg (http://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corvetteforum.com-vbulletin/1440x900/80-drivingmap4_ef43672558b151e49d29a1f6df42318e6ebeb1 10.jpg)
This was last years driving image map for reference. Some item locations may change.
http://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corv...2cb18090d4.jpg (http://cimg9.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.corvetteforum.com-vbulletin/1524x952/80-ncrs_check_in_directionsmod2016_fa47d82aa1af527362 191ce2b948182cb18090d4.jpg)